Molly Sims’ 9 Fabulous Ways to Live Like an Everyday Supermodel


Swimsuit model, actress, supermodel…mom, wife, woman…the very real, yet very supermodel Molly Sims has added author to her resume. Her new lifestyle book, The Everyday Supermodel, shares her hard-earned fitness, fashion, and health insights. Before you assume taking wellness and life advice from a supermodel is not your thing, you’ve got to know that Sims’ book is written like she is talking to an old friend. Girlfriend to girlfriend, her advice is realistic, and she writes in a way that is easy to relate.

Here are some of the best pieces of advice from Molly Sims that you can adopt right now to make your own life super!

1. Perseverance can get you anywhere.

Sims introduces her book by assuring readers that she worked hard to get where she is today, initially assuring her audience that she is not just a supermodel.

“There’s an everyday supermodel in each one of us.”

2. Love your body.

This is a message we hear all the time, but it is extra helpful hearing it from a supermodel. Sims discusses how she loved to learn her not stick-thin body, and encourages women to do the same, at all stages of her life.

3. If you look good, you feel good.

Sims’ book is peppered with mottos and motivational quotes. One of the best is:

“If you look good, you feel good–and when you feel good, you look good. So you might as well feel f-ing fabulous!”

4. Train your mind to live healthily.

Sims often discusses the body issues that take place in the modeling business, citing her own experiences as proof. Sims talks about how she used to starve herself as a 21-year-old who was told that she was too fat to model. Once she was past that stage in her life, Sims describes how she had to “retrain her brain” to eat healthy and be fitter, not just skinny.

5. Don’t rely on diets.

Sims recommends using the words “getting healthy” or “making food choices” instead of “on a diet.” Starting to think about your choices as a lifestyle rather than a temporary diet will make you happier and healthier.

6. Eat fiber!

Though Sims goes through plenty of her personal food and fitness tips, one trick she definitely pushes is the almighty fiber. Fiber-rich foods tend to be lower in calories, and they also keep you fuller for longer. Sims’ general goal is 30-40 grams of fiber a day. Act accordingly for your own lifestyle.

7. Dress up your water.

Sims discusses her struggle to drink enough water throughout her life. Supermodel or not, everyone needs to drink a sufficient amount of water to keep up a healthy lifestyle. Per the Institutes of Health, that’s 3 liters/day for men and 2.2 liters/day for women. Sims recommends “dressing it up a little,” to make the water more drinkable. For people who cannot consume enough during the day, try to squeeze lemon, add mint, or drink sparkling water to jazz up your drinking schedule.

8. How to dress.

Sims is clearly a sharp dresser, and it comes from years of being in the modeling business. Dressing yourself is not about being skinny or looking perfect in clothes that do not fit your body. Dress for you, and you will feel beautiful. Sims has a great piece of advice that will help every woman feel better in her skin, and her clothes:

“Style is about knowing how to build a wardrobe for your figure.”

9. Take control of your own life.

The ultimate message that Sims leaves her audience with is to take control of your own life. With diet, fitness, hair, health… take control of everything in your own life. Take care of yourself. And as Sims says:

“You can be a passenger in life or you can get behind the wheel.”

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