Diet and Nutrition

HealthyShare App Makes Olympic Athletes Your Personal Trainers

The entire globe is getting Olympic fever. With the games officially kicking off tonight, the excitement is only going to get higher. Whether you’ve had the bug or are just now getting bitten, are you aware you can still train like an Olympian, with the help of Olympians?

Earlier this summer General Electric (GE) and Facebook launched the HealthyShare App. Through this app, users can take fitness challenges from real Olympians, as well as healthy eating challenges or simply “get moving” challenges. The app allows for users to prod their friends to take a challenge and essentially get many moving and on a healthier path all during the buzz of the Olympic Games.

Megan Parker, a GE spokesperson, works on the GE-powered app and reported back about the progress of this program. (more…)

HealthBuzz July 27: Bad Moms on Childhood Obesity, Paula Deen’s Weight Loss, and Olympic Recipes

The Olympic Games begin this weekend! We can’t wait to watch super athletes compete for the gold. But, before you watch some of the Games get a dose of healthy news from DIR and our friends. We also have mouth-watering Olympic-inspired recipes for you to enjoy.

To Train Well, Train Your Brain: The Difference Between Finishing and Failing

The phrase “everything is mental” should be applied to your workouts and training. Athletes not only have the physical capability for sports and competition, but their mental capability is the driving force enabling them to reach their goal.

A “Bad Mom” Speaks Out: Keep Cartoon Characters on the Screen and Off My Kid’s Food

Cute cartoon characters get the attention of kids therefore putting them on food packages is brilliant for food companies. Wrong. These cartoon characters marketed toward children is another factor contributing to the obesity epidemic. We have testimony from a “bad mom” about how and why she keeps food for her child cartoon free.

Kirstie Alley Being Sued Over Claims of Losing Weight with Organic Liaison

The actress is being slapped with a lawsuit for claiming Organic Liaison helped her lose 100 pounds. However, the brand spoke to DietsInReview calling the lawsuit baseless and defending Kirstie’s weight loss. (more…)

Astronaut Menu for NASA Mars Mission in 2030 is Already Being Planned

There are no restaurants or convenience stores between Earth and Mars. This means astronauts will have to pack their food for the history-making trip to Mars in the 2030s. And since a cooler won’t cut it on the spaceship, the meals are already being planned for this epic trip.

Maya Cooper is a senior research scientist at Lockheed Martin and she recently gave an interview to NPR’s Audie Cornish on All Things Considered. She explained how she’s currently planning the Mars mission menu.

We’ve all heard of astronaut food before. It’s morphed quite a bit since the first space mission. It’s no longer specifically dehydrated foods as fresh fruit and veggies are acceptable options along with other more familiar choices, like beef jerky. However, all of the foods are not going to work for the Mars mission as it simply won’t last long enough.

The Mars mission will take over 2 years round trip. Six months to travel from Earth, a year and a half on Mars, and another six months to travel back. Currently the foods used only last about two years and they will expire before the trip is complete. (more…)

USDA Supports Meatless Mondays? Not Anymore

If you’re plugged into the health world at all, or apparently if you work for the USDA, then you’ve likely heard the term ‘Meatless Monday‘ floating around at one point or another. The term, or movement, rather, is an initiative on behalf of the nonprofit organization Monday Campaign Inc., and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, to encourage people to embrace the idea of a meat-free diet on Mondays for health and environmental reasons, among others.

According to the website, “Going meatless once a week, may reduce your risk of chronic preventable conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. It can also help reduce your carbon footprint and save precious resources like fresh water and fossil fuel.”

Initially, the USDA was all in favor of meat-free Mondays and even promoted the idea in a recent interoffice newsletter saying: “One simple way to reduce your environmental impact while dining at our cafeterias is to participate in the Meatless Mondays initiative,” citing the reasons of health and environmental impact as encouragement to join the cause. (more…)

Wholly Guacamole Salsas Are Both Healthy and Irresistible

On the wake of my birthday week, I’m still eating like a queen. Sunday kicked off an all-day meal fest that started with breakfast and ended with an full-on taco bar at our place. The taco theme was my request as I love absolutely adore Mexican food.

