Tune in this Monday, April 26 to The Doctors when television personality and model, Brooke Burke shares her post pregnancy body secrets and tips.
Burke is known for winning the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars. She is also currently co-hosting the show, which is in its tenth season. Burke, who just had her fourth baby in 2025, is not only showing off her gorgeous body on The Doctors, but she is also helping you regain your pre-pregnancy body with her real-life tips and strategies.
According to People magazine, Burke swears by a clean-eating plan with no sugar, white flour or refined carbohydrates and instead opts for a five-meal-day eating plan comprised of lean proteins, fruits and veggies. She also does Pilates three times a week and takes four-mile hikes around her home in Los Angeles.
On The Doctors, Burke will also introduce audience members to a slimming garment that she wrapped around her hips and ribs for 40 days following her last two pregnancies. The elastic compression garment, called Tauts, helps to firm up saggy skin and engage core muscles.
Check your local listings for exact show times.