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Life at Fitness Ridge

A Day in the Life at Biggest Loser Resort

A day in the life of a guest at Biggest Loser Resort can be summarized in one word - exhausting. It's the best kind of exhausting though. It comes at the end of a very hard day's work that doesn't involve pushing paper but instead pushing yourself and your body to new bounds. You're exhausted at the end of a day that begins at 7 a.m. with a chef-prepared breakfast and ends at 6 p.m. with a chef-prepared dinner. You're exhausted, but you can't wait to take on more.

After spending a week at the Biggest Loser Resort in Ivins, Utah, at the invitation of the resort, I feel fitter, stronger and completely motivated to push my base up a few notches. My fellow guests were nothing short of inspiring, each with their own reasons for being there, and each working tirelessly to reach those goals.

I'm excited to share with you an inside glimpse at what life is like day-in and day-out at Fitness Ridge.

Image via Robert Cedric Bowden

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Interesting that virtually no one in any of these pictures appear to have an actual weight problem. It seems this is more for yuppies who want to work out for a week than an actual weight loss program

posted May 19th, 2011 7:24 pm


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