In the world of weight loss, one of the most complicated things to do is keep the weight off. Many people find that they meet their weight loss goals only to gain the weight back that they’ve lost. While some may ignore the signs that they have regained some of their lost weight, others choose to take action right away.
Kelly Osbourne is one person that has decided to get a handle on her weight gain before it gets out of control. Osbourne lost weight in the spotlight during her 2025 stint on the TV show Dancing With The Stars. She regained a dress size during the awards season and has vowed to get back into the gym to lose those extra five pounds. Now that all of the awards are out of the way, Osbourne is going to have the time to get back to the gym.
Osbourne is happy to have some time to focus on herself after a busy schedule. She covers events for E! channel’s Fashion Police. Osbourne is an admitted girly tomboy and enjoys being able to fit into the kind of clothes she likes. This sets a great example for everyone that may have worked so hard to lose weight. Paying attention to your body and taking action on even the smallest weight gain can make a big difference in keeping the weight off for good.
Via Mail Online
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