Diet and Nutrition

Stars Who Love Their Bodies

Superstar singers face loads of pressure when it comes to their image, weight and overall appearance. How much confidence does it take to say publicly that you are “OK” with your size, no matter what it may be? These superstars defend the body they have now and their right to be happy with their image.

Christina Aguilera

Superstar Christina Aguilera admits that she is happy in her own skin and goes on to say that as long as her boyfriend is happy with her body and she is happy with her body, that’s all that matters. The rest is just noise that she blocks out.

UK Singer Adel

One of the most popular artists right now, Adel, says that she doesn’t really care what other people think about her weight or the way she looks. She’s happy the way she is. She also said that she’s seen other people obsess over wanting to be thinner and how it wears them down. She doesn’t want that in her life.


Red Wine’s Health Benefits May Have Resulted from Falsified Research Data

Wine lovers may be in for some bad news. Reports are surfacing that one of the top red wine researchers has falsified some of his findings. In particular, the data that pointed to the health benefits of red wine and its anti-aging properties may be false.

Dr. Dipak K. Das is the director of the cardiovascular research center at the University of Connecticut. An anonymous report dating back to 2024 that Das had falsified his data initiated an investigation that is now coming to light. A 60,000-page report is citing 145 counts of falsified data.

His research includes studies on resveratrol, a compound found in red wine and touted for many benefits. Those benefits have translated to the encouragement of red wine consumption. Studies have suggested that resveratrol may have the ability to stave off the effects of sedentary living, possibly reduce skin cancer risks, lower “bad” cholesterol levels, or even protect the lining of the heart blood vessels. (more…)

Fast Food Chains Removing Pink Slime from their Hamburgers

McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Burger King announced they are officially dropping the use of Pink Slime in their food. Wait?! What? They were using something called Pink Slime?

Yes, not only were these major chains using the slime, but 70 percent of all the burgers in the United States contain the ingredient, too.

Pink Slime is the name given to ammoniated boneless lean beef trimmings. It’s an inexpensive beef filler. However, Pink Slime is unfit for human consumption until it is gassed with ammonia. McDonald’s and the other big chains are discontinuing their use of the slime after celebrity chef Jamie Oliver launched a campaign of criticism about the ingredient. Oliver brought the truth of the slime to the public’s eyes during his ABC television show Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. Oliver explained how the filler is cheaply sold as dog food, but after the ammonia gassing, it can be served to humans. One of the biggest frustrations about the slime is that it is widely used in school lunches.

Simple Changes Can Make an Old Recipe Your New Favorite

Paula Shoyer is the author of The Kosher Baker: 160 dairy-free desserts from traditional to trendy. She is a freelance writer, teaches cooking and baking classes around the country and recently appeared on Food Network’s Sweet Genius. She specializes in baking for people on special diets such as gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free. She can be found at and blogs at and tweets @paulashoyer.

Carrot cake for me used to be like that sweater in your closet that you never wear. Every once in a while, you try it on and then take it off again. Eventually, you give it away. For decades, I sampled every carrot cake that came my way, but after one bite, I put my fork down and ultimately abandoned carrot cake altogether. When I wrote The Kosher Baker, I decided to include a carrot cake, though I had never baked one before. When I researched carrot cake recipes, I quickly learned why I never liked them: people put too much bling into them such as raisins, nuts, pineapple, and coconut to name just a few unnecessary and, in my view, pernicious ingredients.

I decided to create my own simple carrot cake that was dairy and nut free. I even added whole-wheat flour to make it healthier. For The Kosher Baker, I turned my simple carrot cake recipe into a huge layer cake with a dairy-free Cinnamon Honey Cream Cheese Icing. The icing is sinful and the iced cake is lovely for special occasions.

One winter, I taught a healthy-dinner-in-an-hour class and was searching for the right dessert. I chose the carrot cake, but omitted the icing and baked the cake in a bundt pan. During the class we ate it straight out of the oven. When my students left, my four kids ran downstairs and pounced on the carrot cake. My four chocolate lovers asked why I had never made it before. When I told them the origin, they said that this way was tastier because they could taste the carrots better. They also loved eating it warm, which makes it a comforting winter dessert. As Jessica Rabbit said in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, to make Roger feel better “Roger, let’s go home, I’ll bake you a carrot cake.”


Smoothie King’s I am 1 Campaign to Pay it Forward in 2024

Smoothie King is taking extra steps to help people stick to and meet their New Year fitness goals. Their new Am1 campaign has been designed to support customers in their fight to stay fit in the New Year and beyond.

IAm1 will initially be launched through a microsite. At the IAM1 site, users are encouraged to share their Smoothie King weight loss success stories. The company then will “Pay it Forward” and support a guest who has shared their weight loss struggle.

Smoothie King will be giving chances for those struggling to receive one month of personal training, new workout shoes, or retail products. All guests who submit a success or struggle story, along with an image, will receive a free Lean1 smoothie, Smoothie King’s new meal replacement smoothie that helps the body burn fat.

The IAm1 Campaign will also be supported on Facebook. Fans can share their healthy plans for 2024 and get a chance to win a year of free smoothies.

Losing Weight with Diabetes Isn’t a Hopeless Case

Diabetes and Weight lossNo matter how heavy you are, if you have diabetes, losing weight will help you in your fight to control it. Experts say that losing even 10 or 15 pounds can bring about health benefits such as: 

  • Lowered blood sugar
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Less stress on your hips, knees and ankles

But the issue isn’t losing the weight, it’s maintaining the weight loss in order to sustain the health benefits.

