Avoiding the Holiday Vacation Food Trap

Along with the holidays often comes the joy of traveling. Although holiday travel may be a fun break from routine, it can also cause a major road block on your path towards better eating. To help you avoid the holiday vacation food trap, here are a few simple tips to keep you eating well as you make a trip to spend time with loved ones.

Avoiding the Holiday Vacation Food Trap

Plan Ahead

You probably already have a travel itinerary for where you plan to go, who you plan to visit, and what you plan to do. Why not also think in advance about what and where you are going to eat? Use the Internet to seek out your healthy eating options before you leave or ask the friends and family you are visiting what restaurants offer the most nutritious meals in their area.

Pack Snacks

Whether you are traveling by train, car, plane, or even boat, grab and go foods seem to always be available to curb mid-travel munchies. Instead of relying on what your mode of transportation has to offer, come prepared with your own healthy snacks. Veggie strips, baked chips, granola, fresh fruit, and almonds all make great travel options.

Don’t Go Overboard

It’s easy when traveling to give yourself an “eat everything” pass. After all, it’s vacation, right? Although you should enjoy your holiday, there are many ways to do so without having to adjust your pant size once it is all over. Enjoy your favorite holiday food, but control your portion sizes and the frequency in which you eat them. You may also find it helpful to maintain a consistent eating pattern throughout your trip.  In fact, researchers have shown that those individuals who are most successful with maintaining long-term weight loss often eat a consistent meal plan every day – holiday and weekends included.

Stay Hydrated

With all of the excitement and busyness experienced throughout the holiday season, it’s easy to overlook one of the most important elements of staying healthy. Although not drinking enough water doesn’t necessarily mean you will eat more, becoming dehydrated can lead to serious problems. Even mild dehydration can result in lack of energy, excessive tiredness, muscle weakness, and minor aches and pains. Additionally, it’s easy to confuse the feelings of thirst for hunger.

To avoid dehydration and to ensure that you’re eating for hunger and not thirst, always have a glass or bottle of water with you as you travel. To add a little flavor, consider adding a few fresh berries to the glass or just a dash of your favorite juice. This way you will have a great tasting beverage without adding any additional calories.

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