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You decided you didn't have any motivation.

5 Resolution Excuses Busted

You have to have that fire in your belly to keep you going, and only you can provide that to yourself. You can't buy it, you can't ask for it, and you can't do this without it. You might see a magazine cover and think you want to look like "her," or know that you'd love to wear a certain dress to your sister's wedding, or even feel a twinge guilt when you can't play with your kids. So is that what it takes for you? The motivation is all around you, you just have to seize it, own it, and run with it.

The Fix: Have a heart to heart with yourself and really understand what your goal is, how you're going to get there, and how you're going to stay focused to get there. Some people hang a current picture of themselves on the bathroom mirror. Some hang their favorite jeans front-and-center in their closet. Some people tweet and blog about their progress to hold themselves accountable. Some people journal. Some even go for a physical and hear the hard-cold truth about their health and physical condition. The ways in which to make what motivates you truly count are innumerable. When you're making time for yourself, make sure this is one of the things you make a priority. Without it, you'll surely fizzle.

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