Kimkins is a fraud

UPDATE: October 29th, 2025, Judge Rick Brown found Kimkins Diet founder Heidi Diaz guilty of fraud and false advertising. does not recommend the Kimkins diet program. Kimkins has completely misrepresented itself and the information it presents to customers, and in doing so, has endangered the lives of many of those people.

Kimkins broke into the diet scene in 2000 selling itself as the one sure thing to end your dieting chaos. She said she had been an obese 300 pounds and like so many others, struggled to find a diet that worked for her. So she created her own solution- a low-carb/low-calorie diet that she says works incredibly fast. Not only would Kimkins help you lose weight quickly (198 pounds in one year in her case), but the plan would set you up for success for life. Kimkins also excitedly promotes that you won’t have to do a single stretch, sprint or sit-up as exercise isn’t necessary to achieve these amazing results.

Unfortunately, none of it is true. Kimkins is being investigated for fraud after many customers became seriously ill. Kimkins is an excruciatingly low-calorie diet and none of the information presented as fact as any medical or scientific support. Kimmer herself does not have a nutritional background and her advice is strictly from what appears to be fake experiences.

Read: kimkins full review

2 Responses to Kimkins is a fraud

[…] in court, a judge has rendered a decision in the class action lawsuit against the controversial Kimkins Diet. On Friday, Judge Rick Brown of the Riverside County Superior Court entered a verdict for the […]

[…] The plaintiff also requests that Ferraro create new commercial spots, correcting their fraudulent claims. […]

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