Nutritionist Joy Bauer Debuts “Joy’s Healthy Bite” on TODAY

America’s favorite nutritionist Joy Bauer, earned a little more air time this week. The star debuted a new segment on the TODAY Show this morning called “Joy’s Healthy Bite,” in which she covers the latest buzz in the health world including food trends, research findings and celebrity diets. 

We tuned in for today’s segment where Joy touted the health benefits of two of her favorite foods: Greek yogurt and avocados.

Joy reported that last week, the American Heart Association presented a study that showed people who regularly eat yogurt even just two to three times per week, are able to significantly reduce their risk for getting high blood pressure.

Not just any yogurt does the trick, Joy warns. Don’t pick yogurts that are high in fat and sugar. Instead look for those that are non- or low-fat, and then add your own sweeteners – about 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey – and a little fruit if you prefer. If you’re partial to buying flavors, Joy recommends checking the label to make sure there’s no more than 20 grams of sugar per serving. 

Another one of Joy’s super foods made news this week: Avocados. Avocado sales have reportedly spiked in 2025. They were up 11 percent in 2025, and more than 30 percent in 2025. Joy speculated that the rise has been a result of people embracing fat more than they used to. “We know that all fat is not evil,” she said, especially the kind in avocado, which is extremely heart healthy.

Joy was also excited to share that health insurance company Humana has teamed up with Wal-Mart to offer 1 million of their wellness members 5 percent off all healthy food items at Wal-Mart.

The mega-store has reportedly tagged healthy products throughout their stores with a ‘healthy food’ badge – namely fresh produce, low-fat dairy and lean meats –  signifying which items Humana members can buy at a discount. This healthy food subsidy of sorts incentivizes people to make healthier food choices. Joy hopes other insurance companies take note of this initiative and offer similar programs to their customers in the future.

Another hot topic Joy hit on was Lady Gaga’s recent weight gain, which some have speculated to be up to 25 pounds.

Because the star burns hundreds of calories during every performance and has recently committed to keeping a closer watch on her diet, Joy speculated that she’ll be back down to her normal weight by Thanksgiving without having to give up her favorite foods like pizza and pasta.

Tune in for more of episodes of “Joy’s Healthy Bite” weekly on the TODAY Show. If you miss a morning segment, be sure to visit TODAY’s website for collection of past shows.

Also Read: 

Joy Bauer’s “What the Heck  Are You Eating?: Coconut Water” [VIDEO]  

Joy Bauer’s Food Cures

Frozen Yogurt vs Ice Cream on Joy Bauer’s “What the Heck are you Eating?” [VIDEO] 

images via phamfatale and splashnews

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