NEW Omega XL Review 2025 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Richard (Senior Reviewer) November 14, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

User Rating:


stars-icon 364 + - 1001
 What is it?

Omega XL is a brand of nutritional supplements that claim to relieve inflammation and joint pain. The Omega XL pills are their only product offering, and they come in only one order size.

The oral soft-gel pills contain DHA, EPA, and a combination of 28 other fatty acids. Omega XL claims that it has over 22 times the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids as regular fish oil, that it is allergen-free for people that are sensitive to fish-based products, and that they have 30 years of clinical research to back up their assertions. Oh, and they have celebrity spokesperson Larry King, who claims on their website and infomercials to be a daily user.

We have selected a group of health, wellness, and nutrition experts and they compiled a list of the best joint health supplements available. Our panel reviewed hundreds of different supplements and have found that Flexitrinol is the most effective product currently available. Click here to see their entire list and to learn more about the benefits of Flexitrinol.

 Omega XL Ingredients and Side Effects

Omega XL does not offer a list of their ingredients or their dosages anywhere on their website, however under the FAQ’s section they do mention that it has three main active ingredients:

Perna Canaliculus PCS0-524 Patented Oil Extract Monounsaturated Olive Oil Vitamin E

Perna Canaliculus PCS0-524 Patented Oil Extract: A non-polar lipid that’s extracted from the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel. Higher in fatty acid content thanfish oil and potentially a more effective anti-inflammatory. At this point research hasfoundno known negative side effects related to Perna Canaliculus extracts.

Monounsaturated Olive Oil: Thought to be a natural anti-inflammatory that can combat joint pain and arthritis. Contains a compound called oleocanthal that has been compared to aspirin and ibuprofen for its pain and inflammation relieving properties. Olive oil has no known negative side effects, though some individuals can have allergic reactions to olive-based products.

Vitamin E: An important vitamin for the body’s ability to fight off free radicals and produce healthy red blood cells. A small amount of Vitamin E is necessary for healthy immune function, however too much can lead to an increased bleeding risk and caninteract negatively with some blood-thinning medications.

Our experts have created a list of the joint health supplements with the highest quality ingredients.

It is difficult to accurately assess the quality of a product without access to a complete list of its components and their dosage levels. Not only is it impossible to tell the ratio of quality ingredients to fillers, but there is also a chance that a consumer could experience an allergic or medicinal reaction to one of the products. Our experts recommend never buying a product without first knowing everything that is inside of it.

Click here for reviews of the top-ranked joint health supplements by our panel of experts.

Omega XL Quality of Ingredients

Both vitamin E and olive oil are used as anti-inflammatory ingredients that are intended to support short term and long term joint health. Green Mussel extract is also included as substitute for more common fish oil which typically costs less per milligram.

Omega XL claims that their product has 22 times the Omega-3 fatty acids as fish oil pills, though this depends on the brand being reviewed. Green Mussel extract in particular is intended to be bioavailable so it can be easier absorbed by the body.

Most of the ingredients are fatty acids which are used to help relieve some of the most common joint pain associated problems. The amount of actual calories and fat is negligible and unlikely to have any sort of dietary effect.

The formula is all-natural which is preferable over stimulant or artificial ingredient heavy supplements.

Find out which joint health companies our experts rated as the most reliable and effective.

The Price and Quality of Omega XL

Omega XL is readily available online, both through their own site and through a number of other retailers. They only offer one size of bottle, though most orders are for two-bottle packages, and their website only offers what they call the Continuity Pack:

  • Initial Price: 2 bottles of 60 soft gel capsules for $49.95 + $9.95 Shipping and Handling
  • Renewal Price: 1 bottle of 60 soft gel capsules for $60.95 + $9.95 Shipping and Handling, billed monthly unless cancelled (cancellation fees apply)

Omega XL’s website states that they have a 90-day, money-back guarantee, however a review of the comments about their customer service show that many customers have had difficulty actually getting their money refunded:

“They keep billing my mom’s credit card, even though I’ve attempted to cancel her subscription many times”

“The customer service reps won’t agree to refund my money, and when I ask to speak with a manager they transfer me to a voicemail that never calls back.”

“I’ve given up trying to get my money back. I guess they win this round.”

