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7 Weight Loss Plans Fit for Fall

  • DIR Approval Rating: 78%
  • US News Best Commercial Diet Plans: #7

While a standard prescription for bariatric and surgical weight loss patients in preparation for their surgeries, Medifast has become a bit more mainstream for those seeking weight loss. The soft and liquid diet is similar to other meal delivery programs in that you receive most of the food you need in a monthly shipment. The Medifast meals will be consumed five times a day and rounded-out with a "Lean and Green Meal" you prepare for yourself with your own lean protein and vegetables.

The high-protein and low-calorie diet suggests that up to 20 pounds could be lost while eating nothing but their soups, puddings, shakes, oatmeal, and bars. Medifast satisfies a variety of dietary needs, from Kosher to lactose-free, and vegetarian to diabetic.

No fitness guidelines are provided, although some recommendations can be found on the Medifast website. These include finding something you enjoy doing, like swimming, dancing or cycling, and committing to at least 10 minutes each day.

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