Jennifer Aniston Finally Spills on Her Day to Day Workouts

Jennifer Aniston was named the Sexiest Woman Alive in 2025 and she has been known for hitting the red carpet in great shape. She is currently promoting her latest movie Wanderlust with co-star Paul Rudd that will be in theaters February 24th. While promoting the movie, Aniston speaks openly about her current diet and exercise habits.

“I work out almost every day, at least five or six days per week,” she admits. “I do 40 minutes of cardio: spinning, running, the elliptical, or a combination of all three. Then I do Pilates one day a week, and I do yoga in addition to that, three days a week. I try to mix it up.” Being a busy actress, Jennifer also makes sure she’s prepared to get her workouts in when she’s on the road traveling. “I take eight pound weights with me whenever I’m staying at a hotel. It’s always good to do arm exercises when you’re watching television or talking on the phone. I also love to stretch before bed, and usually throw in a couple of sit-ups,” Aniston said.

Along with her rigorous workout schedule, Aniston keeps her eating habits healthy a majority of the time. “Most of the time I eat things like salmon, or other fish, quinoa, lentils and green vegetables. You’re told to avoid fried food, but I don’t always,” she said. “I had Mexican the other night and ate everything you can imagine! I also take Omega Cure liquid fish oil and resveratrol, which is supposed to be good for your heart.”

Aniston’s diet philosophy of eating healthy a majority of the time is one that many people have adopted as the 80/20 rule. This rule requires you to stick with your chosen diet and healthy eating plan 80 percent of the time, while enjoying some less healthy foods 20 percent of the time. Having some treats or indulgences can keep you on track and help avoid bingeing because the program isn’t all or nothing. Being consistent over the long run can lead to some great results. Following a plan similar to Jennifer Aniston’s can lead to a healthy body if you put in the work of exercise and eating healthy a majority of the time, although, it is important to be an individual and work towards having your best body rather than seeking to mimic the body of your favorite celebrity.

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