Click the link here for a comprehensive list of the top ranked joint health supplements.

Business of Omega XL

Omega XL is a brand that’s owned by Great HealthWorks, a nutritional supplement company that also makes probiotics heart health pills, and other health aids.

Their contact information is:

Phone Number: 1-866-449-9679

Address: Great HealthWorks

4150 SW 28th Way

Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33312

Email: [email protected]

The information about Great HealthWorks found online is not positive. The Better Business Bureau lists 111 complaints against Great HealthWorks lodged within the last three years, with topics ranging from billing mistakes, product ineffectiveness, and inaccuracy regarding their advertising.

In 2025 the National Advertising Division recommended that Great HealthWorks stop making a number of claims in their ads, including that it has no known side effects, that it doesn’t react with medications, and that it contains no known toxins. The NAD did not specify why they felt those claims were inaccurate.

Customer Opinions of Omega XL

An examination of online reviews turns up selected comments like these:

“They make repeated false claims that Omega XL works for arthritis, joint pain, and heart conditions but they have no evidence to back this up.”

“After an unauthorized charge, I was told I would get a refund. When one never came I called back and got transferred to a voice mail. No one ever reached out to me after that.”

“I used Omega XL for the full 90-day trial but it had no effect whatsoever.”

“I was contacted and asked if I wanted a free sample. I agreed but was then billed. I tried to get a refund but was never able to.”

Overall, reviews online were decidedly mixed, with under 50% positive Amazon reviews. Some people claim that it helped them with joint pain and arthritis symptoms, but others were unsatisfied with their results. There were many people online that were upset about their billing, cancellation, and refund experiences.

There were also some reviewers that reported allergy-like symptoms when taking the product. Reports of rashes, headaches, and nausea were not common, however there were multiple accounts from several different online sources of people experiencing these symptoms.

For a comprehensive listing of the top ranked arthritis products, click here.

How Does Omega XL Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Omega XL
  • 69/100
Conclusion – Does Omega XL Work?

To hear their celebrity spokesperson tell you about it, Omega XL is a wonder product that can cure all of his many ailments. In reality, it is a mildly effective joint health supplement that has some quality ingredients but remains a mystery overall. Too little is known about the rest of their formula, and given the large quantity of negative reviews it is not possible for our experts to recommend that our readers take Omega XL. If they are looking for supplements high in fatty acids, there are plenty more available on the market right now from companies that are more transparent and forthright in their dealings.

It is highly encouraged that you never take a supplement that doesn’t list all of its ingredients and the active doses for each. If you don’t it is impossible to ever know that you’re doing what’s best for your body.

According to our trials, Flexitrinol was the joint supplement that performed the best. Flexitrinol uses chondroitin, glucosamine, and a blend of other joint-friendly ingredients to actually help the body build cartilage and synovial fluid. Compare Flexitrinol, Omega XL, and other brands of joint health supplements by clicking here.

70 Responses to NEW Omega XL Review

David Mckoy says:

My mom ordered omega xl and they just kept sending and billing her.Her bank is unable to stop the payments.At the moment we have over ten bottles in the house after giving away the same amount. Sometimes they deliver twice a week.These people are scammers.Don’t know how to unsubscribe. Help!!!!!

verna says:

If you have given them a credit card…..just cancell the credit card that is being billed…..they want your money, and the shipments will stop after the card has been cancelled…then they can no longer bill u ….then get a new card …..

Punky says:

That’s what everyone should do. How do ppl NOT Figure out on their Own to Cancel the card by explaining to who ever they have it with. Then you will just get another card with A new number.
It’s really that simple.
I had to do that’ in the past with another online scammers group.

JEANNE says:

I had to do this with another company too .They are crooks ,,SCAMMERS .OMEGAXL did not work for me .It gave me a terrible amount of gas and diarea .I will immediately call my MASTERCARD COMPANY .

Kinzy Wright says:

Careful, your credit rating go’s to He’ll if you cancel your card. BELIEVE ME. !

Barbara says:

Not really. They DO NOT ship unless they get the money first so there is nothing to report. I have had to supply them with a new card number after losing one. They held my order until they received new card information.

