Diet and Nutrition

Gluten-Free Foods are Officially Gluten Free; FDA Enforces Labeling Standards

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It seems everywhere you turn these days, there is a new addition to the gluten-free gang. Celebrities, the lady down the street, maybe your own cousin — they’ve all happily hopped onto the gluten-free bandwagon, without or without an actual intolerance. However, there’s a new member of the group that may surprise you.

The latest additions to the list of things that are gluten-free are in fact foods labeled with the term “gluten-free.” Starting this week, the term “gluten-free” is regulated, meaning it is no longer up to the various manufacturers to decide what that label actually means.

5 Reasons Why Most of Us Should Not Go Gluten Free

For those who suffer from celiac disease or other conditions that prevent them from digesting gluten, this comes as welcome news.


Mike Matteson Lost 279 Pounds Without Surgery. “I used Diet, Exercise and a Lot of Blood, Sweat and Tears.”

Mike Matteson admits, “I had every bad habit you can think of that contributed to my weight gain.” At 503 pounds, Mike says he often laid down to eat. Now, this bodybuilder, yes, I said bodybuilder, has lost an amazing 279 pounds. His success was hard won, and his story is one of the most inspirational I’ve read in a long time.

I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t overweight.

Over the years, Mike says he has dealt with “just about every uncomfortable thing that an obese person has to deal with.” From the bullying of classmates, to finding a seat belt that would fit across his midsection, Mike lived in a body that he never felt good about, and admittedly, didn’t take care of.

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Mike revealed that processed/junk and fast food were his diet staples. He never cooked, and says 90% of his meals were served by a waitress or through a drive-up window. Exercise, he admits, was nonexistent. “I was probably the laziest person you could ever meet,” he said.

I would wake up numerous times through the night gasping for breath.

Finally, Mike says the cumbersome weight of his body, the lack of sleep due to worsening apnea, and the warning by his doctor that he was pre-diabetic and would have to be placed on blood pressure medication finally culminated in the realization that he was in serious trouble. “I lived my life in bed,” he explained. “I knew if I didn’t do something that’s exactly where I would die.”

I lost the weight the good old fashioned way, with diet, exercise, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears!

At 503 pounds, Mike knew exercise would be a challenge. He started by walking to the end of his driveway and back again. Eventually, he was able to walk around the block. After one year, even though he hadn’t changed his diet, his increased activity helped him lose 100 pounds.


Announcing the Launch of Our Guest Editor Series with Fitness Personality Dempsey Marks

The Inspiring Fitness Expert and Yoga Instructor Will Share Tips, Workouts, Recipes And Motivational Content Every Week In August

Today we announce the kick off of a brand new guest editor series with brand new, exclusive content through the month of August from rising fitness star and yoga instructor Dempsey Marks, of Each week, Dempsey will deliver her spirited expertise to our readers, sharing her passion for healthy living in a way only she can.

Every Monday, Marks will provide simple, effective, informative ways to incorporate more activity into your life. Be it fun new ideas for the coziest of couch potatoes or a new workout to free you from a boring routine, Dempsey’s got you covered. With her passion for a healthy lifestyle, her healthy addiction to endorphins and her realistic approach to fitness, Dempsey is just what more Americans need in their lives, and is the ideal platform for her to share her message.

“We’re really excited to kick off our guest editor series with Dempsey,” said Brandi Koskie, managing editor for “She has an incredible, inspiring personal story and is a great fit for us.  We know our loyal readers have a lot to gain from her unique blend of personal experience, credentialed expertise and vibrant personality.” (more…)

The Biggest Loser Resort in Utah Cites a “Relationship Breakdown” for Changing Name Back to Fitness Ridge


The original Biggest Loser Resort in Ivins, Utah is moving away from the Biggest Loser brand and going back to its roots as Fitness Ridge, as originally founded in 2002. Co-founder Cameron Kelsch said of the change:

“We have always had a great program but we really just want to focus on the qualities that differentiate Fitness Ridge. We want to change the way people feel about health and wellness and we feel we can do that better by moving way from The Biggest Loser brand. As we look forward to [the] change, our staff remains focused on improving the health and well-being of the world, one person at a time.”

We spoke to Phillip Craven, a spokesman for Fitness Ridge, and asked why they felt the rebranding and move away from The Biggest Loser model was needed. Craven said that, although the company did experience additional exposure and growth as a result of the affiliation, they lost control of what made the destination unique to them and what they’d envisioned it to be. He continued by speaking of the relationship breakdown that happened between Fitness Ridge and The Biggest Loser by saying:

“In that way, there was a relationship breakdown. Our focus has been and always will be helping people eat, exercise and think differently. As The Biggest Loser started to stray from our focus, we saw the need to stay true to ourselves, so a rebranding became inevitable.” (more…)

The De-Stress Diet and 5 Foods for a Better Mood

good mood food

Eat more when you’re stressed? You’re not alone. In fact, all that stress eating can pack on an additional 11 pounds each year! Most of us are quick to turn to sugar and refined carbs the second tension gets high. When we feel overwhelmed, we seek out comforting food, giving it the power to make us feel better…and then worse.

A national survey conducted by NPR, Harvard School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, found that most changes to diet occurs during stressful times. And these changes aren’t always for the best.

The foods we choose under stress, like chocolate or simple carbohydrates such as bagels or white pasta, often take you on a hormonal roller coaster: surging and crashing hormone and blood sugar levels which leaves you more susceptible to new stresses than when you started. It’s a vicious cycle that must be stopped! (more…)

Most Americans Clean Their Plates. Most Americans are Obese. There is a Connection.

The encouragement to eat everything on your dinner (or breakfast or lunch) plate comes in many forms. “Don’t be wasteful.” “Make a happy plate!” “Finish your food or you’ll get no dessert.” Or, my personal least favorite, “There’s starving children in _____ that would love to have that food.”

