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Side Plank with Arm Extension

Pilates for Runners Workout

Training your obliques is essential to making your running gait the most efficient it can be. Obviously the smaller muscles in any muscle group fatigue faster than the larger ones. In the abdominal region, the smaller muscles are the internal and external obliques, the largest muscle is the rectus abdominis, and the transverse abdominis is your internal stabilizer. Focusing on the smaller obliques allows them to maintain their relative strength and not become dominated by the larger rectus. This creates proper movement in the pelvis, a critical component of efficient gait cycles and running performance. The practical application of Side Plank with Arm Extensions is to eliminate the inefficient and awkward side-to-side rocking of the torso as the body fatigues. At the end of a race, you want all your hard efforts to be propelling you forward toward the finish line, not hindering your progress! Strong obliques help the body maintain tall posture and keep the pelvis properly aligned. This keeps you moving efficiently and gets you cross the finish line in the best way possible- fast and without injury!

  1. Begin sitting on the right hip, facing the side. Lean onto your right hand. Rest the legs on the mat with the left foot slightly in front of the right foot.

  2. Exhale to lift the pelvis off the mat and extend the knees so you are now balanced on your right hand and feet.

  3. Inhale to bring the left hand to your waist.

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