Larry says:

Yeah call the credit card company and tell them that you want to cancel the credit card that been used to purchase omega xl. Ask for another credit card. Say you lost the other one.they will give you a new card with a new credit card when omega xl goes for a payment the old card number was changed and they cant get paid unless you give them the new card number. I know this will work.

Rich Mead says:


Omega XL will most likely legally shift their invoice payment to the new card after one billing cycle denies payment. Check with the bank that issues your credit card before you even place your order with any company that expects a continuing monthly payment.

Steve says:

They cannot “shift” a payment to another credit card, as they have no access to the CC#, expiration dated & CVC code.

CAROL R says:

First of all do a dispute with your bank that you cancelled and they continue to send. You can do it on line logged into ur acct. I have had this happen many times and the bank will issue credit for all of it. Then add a stop payment for any future charges from them. Last go on BBB website and report them. U can always cancel card u used immed but youll still have to dispute with ur bank to get refund

Anonymous says:

Cancel her card they are charging. Or close the account totally and transfer the funds to a new account. The bank should have already done either or both

Anonymous says:

Cancel the card immediately???

JP says:

Quite simple — cancel your credit, explain to your provider what is happening. There is never an issue doing this.
Sounds like you or someone else was arse draggin’ and should have acted within hours of the negative reply from (the skank) customer service dolt.
Good luck in the future…..

Anonymous says:

Close your bank account and open a new one. It sucks but it should work.

Verlinda Bernard says:

Get in touch with the Better Business Bureau.

Maria Rangel says:

That happened toe what i did was change bank accounts, close my old one and reopend a new one at the same bank!

Bruce Bender says:

Cancel her credit card, then they can’t debit the card over & over again. Tell the bank that she wants a new card with new numbers. Bruce

Steve says:

File claim against them with your CC company. If there is no record that your requested add’l product, your CC company will get you a refund.

Anonymous says:

U spent 45 minutes to cancel n they promised to stop the automatic deductions. I needed to return the pills n they charge me for shipping. You have to wait on the phone and they will answer after a long time but it’s worth it.

DEBBIE jankovsky says:

Called to cancel after trying the product for two monthes.. had no perceivable effect on my pain level from arthritis. They kept sending product & billing my credit card after I cancelled. Do NOT get involved with this sham!!!!!!

Pam says:

I would speak to the credit card company about if changing the number will actually stop all automatic monthly charges because the number will n longer be recognized. While I have lost my credit card and the replacement card had a new account number, I have had some companies still able to access my card despite the wrong number-
By the way that is a horrible practice that this company is doing and than all for reporting them.

Joanne panzo says:

Reading these reviews make me not want to order this product
Does this product work ! I am watching it now with Larry king .
Yes or no help please

Shannon says:

I have 6 bottles and have had 18 surgeries yes it worked for me but I am selling mine due to total knee replacement

Dr. Roger Alexander says:

I’m a health care professional and I’m aware that most of these kinds of products are 99% hype, but Omega XL appeared to have some honest research behind it (other than Larry King, who was likely paid for his endorsement), so I tried it for about 6 months. When I first received Omega XL on a trial basis, I did indeed feel that the symptoms in my joints from osteoarthritis improved, so I continued taking the product, knowing as I do that the symptoms of arthritis tend to cycle from flareups to remissions and back, over time. And indeed, my symptoms worsened after a few months, while I was taking the product. My latest move was to discontinue taking Omega XL to see what effect that had on my current symptoms. I noticed absolutely NO change whatsoever. So, for me it is apparent that there is no greater effect or benefit from the use of Omega XL over other similar products on the market, such as Krill Oil. I believe that antioxidants ARE beneficial, but the very high cost per month of Omega XL persuades me to go back to a less-expensive Krill Oil product that appears to work just as well. At least for me.

Irina says:

What about benefits of 100,150 PPM of pure colloidal Gold for prevention arthritis and plus benefits?

Donna Schweitzer says:

My 83 yr old mother just ordered this and I came here for reviews. Wow! What a shocker ! Now my mom has cancelled her credit card and will return her first order for a refund (hopefully)?
It sounds like someone needs to contact Larry King regarding this scam. So sad since 99% of his viewers are elderly and trusting in his words. Thank you to everyone who wrote about your experience. The most my mom is out is $60.
One last bit of advice order your vitamins from Health Research Institute. Pure and they work! No gimmicks. Return for refund if you don’t like them and no scam at all. Honest, this company makes the best vitamins on earth. They never lock you into autoship, ever! I’ve purchased their joint pain supplement Flexitrinol for 2 years now.

