Sex and the City Diets

It’s obvious that the four women who define Sex and the City are fabulous- both in their movie lifestyles and their real-life bodies. We found the ways they maintain those enviable shapes, and it appears, they’re really pretty normal girls. No extreme dieting, no insane workout sessions- just smart choices. See how each of your favorite Sex and the City stars eat and workout before bringing to life Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha. Thankfully, their real life choices are healthier than their movie diet of martinis, cigarettes, olives and sex!

sex and the city

Sarah Jessica Parker, “Carrie”
SJP is probably the most nonchalant about the whole dieting thing. She says she doesn’t have any specific regimen she follows. She sticks to “everyday exercise” and tries to find ways to sneak in exercise. For instance, she rarely takes a cab, choosing to walk instead and she skips elevators to race up by foot. As far as eating- she’s a big food lover and said she always planning her next meal. She has been known to the follow the Zone Diet, which is a healthy balance of protein, carbs and fat.

Kristen Davis, “Charlotte”
She’s not ashamed of her curvy body and chooses to embrace it rather than fight it. Kristen is also known to follow the Zone Diet when she needs to shed a few pounds. She’s also a fan of eastern and Chinese medicine, especially the book Total Renewal, and follows a detox to boost her immune system. She removes wheat, sugar, dairy and alcohol from her diet and sticks to foods like brown rice, eggs, nuts, vegetables and salmon. As for exercise, she likes to walk her dogs, cycling, hiking, yoga and pilates.

Cynthia Nixon, “Miranda”
The red-head of the group is pretty hush about her eating habits. She maintains a healthy diet, as she is a recent breast cancer survivor and current spokeswoman for Susan G. Komen. She’s more apt to share her workout routine- which includes a lot of family time. Together her crew does yoga and gyrotonics, a combination of yoga, ballet, tai chi, swimming and gymnastics.

Kim Cattral, “Samantha”
The older of the Sex and the City women, she also appears to be the most athletic. She says she’s been active her entire life, enjoying sports like skiing, tennis and running. She exercises daily, at least 30 minutes, and if she can’t get to the gym finds ways to get her body moving. When it comes to eating, she likes to follow low-carb diets like the GI Diet and South Beach Diet. The GI Diet relies on the glycemic index, food that easily digest in the body and usually are low in carbs or sugar; South Beach Diet is the low-carb giant.

3 Responses to Sex and the City Diets

MariaB says:

That’s awesome… I believe it about Carrie enjoying her food! Even in the book (link to ebooks version), she’s always nibbling on appetizers at launch parties, etc. I can’t wait to watch the movie 🙂

Anonymous says:

I always wanted to know how they kept those fab figures!!

anonymous says:

Im sorry but Sarah looks far too thin, she wasn’t that thin when she was younger and looked much nicer. They are all far too thin, Kim Catteral not so bad as the others. It is a sin that people aspire to be so thin when for most people this is unhealthy, just as bad as being too fat.

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