Diet and Nutrition

The Doctors Decode GMOs and Other Health Concerns

Friday’s episode of The Doctors is a must see. The cast will be explaining the truths behind genetically modified foods (GMOs) and how to tell if you’re purchasing them for your family. The experts will also explain how to decode health mysteries that confuse so many. These hot topics and more will be covered in “Secrets To Decoding What’s In Your Food, On Your Body & More!”

Dr. Travis Stork, along with his team, will be explaining why our bodies may have the reactions they do after eating certain foods. Dr. Stork will alway explain how GMOs may be the cause for many of our baffling symptoms.

Furthermore, the show will dedicate a segment to reading the number codes on products like apples and produce. These codes are the key to consumers knowing what they’re truly purchasing. Those tiny numbers on the apple sticker distinguish between a genetically modified apple and a traditionally grown fruit.


Teen Model Posts Severe Acne Make Up Video, Plus What to Eat for Clear Skin

Think of your biggest insecurity. Now imagine revealing that insecurity to millions of people on the Internet. Sound like fun? We didn’t think so either.

But that’s exactly what 19-year-old model Cassandra Bankson did when she posted a video of herself on YouTube with completely bare skin to show others her severe acne. Bankson then demonstrated how she uses make up to cover up her biggest insecurity: her make-up free skin.


The Procrastinator’s Guide to Weight and Kicking Bad Habits on The Doctors

Today, The Doctors are covering some great topics. From new techniques to ending bad habits, an unexpected side-effect from a heart medicine, and how to lose weight without ever hitting the gym, you’ll walk away with some valuable information.

The cast will be digging deep into the idea of a “gluttony gene” and helping people discover if they have this so-called gene. Also, a medical explanation and reason for binge eating will be discussed. While the docs are on the subject, they will introduce the audience to a man who lost 160 pounds without ever going to the gym. This fantastic weight loss story will also include a “how-to” for those watching at home.

Since the good doctors are always trying to help the viewers look and feel their best, they will be describing an at-home miracle peel that can rejuvenate sun-damaged skin. The cast will discuss safe treatments for the skin as they welcome guest Renee Graziano, the star of the reality show Mob Wives. Together they will discuss her plastic surgery misfortune and how to avoid such mishaps. (more…)

Could Horse Meat Be on Your Dinner Plate in the Near Future?

I have a friend in Oregon who owns a horse named Tabasco and she treats him like a child.

Although it’s odd, I find it endearing. She makes the hour-long trip out to visit him several times a week and even prays for him when he’s sick. So I could imagine that if she found out horses can now be slaughtered for human consumption, she might be a little upset. And more likely, appalled.

There was formerly a 5-year ban on horse slaughtering in the U.S., but that ban was lifted by the government last November. Beyond general feelings of disgust, no one took much notice, until now.

For the first time since 2024, someone is actually hoping to slaughter horses for sale. The slaughterhouse facility to last slaughter a horse was in Illinois, but was closed after animal welfare activists threatened widespread public outcry if it remained open.

The USDA issued a statement at the time of the ban’s lift saying there were no U.S. slaughterhouses that butcher horses for human consumption, but that if one were to open, it would conduct inspections to make sure federal laws were being followed. (more…)

3 Crap Excuses For Not Getting Healthy Destroyed!

By Abra Pappa for

On one’s journey to wellness there is knowing what to do and then there is actually doing it. Between the knowing and the doing is a great divide that is filled up with a variety of elements that prevent the “doing.” Mostly, it is filled with excuses.

I have heard them all, but through the years there are a few that religiously resurface over and over and over again.

#1 I don’t have time

Yes, I know we are all extraordinarily busy. Life is moving at a rapid pace these days and it oftentimes seems nearly impossible to have a minute to breathe, never mind a minute to steam some kale. Seriously, a MINUTE to steam some kale. Listen, we all have issues with time management, but that’s all it is, management. Give yourself the greatest gift ever, drop all that you are doing and invest just 10 minutes in a healthy activity. Drink a glass of water, plan a weekly menu, stand up and do some squats. When faced with a time challenge it is within you to manage it. Healthy does not mean slaving away in the kitchen for hours each day. Fit does not mean spending an hour in the gym every day. Begin with a 10 minute commitment each day and fill it with 10 minutes of nourishment. Gradually you will see that healthy activities actually grant you more time. It’s magical. As you feel better you have more focus and energy to do better. (more…)

Silver Bullet Weight Loss Pill on Dr. Oz

Today on the Dr. Oz Show, a discussion of how the pleasure center in our brain responds to certain foods, and a new ‘silver bullet’ weight loss pill that claims to help fight cravings.

Dr. Oz will discuss what happens in our mind when we’re experiencing a craving, as well as how our brain responds when we’re eating the foods we love, describing it as an ‘orgasmic, fireworks’ experience. The danger of experiencing these mountain-top food moments, explains Dr. Oz, is that they make you feel good and then you want to eat a little more.

