Weight Watchers and Medifast Top Consumer Reports Best Diets

Consumer Reports just released their top diets of 2025. They reached out to 9,000 of their subscribers to get honest, real-life feedback about some of the most popular diets on the market. This comes a couple of weeks after we compiled our fifth annual Most Popular Diets of the Year list, featuring 25 brands and products that our readers favored most in 2025. There are some strong similarities and also some big differences between the two lists.

When it comes to commercial diets, Weight Watchers ranks number one on both lists. It seems, according to the Consumer Reports feedback, that users like that there’s no specific food that has to be purchased, it’s just a matter of counting those PointsPlus values. Another diet high on both of our lists is Medifast. Those who replied to the Consumer Reports survey (of 9,000 readers) noted that they lost the most weight with Medifast than with any of the other diets. A few of the big names were ranked lower in the report; for instance, Nutrisystem, which ranked six on our list, and Jenny Craig, which did not rank for us, were not seen as fan favorites in this survey. It seems many are not big fans of the foods in these programs.

There are a few notable differences between our list and that of Consumer Reports. Within our top five of the year diets like The 17 Day Diet and the hCG Diet make an appearance while they aren’t even mentioned in the Consumer Report list. Another top rated plan on our list is The Pink Method. However these differences may simply be due to the way Consumer Reports set up their survey, which only looked at commercial diets and what they called “do-it-yourself diets.” Many of our top diets might not fall into either of those categories and thus the reasoning for the differences in our lists.

However, one aspect is clear when it comes to diet ratings, Weight Watchers is a fan favorite across the board. Their PointsPlus values, online diet tracking, and their support meetings have created a system that so many have come to trust.

These are good things to consider as you take your first steps into 2025 resolutions and goals. When many sources are being considered and a few select diets seem to keep coming up on top, there’s probably a good reason for it. Choose wisely this year.

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image via Consumer Reports

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