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Challenge Kick-Off: Benefits of Cooking at Home’s senior editor Brandi Koskie welcomes you to the Cook at Home Challenge with a few reasons why cooking at home has been so beneficial for her family. She’s got three very appealing reasons to get out of the drive-thru and back in to the kitchen!

I’m so excited about this Cook at Home Challenge! I have a love affair with cooking, but just like most people, my schedule doesn’t allow me to do as much of it as I want. But for the next six weeks I’m going to stop making excuses and just make it happen!

When we started cooking more at home and eating out less, I noticed a few things.

1. More money in our pockets!

2. More face time with one another.

3. Better tasting food that was MUCH better for us.

Seriously, I tend to like the food I make at home more than the food we’d order at a restaurant. We can taste the fresh flavors, rather than have them buried under salt and grease.

While I’m not eligible for the awesome prize packages like all of you… I do hope to share some of my love of cooking and my tips for managing a busy life while making time to cook at home as often as possible.

Welcome to the Cook at Home Challenge… and good luck!! I look forward to seeing what all of you are, um, bringing to the table.

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One Response to “Challenge Kick-Off: Benefits of Cooking at Home”

Cook at Home Challenge: How to Submit Your Entry - Cook at Home Challenge
Mar 1st, 2010
6:29 pm

[...] facing or successes you’ve enjoyed. It’s your story, so you decide! Example: Benefits of Cooking at Home by [...]

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