Jim says:

I was just charged for a shipment of 120 pills. 3 months ago I thought I had cancelled and had received no shipments. But OMEGA had just delayed my order. So when I got the bank notice this morning there was a charge, of course. I immediately called OMEGA stating I had cancelled my order, and di not want to continue, and that I wanted a refund. (I had taken the product for some time and it did not help me.)

Anyway, the OMEGA person said they could only refund me $30. Their bill to me was for $135. So, I could get a refund for $30 but it would take up to 30 days before the refund could be processed. I mentioned my displeasure but to no avail. I feel like I have been taken advantage of. Not a company I will ever do business with again.

By the way, do not sign up for automatic shipments and ensure you cancel. I asked for an email confirmation of my canceling and was told their system is not set up to do that.

Matt says:

Thank you for the warnings. I Will not be buying this product at all. I’ve been wanting something to help with my pain. I do not take any prescription meds. I look for natural ways. I will not buy this product.

Becky B. says:

DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!!!! I initially ordered just the omega XL for $40.00 plus shipping. They said they would send me another bottle for free plus one bottle of Probiotic and Strong Heart to try for free as an added bonus. They said they would continue to ship one bottle of the omega XL per month and I could cancel at any time and receive a full refund. Thirty days later I receive three separate packages of Omega XL, the Probiotic, and Strong Heart each. I also was charged on my credit card statement $24.90 on one day, $24.90 on another day and $89.85 on another day. Total charges $149.65. I did not open the packages because I was going to refuse the packages so they would automatically be returned to the company since I never ordered the Probiotic and Strong Heart in the first place. I called the company to cancel further shipments of all the products and to ask a break down of the charges. The customer service person hee hawed around, kept asking me to verify my name several times, my home address, my e-mail address and then he started talking circles around the amounts and order. When I finally asked him just to break the price down (after 30 minutes on the phone) he said I was charged $81.09 for two bottles of OmegaXL plus $7.95 for shipping and $19.95 per bottle of the Probiotic and Strong Heart plus $2.95 each for shipping. I said I wanted a full refund back plus shipping for the product I never ordered in the first place. Another 25 minutes went by as I was waiting for him to “process” my request. By this time I had had it and didn’t want any thing more to do with the company. I asked for a refund on everything. He said he could not refund the shipping charges and that it would take up to 30 days for it to show up on my credit card account. (Which is Bulls**t!) I told him I wanted a refund of my shipping charges also since I never ordered the Probiotic or the Heart Strong and only 1 bottle of Omega XL. He said he would have to switch me over to another department. By this time, I had been on the phone for over an hour, The supervisor got on the phone and argued with me about how I agreed to all of this!!! Liar! Liar! She said I would get a refund less shipping in five days. I spent a total of 1 hour and 10 minutes and told her if I didn’t get the refund that I would report the company to the FTC and spread the word about my experience. Shame on Larry King for endorsing such a company!!!! Class action suit anyone?

Russ says:

Thanks for the great reply. I couldn’t have said it better. Shame on Larry King. It was the only reason I stepped up an tried it. 100percent. So shame on u Larry and shame on u company for giving everyone such a hard time. I can see what I’m going to lol forwRd to. Lol

JEANNE says:

Thank you for telling us about OMEGAXL . LARRY KING should be ashamed to be involved in such a scam .Where do we report LARRY KING ??I’m getting on the phone right away asking the visa company to send me another card with a new number .I had to do that with the dating club PLENTY OFISH .

FedUp says:

yassssssss…just hung up with them…they do not want to refund my money!!!

Amber moore says:

My mom died using this medicine she was diagnosis with high kidney level and passed 10 days after she left the hospital

Sharon C. says:

This is an issue I have been trying to get info on. Is this product harmful to the kidneys, or any other internal organs for that matter. I have poor kidney function from Diabetes, so I guess I won’t buy into what many people are saying is a scam anyway.