The running joke around the office this week has been that, while my taco bar birthday party has come and gone, the leftovers have supplied my lunch all week long. Monday: Taco salad with beef. Tuesday: Taco salad with refried beans. You get the idea. “Tacos for lunch again today! What a surprise!” (more…)

Use Summer Vacation to Teach Children About the USDA MyPlate

By Len Saunders, MA

Children may be away from school and locked into summer mode, but July and August may be a great time to teach them about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle through the USDA’s MyPlate.

As informative as the old MyPyramid used to be, quite honestly, it made nutrition a task to understand for most children. From their point of view, what does a pyramid have to do with food or nutrition? MyPlate does put it into perspective for kids at a level they can understand. They look at the plate, and see the food groups laid out for them in a form of a pie chart, distributing the percentages of the foods needed daily. For children, sometimes simple and basic is more effective to get a message across to prepare them for a healthy future.

Respected author and creator of the Zone Diet, Dr. Barry Sears agrees. “The earlier dietary habits are instilled in children, the longer they last.” (more…)

5 Delicious New Uses for Basil

As a child, I never understood the importance of herbs. They all seemed like weeds to me and I found their flavors to be somewhat, well, gaggy. However, I also hated salad and coffee growing up – two of my now loves – so that doesn’t say much about how mature my palette was at the time.

But now, as a full-fledged 26-year-old adult, I adore herbs; and especially, basil.

While basil and I first tip-toed into our relationship via the world of margherita pizza and classic pasta sauces, we’ve now taken it to the next level. As in, I eat it plain, straight from the earth by the handfuls. Needless to say, things have gotten serious.

And with this matured relationship has come exploring and lots of it. Below are just a few ways you too can branch out and experience more of what this vibrant herb has to offer. (more…)

Males and Teens Consume Most Soda in the U.S.

When I heard the recent news that a Gallup poll found 48 percent of U.S. adults consume at least one soda every day – the average amount being 2.6 glasses – my initial reaction was “Well, at least the other half isn’t drinking a soda a day.”

But Diets In Review’s Registered Dietitian Mary Hartley, RD, took it a step further saying while that’s true, it’s not because of the data from this Gallup poll, which is not a scientific survey. “The way they report soda intake in terms of  ‘glasses a day’ is flaw,” she said. “How big are the glasses?”

Mary says the most worthwhile intake data actually comes from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). This is because NHANES is a continuously running cross-sectional survey designed to monitor the health and nutritional status of the U.S. population. (more…)

Kirstie Alley Being Sued Over Claims of Losing Weight with Organic Liaison

Kirstie Alley drew much attention for her appearance on “Dancing with the Stars” Season 12, during which she shed nearly 100 pounds. But the actress is now being sued for reportedly lying about how she lost the weight.

In 2024, Alley lost nearly 75 pounds with the Jenny Craig program. But shortly thereafter, the actress developed her own diet program called Organic Liaison, which she credits her most recent weight loss to.

Since then, Alley has been openly promoting and endorsing the program saying, “I can assure you that if you follow this program, you’ll get healthier, lose weight, and not be ‘annoyingly’ hungry.”

But California resident Marina Abramyan is calling the star out by filing a class action lawsuit against her saying she did not lose the 100 pounds with Organic Liaison, but instead by dancing on “Dancing with the Stars” and following a clean diet. Abramyan believes Organic Liaison used false advertising to promote the program, including deceptive photos of Alley’s ever-slimming figure.

Abramyan brings the suit after trying Organic Liaison herself and not losing any weight. According to the official lawsuit text, she believes the products “are nothing more than run-of-the-mill fiber and calcium supplements.”

“The claims against Ms. Alley and Organic Liason are patently false,” said the brand in a statement shared with today. “We will vigorously defend ourselves against these frivolous claims.”

According to Courthouse News Service, the official complaint states: “In peddling the Organic Liaison Program, Ms. Alley attributes her weight loss to the program, but in reality, Ms. Alley’s weight loss is due to nothing more than the tried and true concept of diet and exercise. It is commonly known, and indeed a scientific fact, that if you are increasing exercise while decreasing caloric intake, you will lose weight. There is no magic pill or supplement that causes weight loss.”