No matter how you phrase it, most of us are taught from a young age to eat everything that is placed before us.

eating from plate

While wasting food is never a good idea, there are plenty of ways to prevent waste that don’t include stuffing ourselves with every last morsel of food.

However, if you’re part of the clean-your-plate crew, you’re not alone. The average adult eats 92 percent of the food on their plate, Shape Magazine reports, no matter what that food may be.

Eating everything on your plate, healthy or no, could be causing you to overeat without you noticing. In turn, that could cause unwanted weight gain.

The Morning-After Pill for Your Food Baby is Available OTC

Happily, there are some simple steps you can take to “reprogram” yourself out of the need to eat everything placed in front of you. (more…)

Is Kim Kardashian’s Rapid Weight Loss Preparing Her for Another Baby?

By Cat Poland

Oh, Kim Kardashian. That curvy, raven-haired reality TV star we can’t seem to get enough of. Especially the curves. Did we mention those?

While Kim may have been known for her shapely figure before giving birth to baby North last year, her post-baby body has drawn even more attention. After gaining 50 pounds during her pregnancy, she was able to shed the weight in merely six months and strutted her stuff in an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny white bikini on the cover of US Weekly to celebrate.

kim kardashian

6 Booty Lifting Yoga Poses to Get a Kim Kardashian Butt

She then reportedly lost another 20 pounds in advance of her Paris nuptials to Kanye West. With rumors flying of whether or not baby #2 will soon be on the way (and whether or not Kanye’s on board), we’re wondering if her weight loss successes affect her decision to get another bun in the oven as quickly as possible.

While she’s squashed recent binge eating rumors, we don’t exactly know what this famous yo-yo dieter is up to now. But if history repeats itself, we do know some of the ways she’s managed to not only keep, but improve her enviable figure in the past. (more…)

Why is Everyone So Terrified to Eat Bananas? A Dietitian Peels Back the Truth

by Amy Margulies, lead registered dietitian for Retrofit

You’ve probably heard people talking, or read articles online, about why eating bananas is bad for you nutritionally and can impede weight loss. While some people insist that bananas are just fine, others are convinced this is a fruit you should stay away from if you’re trying to lose weight – and many do, just in case the rumors are true. But what’s the real deal with bananas? It’s time to peel open this myth.

What the critics are saying

The controversy started with Dr. Susanna Holt, an Australian researcher who developed the Satiety Index, a way to evaluate how full different foods make you feel. “We found that bananas are much less satisfying than oranges or apples,” Holt stated at the conclusion of the satiety study.

Bananas are generally higher in calories from carbs than most fruits. So for those who are counting calories, this may seem like a poor choice for a snack. People have also observed that bananas cause a “binding” effect, or put more simply, they cause constipation. That’s something you don’t want when you look to the scale for signs of progress. (more…)

The 9 Tastiest Ways to Enjoy an Avocado Every Day

avocado a day

Avocados have become almost as synonymous with summer as berries and watermelon, but at least those seem to have a definitive season. Perennial varieties of avocados, like Haas, mean we get our favorite fruit all year long, and we’re not mad about that!

Yes, avocados are a fruit, and they can be categorized as a super food for all the dense nutritional benefit they hold. They have more potassium than the notorious banana, barely any sodium, make a rich, satisfying source of fiber, a touch of protein, and a host of vitamins and minerals. Some balk at the calories and fat, but those aren’t empty like you’d find in french fries, there’s some real nutritional value in every bite.

Maybe the moniker should change to eating an avocado a day keeps the doctor away!

We do actually try to eat an avocado a day, and to mix it up, we keep these nine recipes in the rotation. What’s your favorite way to eat the “alligator pear”?



avocado pasta


San Francisco 49ers Offer the Most Vegan-Friendly Stadium Food

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Fans of the San Francisco 49ers won’t only have a brand-new stadium to visit, but will also experience a stadium menu unlike any other in sports. You’ll still find the pigskin on the field, but you won’t have to eat it from concessions.

“We are going to be the most vegan-friendly stadium in the entire sports industry,” manager of Centerplate, Zach Hensely, told the San Francisco Chronicle. With a statement like that, you really have to deliver, and that’s exactly what the stadium’s catering company has done.

Unlike some stadiums with an entire stand devoted to vegan or other specialized fare, the new home of the 49ers will have at least one vegan option at every permanent stand.

In total, Levi’s Stadium will offer more than 30 vegan options to football fans, including choices that sound more like a foodie’s dream than stadium food. Though the full vegan menu hasn’t been revealed, here are some of the most talked about options: (more…)

Weight Watchers is the Best Diet Deal at $377 to Lose 5 Pounds

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Want to kickstart your weight loss journey but unsure where to begin? A new study suggests that Weight Watchers diet program and the weight loss drug Qsymia may give you the best bang for your buck.

ABC News aired a story about Duke University comparing the costs and effectiveness of three diet programs and three weight loss prescription medications. Weight Watchers came out on top with the price of $155 per kilogram lost (2.2 pounds).

“If you are about to embark on a major weight loss attempt, there is more than just the number on the scale to consider. You want to make your money matter,” says ABC News’ senior medical contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton.

The average annual cost of Weight Watchers was $377, and users lost an average of 5.3 pounds, according to the study. Our resident nutrition expert, Mary Hartley, RD, comments that as diet plans go, “Weight Watchers is good for providing peer support, basic nutrition education, and flexibility to individualize food selections.” Though she warns that it is still a “diet” with the external focus of translating food into other quantifiable values.

This means people have two different mentalities of what they can eat when they are either “on the diet” or “off the diet,” and Hartley is “never impressed by weight loss that is only to be regained.” (more…)