One diabetic expert, Richard Kahn, PhD, who was the chief scientific and medical officer of the American Diabetes Association for nearly 25 years, is denouncing some weight loss programs as being ineffective in reducing the incidence of Diabetes and helping the patient to keep the weight from coming back. He outlined his theories in his paper that was published in the January edition of Health Affairs. Kahn stated that even though patients in one study lost 4% to 6% of their body weight, they regained 40% by the time the study ended three years later. He goes on the say that “one of the issues that prevents people from keeping the weight off is cheap, widely available, delicious food that we eat again and again.”

Listening to Kahn, one would conclude that it may be hopeless to even attempt weight loss because, in the end, you will just gain it all back and have to start over.


Beyond Diet is a No-Frills Approach to Weight Loss

Research has shown that online diet programs are a highly effective way to lose weight. Whether it’s the convenience, tools, or accountability and motivation related to an online weight loss community, it works… as long as you are willing to put in the effort.

Beyond Diet is yet another online weight loss program. While there doesn’t seem to be a particularly new or innovative approach with the Beyond diet, what they do have is plenty of helpful features for its users.

For instance, there’s the “Ask a Question” section where you and other members simply type in a question which is answered by a team of certified coaches who will give insightful answers. You can see other people’s questions as well, which is handy. Not to mention other members can chime in with their experience to provide inspiration. (more…)

Ad Campaign Links Soda to Amputations

The city Health Department in New York is catching some heat for their latest ad campaign which targets super-sized soda portions. One of the ads in question features an obese man who had his right leg amputated due to type 2 diabetes. The copy on the ad reads “Portions have grown. So has type 2 diabetes, which can lead to amputations.” There is also a visual of three cups of soda showing how the portion sizes have grown through the years.

There are some major complaints about the ads coming from the American Beverage Association that say these ads paint an inaccurate picture of the dangers of soda. Spokesman for the American Beverage Association Stefan Friedman found the campaign needlessly disturbing. “Instead of utilizing scare tactics, the beverage industry is offering real solutions like smaller portioned containers and new calorie labels,” Friedman said.

Despite the complaints, Health Commissioner Thomas Farley said the ads are needed to warn consumers about the massive portions they are consuming. New York City Mayor Michael Blumberg also defended the ads. “What do you want to do? Do you want to have people lose their legs? Or do you want to show them what happens so they won’t lose their legs? Take your poison. Which do you want?” Bloomberg said.


Cool Chicks Know It’s OK to Eat Egg Yolks

Karen Sherwood for Nutritious America

A 44-year-old, weight-obsessed, female client walked into my office with a punch-drunk look on her face. “My doctor says I have high cholesterol”, she said.

I asked her what she’s been eating the last six months. She quickly pulled a list from her doctor out of her purse, detailing all the things she was to omit from her diet. I took it and read, while she scanned my facial expression for reassurance. On this list I saw butter, cheese, red meats, ice-cream, shell-fish, and egg yolks. Then she told me that a typical breakfast for her was three egg whites, a large glass of no-pulp orange juice, vanilla skim latte, and a low-carb bagel. “I stay away from egg yolks all all cost,” she said. Her lunch was typically a 6-inch Subway sandwich, fat-free chips, and a Diet Coke. She told me that sugary sodas and salty chips were necessary for her to beat her typical afternoon slump (along with two more cups of coffee), but they were all “fat-free” so the doctor said it was fine. Later, dinner was a Chinese-chicken salad and a few glasses of wine.

I see this over and over again. It is the situation of a client who has been given partial information. What I don’t understand is, when did something as natural as an egg become villainized and substituted with baked Goldfish crackers in efforts to control cholesterol levels? Sometimes, in an attempt to be healthy, a client can end up causing more harm than good to his or her body. It’s simply a matter of not knowing the facts.

So Let’s Take a Look at the Egg. (more…)

TLC Diet Best for Lowering Cholesterol

U.S. News & World Report just added diets to its year-end best-of list. The number one spot for this year is held by the DASH diet. While that may be getting much of the publicity, right behind it at number two is another catchy-sounding plan: the TLC diet.

One thing both diets have in common is they were created by divisions of the National Institutes of Health, with the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLC) being created by the NIH’s National Cholesterol Education Program.

Since government health agencies aren’t in the business of creating or endorsing fad diets, you can expect a no-frills approach. And since this one was created by a program related to cholesterol, healthy levels of cholesterol are a central goal.

Endorsed by the American Heart Association, the TLC diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by minimizing fat, particularly the saturated variety found in meat, fried foods and whole-milk dairy. These foods increase your levels of LDL, or bad, cholesterol and your risk for a heart attack or stroke. (more…)

Vitamin D and Depression Linked in a Recent Study

According to a recent study published by a joint venture of the University of Texas Southwest’s Medical Center and the Cooper Institute in Dallas, having low levels of vitamin D can be linked to depression.

What is Depression?

Major depressive disorder (MDD) or depression, as it is widely known, is a mental disorder where extreme feelings of sadness persist for months or even years. People that suffer from depression can’t seem to shake the feelings of sadness, hopelessness and despair that they experience. They also tend to lose interest in the activities that they once enjoyed and withdraw from loved ones and friends.

Study Details

The study followed 12,600 adult men and women over a four year period. Participants were divided into groups based on whether they had a past history of depression or not. Their vitamin D levels were tested in addition to taking into consideration whether or not they were currently exhibiting symptoms of depression. (more…)