Teah Randolph says:

I didnt care for this product. Used it for 6 months. I didnt notice much difference.
The taste of the pills gaged me..and they made my urine start smelling very strong like fish. No woman wants that. Didnt have any other side affects.

alfonso nunez says:

I was about to order this product but I beleave more in the comments rather than be sorry,once I saw Dr.polo&Larry King they’re such a liars,just watch their programs! anyway if you try it you’ll see in your billings,good luck!

in/out/repeat says:

Don’t purchase ANYTHING from a TV ad. 99% of the time, it’s a big ‘rip-off!’

Laura Smith Green says:

It sis Scam you call and they want to have your credit card to put you on a membership. They dont let you talk at all because they want you to approve your purchase and buy by their rules of 59.99 per month. Dont call and order anything. worst customer service ever!!!!!

Naim Olachea says:

Omega XL it’s a big laid, shame on Larry King and Dr Polo



Sentayehu says:

They take your money from your account without your authorization. They don’t specify on the receipt weather or not there is a future monthly charge and they will charge you continually without letting you know. When you call they arguing you instead of doing what you want them to do.
My advise to them is to be transparent upfront explaining about the future charges instead of tricking their customers. I cancelled it! Hope they won’t take money from my bank anymore.

Anonymous says:

Cancel your credit card now. They got me good in months that followed. I should’ve known better

Anonymous says:

Or just buy a one time use credit card and put the amount that you want on there for your purchase so you won’t be charge weekly.

Anonymous says:

This is a scam and ripped off company because after multiples calls for cancel they still keep sending this product and charge over and over. I just reported them to Better Business Bureau and FTC. I can not believe Dra Polo made a advertisement on this Crap Company.

Kinzy Wright says:

My credit rating dropped 80 points by removing card from Pay Pal. Watch out, please.

K says:

As for me, I review everything BEFORE I part with money. Too many greedy, robbers out their swanning around on yachts at Your expense. Learn from this.

Pamela Wilson says:

DO NOT ORDER!!!!!!!!!! After 6 months my 85 year old mother tried to cancel and they were rude. She was on the phone for 40 mins. They wanted to send half the order. Skip a month . Just anything to keep her paying. They actually hung up on her when she turned down all their offers. Had to call charge card company and put a block on the card . DO NOT ORDER!!!

Anonymous says:

It’s over priced and does nothing and the costumer service is horrible they answer fast to take an order but leave you on hold to cancel

Anonymous says:

my mother cancel the order and refund the product and still charge her 149.99 i call the company they suppose to refund the money till now she haven get the money back this is a fraudulent company and doctora polo is the one to announcer in tv bola de ratas

Romano says:

Enough negative comments to buy this and any other supplement. They are all crooks and if the headquarters is Florida even worse. I ordered one supplement once from a company that all they had was a warehouse in Jacksonville. They all were called doctors but they could not exercise in the USA because their dgree was from Cuba. Oh well! I was appalled when Amazon was selling their pills at lower price with the note: “open container”. And, the manufacturer was also doing the same practice. YEAK! I paid with America Express and I had my refund under the threat that I would sue AE for allowing a vendor like that. Amazon of course is responsible as well. It is like I will resell underwear and other clothes a dead person was wearing during his/her funeral. Give me a break America. WAKE UP

James says:

Since using this product for three weeks I’ve developed dry mouth and joint pains I never had

JEANNE says:

What a horrible scam on us elderly seniors .The government should not allow this .I’m 77 years old and live on a very low income .



Unsatified says:

Very unsatisfied with this company product didn’t do anything for me. I didn’t. Sign up for other orders I called to make sure they wouldn’t deduct this from my account again they said they wouldn’t and they charged my account the next month. Don’t believe this company they lie I’m waniting on my refund because supposedly they give you a refund if not satisfied Plus my money they took without my permission. I will be talking to my lawyer or take them to court. THEY LIED

John says:

Did you send back the unused product? In VERY small print at the end of their cancellation policy it says you have to return unused portions of the product. I asked the Rep I talked with specifically about sending it back and he told me I did not have to. This was my first inkling that they were liars.

Lisa says:

Sorry you have all had such bad experiences, but thank you for saving others the heartache and hardship by taking the time to review. This girl won’t be buying either!!

