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Best Granola Bar Brands

2012 Food Awards

Granola bars are a great way to get nutrition on the go or during a strenuous activity to recoup energy. Some include ingredients with a lot of fiber and healthful ingredients, but many of them are nothing more than a glorified candy bar. Picking the right granola bar can make the difference between finishing that next hike victoriously, or just keeping enough stamina to get through the workday. We found the right one for you.

Nutritional Criteria

< 180 calories, < 6g, < 9g sugar, < 140mg sodium, > 3g fiber, and at least 10 percent of the daily value of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, or calcium.


  1. Kellogg's Fiber Plus Antioxidants: These bars gets their fiber from chicory root, the main ingredient. It has all the right nutrition, but it also has a long and complicated ingredients list. The bars do taste good, like the chocolatey peanut butter - not exactly like chocolate, but close.

  2. F-Factor Fudge Brownie Bars: These are the best choice for natural ingredients, as they are made with whole oats. They have a whopping 12 grams of fiber - 50% of the daily recommended amount - and use no genetically engineered ingredients. They also leave a lot to be desired taste-wise - think dried plums dipped in baking cocoa.

  3. Fiber One Chewy: The Strawberry PB & J Bars are great for kids and adults alike. With a traditional granola outside and a burst of strawberry on the inside, they are filling and fun, just like a real pb&j sandwich. These bars met the nutritional guidelines, but just barely, with 7 grams of sugar, 5 grams of fiber, and 110 calories.

  4. Kroger's High Fiber Bars: The Oats & Caramel Chewy Bars are nearly identical to Fiber One bars, but they cost more than a dollar less per box. The generic brand also had more vitamins in their nutrition content than the brand name. These had 9 grams of fiber, but like some of the others, still a good amount of chemicals, preservatives, and artificial coloring, although no high fructose corn syrup was used.

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