Home > Slideshows > In-Season Produce Picks for Every Month of the Year

Pick In-Season Produce for Best Quality

In-Season Produce Picks for Every Month of the Year

Everyone knows they should eat more fruits and veggies, but how do you go about doing that without eating the same old-same, same-old day after day? And how do you stock up without breaking the bank? You eat what's in season, that's how!

The key to eating a variety of fresh produce and paying a reasonable price is to switch up your grocery shopping list month after month based on what grows naturally during different times of the year. Not only does this ensure that you have the freshest produce (in-season produce usually comes from the U.S and not halfway around the world!), but it also allows you to broaden your fruit-and-vegetable horizons.

Flip through the next 12 slides for yummy, in-season produce picks for every month of the year!

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