Organic Liaison is a multi-layer membership and supplement program that supports the weight loss efforts of both men and women. The program is meant to “escort you into the world of organic weight loss,” as Alley describes in the product’s promotional video, and includes its own line of USDA organic supplement products to help you lose and manage your weight. The diet supplements are meant to help cleanse and detox the body while controlling cravings, reducing appetite, and boosting the metabolism.

In light of the weight loss claims, the brand defended in their statement their very public promotion of Kirstie’s weight before she was even tapped to appear on DWTS.

“Ms. Alley began her weight loss on the Organic Liaison program in early 2024. Ms. Alley had lost about 70 pounds prior to her participation as a contestant on DWTS in the Spring of 2024. That loss of weight was documented in Ms. Alley’s numerous appearances during that time frame on talk shows, numerous magazine articles and on QVC. Subsequently, during the nearly 3 month period that Ms. Alley competed on DWTS, she lost approximately another 20 pounds.”

They further argue that “Ms. Alley did not reach the 100 pound weight loss milestone on the Organic Liaison program until months after her participation in DWTS had ended. As such, contrary to Abramyan’s assertion, it was not several hours a day of vigorous dancing related to DWTS that caused her weight loss; it was her studious adherence to the Organic Liaison Weight Loss Program that caused the loss; that Program contains and requires regular exercise for success.” Further, the statement notes that Alley followed Organic Liaison for a 1.5 year time period, which would have attributed to her 100 pound weight loss total, far beyond the brief months she spent on the dancing reality show.

While Alley hasn’t formally responded to the charges, she did post a Twitter update on July 23 saying “Lol…noise noise.. Lots of noise…One sure sign of success is noise…even Heroes have lice.” It seems she isn’t taking the lawsuit too seriously as of yet.

Also Read: 

Kirstey Alley Down 38 Inches Since Her Dancing Debut

A Look Inside Kirstie Alley’s Organic Liaison with CEO Peggy Crawford

Dancing with the Stars Brings Major Changes for Contestants

source: Huffington Post

Katy Perry is Popchips’ New Pop Star Endorser

A pop star signed to be the spokesperson for Popchips! Today’s news that Katy Perry will now be representing the “healthy” chip brand seems like a pretty perfect match. As perfect a match as salt, vinegar, and crispy potatoes.

More and more music stars are branching out from behind the microphone these days and creating personal brands that extend from perfume to clothes, and apparently potato chips. In a press release from the brand they name Perry as not only a new celebrity representative but also an investor. The singer will be working with them as a creative partner.

She isn’t the first famous face to enjoy this tasty snack. Ashton Kutcher is featured in advertisements for the brand; Katy’s face will start donning ads this fall. The campaign will be their first national advertising push, and “will combine Katy’s unique style and personality with our mission to put the fun back in snacking,” said a release at (more…)

A “Bad Mom” Speaks Out: Keep Cartoon Characters on the Screen and Off My Kid’s Food

Did you know I’m a bad mom? Yep, I am. I won’t buy the yogurt tubes that look like light sabers from Star Wars. Oh, I also won’t buy the macaroni boxes that have noodles shaped like Phineas and Ferb. And to top it off, I won’t buy the apple slices with caramel dip that have Mickey Mouse on the package. My son doesn’t even bother to ask because he knows I’ll say no. So, clearly, I’m a bad mom, and I’m OK with that.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the cartoon characters, I’m just against the food most of them are marketing. My child is left to have yogurt that doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup, macaroni and cheese that is made with real cheese and a whole grain pasta, and he knows that caramel is a special treat not a lunchbox staple. Again, if this makes me a bad mom, so be it. I actually hate that I can’t buy the “fun” snacks for my son, but us bad moms have to stick to our principles.

It comes as no surprise that a recent Yale study concluded that cartoon characters on food packages makes children believe the food inside actually tastes better. This study was published in the July issue of the Journal of Pediatrics. The study documented how children were given the choice of graham crackers, gummy fruits, or carrots – once in a plain package and once in a package containing images of Scooby-Doo, Dora, or Shrek. Guess which foods the children said tasted better? Same food, in a cartoon wrapper was the clear winner. (more…)