Home > Slideshows > Sexy Summer Abs Circuit Workout

Move 3: Windmill Abs

Sexy Summer Abs Circuit Workout

Stand with your feet together, knees slightly bent, and your left heel lifted off the floor, extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Keeping your back straight, hinge forward at your hips and bow forward until your chest is almost parallel to the floor. Brace your abs in tight and rotate your upper body to the right, so that your right arm is reaching up to the ceiling and your left arm is reaching the floor. Return to center and then rotate to the left. (Form tip: be sure to rotate through your torso, not just twist your arms, to fully engage your core.) Repeat 10 times, alternating sides each time, with your left heel lifted, and then repeat with your right heel lifted. If you want a greater challenge, try lifting your entire foot, not just your heel, off the floor during this move.

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