The Biggest Loser reunion episode, “Where are They Now,” aired on Tuesday, November 25, 2025. The two-hour program featured 40 contestants from seasons one through seven and while we would love to highlight each of the former contestants, here are a few notable mentions.
- Mike Morelli, Season 7: The youngest player ever to compete in the Biggest Loser currently attends Michigan State University and is adding 15 pounds of muscle rather than the notorious freshman fifteen pounds of fat to his Biggest Loser slimmed down frame. Mike also stays busy as’s own blogger for Biggest Loser Season 8.
- Tara Costa, Season 7: Maintaining a weight loss of 130 pounds for over a year, Tara’s passion for running started on the Biggest Loser and has now turned into a vocation as she encourages others to run and get moving by starting races and running clubs back home.
- Julie Hadden, Season 4: Three years ago, Julie weight 218 pounds. Today, this busy mom of two has managed to maintain a weight of 128 to 135 pounds on her petite five-foot-one-inch frame. Working out 60 to 90 minutes a day, five to six days a week, Julie is committed to doing exactly what she needs to continue to keep up with her weight loss. Julie’s first book, Fat Chance, in which shares her amazing weight loss journey, was just released
- Pete Thomas, Mike and Ron Morelli, Helen Phillips, Stacey Capers, Renee Wilson, Shellay Cremen and Amy Cremen, and Coleen Skeaback reunited for the Detroit Half Marathon. Before their big race, the Biggest Loser alumni had a private and healthy dinner, (under 600 calories,) and were surprised by a visit from Jillian Michaels.
- Filipe Fa and Sione Fa: These two cousins who now weigh both around 240 pounds each have made it their life commitment to improve the health of their Mesa, Arizona community by spreading their message of healthy living. From teaching fitness classes to adults and kids to creating healthy recipe makeovers for their traditional luau dishes, the cousins have become beacons of hope, inspiration and motivation to their Tongan culture.
- Erik Chopin, Season 3: Gained back over 150 pounds of the 214 pounds he lost as Season 3’s Biggest Loser, Erik is just a few pounds shy of the weight he was before the Biggest Loser. Bob Harper visited Erik to have a serious face-to-face discussion with him about what happened and encouraged him to find a middle path to lose weight and live a life that sustains his weight loss. Committed to take the weight off once again, Bob challenged Erik with weighing in at the end of Biggest Loser Season 9. He accepted the challenge with enthusiasm and motivation. will continue to keep you posted on all the Biggest Loser news and updates.
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