Home > Slideshows > Saturday Morning Drills: Yoga for Holiday Stress Relief

Warrior II Pose

Saturday Morning Drills: Yoga for Holiday Stress Relief

We'll begin simple with Warrior II. Stand on your yoga mat (or floor) with your legs out wide, much wider than shoulder-width apart. You will then line up your left heel behind your right heel and turn your left foot out to 90 degrees. Your hips should be facing the same direction that your left foot is pointing.

Now, take a deep breathe and raise your arms to shoulder-height so they're parallel to the floor with your palms facing down.

Next, exhale while bending the right knee forward over your right heel but not passing the knee. You will need to maintain your balance through your right foot. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to one minute while continuing to breath slowly. Switch sides and repeat.

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