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The 17 Day Diet

7 Weight Loss Plans Fit for Fall

  • DIR Approval Rating: 92%
  • US News Best Commercial Diet Plans: n/a

What initially looked like the next big thing in fad diets has actually proven to be a healthful approach to eating and weight loss. The book was written by Dr. Mike Moreno, a family-practice physician, openly admits that the idea isn't anything new, but the way it is presented and organized is, making The 17 Day Diet a more approachable way to eat right and stay active.

You'll follow three cycles, each 17 days, and during each you'll re-learn how to eat healthful, nutritious foods that your body needs for weight loss, strength, and health. The fourth cycle is for maintenance, an important phase that many weight loss plans ignore.

For no more than the cost of the book, you'll have access to the detailed meal plans that guide you through each week of the diet. You'll burn fat, reset your metabolism, rethink the way you view portion sizes and react to hunger signals. For more convenience, the 17 Day Diet Meal Plan is available via Bistro MD. There is some fitness, and it starts with a 17 minute exercise routine each day. Dr. Moreno advises that you progress from there as you grow stronger.

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