That’s where the new weight loss drug comes in, which he’s referring to as the ‘silver bullet.’

With this drug, says Dr. Oz, everything is changed. Instead of fireworks when eating something you love, you get this smoldering sense of enjoyment. The food doesn’t taste bad, it’s just not as exciting, so it eliminates that ‘gotta have it’ craving and helps you eat less. (more…)

New Studies Show Food Deserts Aren’t the Cause of American Obesity

With such an overwhelming problem as obesity in our country, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what the causes are, and more importantly, what the solution is.

Countless speculations have been made as to what we can do to get our nation healthy and away from the dangers of obesity. But nothing has seemed to work thus far as the U.S. has seen no decrease in obesity rates in the last decade despite efforts to combat the problem.

One recent effort that showed the most promise was Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move‘ campaign, which focused on getting Americans more active and eating healthier foods. One prong of the campaign was aimed at ‘food deserts,’ or areas in the U.S. that are mostly void of quality grocery stores, leaving these populations out of the reach of fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods, and thus, more prone to obesity. (more…)

Cameron Diaz’s Career Move to Nutrition Educator Shows Promise

Cameron Diaz has always been known for her amazingly toned physique she credits to her love of outdoor sports like surfing, but it’s not secret that a healthy diet has a huge part to play as well.

Diaz, on the cover of the May issue of InStyle magazine, opened up in an interview about her new career aspiration: becoming a nutrition educator. While the actress plans to continue acting and producing, she wants to share her love of proper nutrition with the world.

“Everyone needs to find a purpose, and I think mine is to help other people,” Diaz said in her InStyle interview. “This project is only in the blueprint stages, but I’m creating a space where I can teach healthy habits that girls can build on. I see women struggling with their bodies because they don’t know how they work on basic levels, starting with nutrition. The more I talk about this with people, the more I realize how much it’s needed. I’m really throwing all of my energy into it.”

Following in the foot steps of other eat-like-me celebs, Diaz may be setting herself up for a hard road ahead if she hopes to gain credibility. Like Gwyneth Paltrow, who’s GOOP newsletter has gained a cult like following as well as many critics, Diaz should prepare for eye rolls and “if I had a trainer and personal chef…” remarks.


The 7-Day Lean Challenge Slowly Transitions You to Vegan Diet

Author Kathy Freston has created the 7-Day Lean Challenge to coincide with the release of her new book titled The Lean: A Revolutionary (and Simple!) 30-Day Plan for Healthy. Although the book involves a full 30 day program, Kathy’s 7-Day Lean Challenge allows you to test the program before fully committing to it. This program is all about making small changes each day and replacing the animal products in your diet with plant based foods.

Kathy’s challenge is targeted at those that want to stop dieting and start losing weight permanently. The 7-Day Lean Challenge is Freston’s way of easing you into change, and will give you healthier options to the food you are already eating. Freston is upfront with the fact that you will be moving into a vegan diet and away from animal products, but everything is done gradually. You get to continue eating the foods you love, just healthier versions of them. One thing that Freston focuses on is that you will still get to eat foods like pizza, burgers, apple cobbler and other foods that you have always loved.


Fast Food in the U.S. Contains More Salt Than in Other Countries

Before you eat that chicken nugget, you might want to think first. Because it may just have sky high salt content, especially if it’s produced in the U.S.

A new study has been released that set out to examine the salt levels for products offered at fast food chains, including Burger King, Domino’s Pizza, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and Subway.

The objective was formed after several fast food companies made commitments to reduce the salt levels in their food, but later cited ‘technical issues’ as the reason they couldn’t follow through with their promise and make any substantial reductions.

The study – conducted by lead author Elizabeth Dunford, the global database manager for the Australian branch of World Action on Salt and Health – compared the salt content of various food items from fast food restaurants in six countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, France, Canada and New Zealand. Results showed that the U.S. reigned supreme when it came to overly-salty foods. Canada ranked not far after, and France and the U.K. came out on top with the lowest overall rankings. (more…)

Google Ranks Health on Page One for its Employees

Even if CNN and Fortune hadn’t repeatedly named Google as one of the best places to work, they would certainly top of a list of most envied places to work. From the outside looking in Googlers have some of the coolest jobs around, and they get to do it at a place called the Googleplex. We thought our office was cool, but come on! Google has segways, hammocks, and free food!

It’s fairly well known that amongst the many, many perks that Googlers enjoy is free food. At the Googleplex and satellite offices, the company keeps its hard working staff well fed. Sometimes too well, with bowls of M&Ms suspended from ceilings and unlimited passes at cafeteria buffets, it’s like a cruise you get paid to attend.

Recently, Google made some changes in an effort to make the environment even healthier for its employees. If they’re gaming for a healthiest places to work award too, they might win. Google recently revealed some of the changes they’re rolling out.

“We’ve used some things in some offices but haven’t implemented them across the board,” Katelin Todhunter-Gerberg told us, a senior public affairs associate for Google. (more…)