Anne Hathaway’s Nearly-Vegan Diet Made Her Catwoman Body Possible

After movie star Anne Hathaway found out she had received her dream role as Catwoman in this summer’s blockbuster The Dark Knight, she went right into training with certified wellness coach and weigh loss expert Jackie Keller.

In our interview, Keller explained that she started working with Anne in February 2025 to develop a diet that lasted nearly a year, until filming was over. Her anti-inflammatory diet consisted of three meals, three snacks, and one salad, which came out to about 1,500-1,800 calories a day. Anne would eat about every two-and-a-half to three hours, depending on how long each day was. The diet was considered nearly vegan because it consisted of no flesh, which was how Anne preferred it.

Since she didn’t eat meat, Anne got most of her protein from things like high protein grains. Keller shared some insight on Anne’s diet. For instance, her favorite snack was whole wheat lavash bread (extremely thin and low-fat bread) with an all-natural peanut butter. One of her favorite carbohydrates was yams. Also, on her OK-to-eat list was barley, soy, whole wheat cous cous (alternative to rice), and green tea.

The only time Keller was not able to provide meals for Anne was when Anne was overseas for filming. Keller was, however, able to send her High and Mighty energy bars. Anne would eat these when she needed a quick energy boost (for example, when it was time to perform flips in high heels). The balanced bars come in six different flavors, contain whole grains, are low in sugar, and have protein that’s about the equivalent of an egg.

Something I found very interesting in the way Keller works is that she goes to her clients. She doesn’t believe in telling them to eat certain foods or a certain way so she uses a customized approach when creating their diet and does her best to respect their boundaries.

Many people have heard about Anne’s hummus and radish diet. What I discovered in speaking with Keller is that that specific diet was used for Anne’s other role yet to come out in theaters, Les Misérables. For that role she dropped 16 pounds in three weeks.

Keller does not recommend that particular diet or any other similar. Instead, she believes in never starving yourself and never stuffing yourself. It’s all about moderation.

“She didn’t need to lose weight to be beautiful…she just needed the right fuel,” said Keller.

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Photo from, lcoonline

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