Diets in Review Question

Will I lose weight without taking the plexus slim accelerator?

Patty asked this question Dec 1st, 2013 7:12 pm

This question is about Plexus Slim

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Yes, I have heard several testimonies of people who lost significant weight on just the slim.

posted on Jan 26th, 2014 1:43 am

plexus 411

Yes Patty you have a few options. Are you asking because you don't want to take pills? Is that your concern. I want to make sure that I understand why you don't want to take the accelerator 1st so I can better answer your question. It is possible to lose weight with slim alone but I am very Honest the results will be slower than if you take the accelerator or boost with it. We also have block available now too. I do have a few other options for you. To speed up the process if you are not wanting the natural caffeine from the pills though.

posted on Dec 17th, 2014 6:21 pm