Anonymous says:

Man, what a shame to try and get releif,you get scammed. No wonder I don’t trust anything,but God that I can’t see or touch. Thank God I came with some common sense. Can’t say I won’t or have never been scammed, but if you don’t trust anyone,guess this speaks for itself.

Jim chapman says:

Jim chapman…. No no do not cancel your credit card. This is totally not necessary. Here’s what to do in order for these scammers to stop billing your card. Call your card company, report your card lost or stolen. They will immediately cancel your card and issue you another one. It’s that simple. I have done this several times. It stops these devils cold. You are left with no negative effects.

Anonymous says:

I just received two bottles and all because I believed Dr. Ana Maria Polo, but after reading all the reviews I called the credit card co. and requested a new one, therefore the card I used to purchase the product is no longer available. Thanks everyone for the reviews you saved me a lot of future trouble.

Clara says:

I used Onega XL just for 2 month, short period because I talk to my cardiology and he said” STOP IT YOU DONT HAVE TO PAY THAT MUCH” and recommend me KRILL OIL , wich is cheaper and you can get at pharmacies or anywhere. I buy mine in Sam club and very satisfy. My cholesterol and tryglcerides improve a lot!!!! Just few bucks monthly. About OMEGA XL I get a new card.

Brewster says:

I am using WEBBER 900mg triple strenght Omega 3, one capsule daily. Lumbar stenosis and cervical ddd, It works, no more 2000mg of Tylenol daily for the pain. I was also using 500mg of Tumeric but the combo lowered my BP too much. the Omega 3 doesn’t

John Melrose says:

Does anyone know their specific address for returning the product? I am still in the 90 day period and am expecting and will be demanding that they give me a refund like the ad and customer service promised.

John Melrose says:

I just talked to my CC co. (Citi). They gave me a new card number and put a restriction on recurring charges. I did not have to cancel or tell them it was lost or stolen. I also disputed the charges except for the S/H which I agreed to pay. I will never do business with this company ever again. Thanks to everyone here for the heads up. I would have waited for the company to do what the Rep said and would have been very sorry.

Diane McNutt says:

I was glad to see these comments. The first one says it all. You order the Omega XL and they send to “complimentary products.” These are all a two month supply. Two weeks later they send another 2 months supply of all 3 products and charge you for each. They do this every two weeks. You call to cancel and they confirm but they keep sending and billing you for all 3 products. I called to request a supervisor – I was told that can’t happen. They will only return calls – which they don’t. They also lied about sending a refund (they sent half of what they said). Best if you have ordered from them – cancel your credit card!!

Prisciliano Barragan says:


Anna C. Tuccillo says:

I called to cancel this item. They gave me the hardest time. Tells you a lot about this orginzation. When these companies want to hold on to your money, that shows to me its a scam.

Linda says:

I purchased a bottle of Omega Fusion 100 from an offer via phone. BIG MISTAKE! I was out of the pills I was taking to help my memory so the call seemed to come at an appropriate time. I only had to pay $7.95 for shipping for a trial sample! Yeah, right! The so called “trial sample” cost me another $99.95. I called the company and told them not to send me anymore bottles! Another bottle came with a charge over $107.00. I signed “refused” on the package and put “return to sender”! Thinking this would take care of it, the package is returned to me. I call the company again. Oh, then don’t take returns! Yeah! If they were a reputable company, they wouldn’t have to worry about a return! I filed a dispute with my credit card, filed a complaint with the attorney general and called my attorney! It will be interesting to see how this plays out because I have no intention on paying for the product!

Rosemary Olson says:

I purchased or ordered it today to ask my Doctor first if I can take this with my other health issues I should have Looked it up First I called back to cancel since the information I got today is False and was told that customer service is closed so I have to Wait until it is open Monday to Cancel it I just hope I can They automatically signed me up for recurring delivery without my permission also I got 3 separaye emails telling me this. I will hopefully cancel it with no problems

Teresa white says:

I was scammed by this company they say they will refund you if your not satisfied but they wont this an expensive rip off

Earl Magruder says:

All of the dissatisfied scammed persons should form a class action lawsuit. Got to find a lawyer that does nothing but class actions.

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