Weight Loss for the Long Haul with The Digest Diet

By Jill Sandberg

What is the saying, cheaters never prosper?

I have to admit, the tail end of week two on the Digest Diet didn’t go very well for me. I had done well all week until Thursday when a friend brought over a loaf of fresh baked bread. I hadn’t had bread in almost two weeks and it was so warm and fresh, I just couldn’t resist. Then the weekend came, which included a dinner party AND a bachelor party. I just couldn’t stick to the diet.

I’m actually not as upset as I thought I’d be. I didn’t lose any more weight, probably from the uptake in sodium from eating/drinking out two nights in a row, but haven’t gained any either. I fit into a pair of pants I couldn’t before, and was actually more than relieved to get back on the diet today.

I have also noticed a couple of things: bad food makes me physically feel bad, and I am really enjoying the Digest Diet. I have tried many diets in the past – from grapefruit to Jenny – and have always gotten bored/starved and quit. With the Digest Diet, there is plenty of variety and I don’t feel like I’m deprived. The biggest part of that has been the Slim Down Shakes. They fill me up while satisfying my sweet tooth.

Most importantly, I lost enough in the beginning to *want* to succeed. I am wanting to stay as close to the diet as I can to see more and more results. I am encouraged and excited. I want to get into the lower sizes of pants, without the muffin spill-over! I’m going to continue on past the 21 day mark until the wedding, but I have a pretty good idea it’s going to go beyond that for me. With the amount of energy I have on this diet (without caffeine), and the way even cheating a little has made me feel (awful), I don’t think I’ll want to go back.

See how Jill got started in 41 Days to Say Yes to the Dress: Blogging it Off with The Digest Diet and follow her entire Digest Diet experience.

You can read all of her updates here each week, and follow Tweets on #DigestDiet. As well, everyone will be posting to the Digest Diet Facebook page.

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