Diet and Nutrition

Millennials Support Holistic Wellness More Than Any Other Generation

selfie lavender

Young people are generally healthy, but on the off-chance they’re not, a new survey reports that millennials are much more accepting of natural healing alternatives than any other generation.

Most traditional medical settings recommend sticking to traditional treatments and adding in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). But this report by the Natural Marketing Institute, published in The Fiscal Times, says most people in their 20s and 30s are embracing CAM, which includes everything from massage, meditation, acupuncture, and yoga, to herbal, plant-based supplements and homeopathic medicine.

Roughly 11 percent of millennials used homeopathic medicine in 2024, up from four percent just a few years earlier, according to a 2024 report by the Natural Marketing Institute. To compare, only six percent of baby boomers and seven percent of Generation X use those same natural treatments. (more…)

Something to Stress About: Your Stress Eating Adds 11 Extra Pounds a Year

stress eating

Whether it’s ice cream, fries, or some other comfort food, most of us have that one thing we crave when stress hits. It’s not that we’re eating it all the time, only when we’re feeling frazzled and feel like we “deserve” or “need” it. If we’re eating healthily the rest of the time, what’s the harm in indulging in some stress eating now and then?

The harm, as it turns out, is an average of 11 extra pounds a year. A new study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry shows that stress eating alone can lead to weight gain. Eating just one high-fat meal after experiencing one or more stressful events the day before can slow women’s metabolism enough to add more than ten pounds a year.

“The question we were asking is whether stress affects metabolism, and I was so surprised at the magnitude of the effect,” Dr. Jan Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychiatry and psychology at The Ohio State University and lead author of the study, told Today, adding that she wasn’t expecting to see such dramatic results. (more…)

So Delicious Coconut Ice Cream Lives up to the Name, Surpasses Tastebud Expectations

While So Delicious provided sample product, this review is not sponsored or influenced in anyway and remains the author’s own opinion.

Dairy-free, soy free, gluten-free, vegan….the list of food sensitivities is growing more rapidly than ever. More and more people are becoming aware of what their bodies feel best on. For an ice cream lover like myself, finding out I was sensitive to dairy seemed like a death sentence. But fear not! This does not mean you cannot still enjoy your favorite frozen treats.

I’ve tried many of the ice cream alternatives out there– and let me be the first to say that soy ice cream doesn’t exactly do it for me. I’d even become willing to settle for frozen smoothie popsicles or blended frozen bananas. My favorite is still these Chocolate Banana Popsicles to make at home on a hot summer day.

so delicious vanilla bean

But then I heard about and tried So Delicious coconut ice cream and the tables were turned forever! As someone who doesn’t love coconut-flavored things, I was hesitant. Much to my surprise, the vanilla bean flavor ended up at the top of my list. I tossed on some fresh raspberries from my local u-pick berry farm and could really not tell there was coconut milk involved! Regular dairy ice cream eaters tried this flavor and they thought it tasted like Dairy Queen vanilla. Score!

My other top pop pick from So Delicious were the mini fudge bars, for a few reasons. (more…)

5-Ingredient Fig and Honey Breakfast Quinoa is a Deliciously Strong Start to Your Day

fig honey breakfast quinoa

Few things are as satisfying, or good for you, as a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. It’s a powerhouse breakfast food with satiating fiber and protein. But would you believe there’s a grain that can fuel you longer with more fiber and protein? It’s quinoa.

quinoa bowl
Sound too freaky? I used to think the same thing, until I started experimenting with the neutral-flavored grain that ranks amongst the best super foods. The opportunity to have an even stronger start to my day was all the encouragement I needed to try this grain outside of dinner. (more…)

The 5 High Tech Gadgets Your Summer Adventures Can’t Live Without

Regardless of where in the country you live, Summer is the season we all find ourselves outside more than any other time of year. I put together this list of gadgets that will help you make the most out of your time outdoors, and you’ll find something for everybody.

Jawbone JAMBOX Bluetooth Speaker ($150 $115)

Jawbone JAMBOX Bluetooth Speaker

Whether you’re doing laps in the pool, soaking up the sun at the beach, working in the yard, or taking your yoga to the park, you’ll appreciate being able to blast your tunes from something more than the tiny built-in speakers of your smartphone. The Jawbone JAMBOX consistently gets rave reviews and it’s usually on sale at Amazon. (more…)

Bell Smith Lost 67 Pounds – “I’ll Never Be Skinny But I Can Still Carry Weight and Be Healthy”

Bell Smith is a belly-dancing beauty who embraces her curves because she knows they belong to a healthy body. For a time in her life, Bell let stress and grief take hold and she forgot to focus on her own well-being. Not anymore. After a 67-pound weight loss and mind-shift, Bell has transformed her life and her body.

More from Bell in her own words –

Bell Smith collage

Tell me when your weight struggles began. As a child, I could eat what I wanted and get away with it, but when I lost both my parents in the span of two years and then job stress piled on, so did the weight.  I experienced out-of-control eating, excess carb intake and I really overdid the fast food.

What caused you to realize you needed to change? I saw a family picture of myself in 2024 and thought, “I’m fat.” Since my dad’s side of the family carried a lot of weight and both parents had high blood pressure and diabetes, I knew I had to take charge.

How did you lose the weight? I knew I had gained weight, yet I had been belly dancing since 2001 and my troupe accepted me as I was. I didn’t realize how much weight I’d gained. I started off by walking in the early morning with friends while it was dark so no one could see me, then signed up for a gym membership.


7 Ways to Afford Your Own Staycation Retreat Weekend

It’s summer vacation! Time to celebrate, enjoy the weather, and focus on YOU. Just because you don’t have a tropical getaway booked doesn’t mean you can’t still plan your own amazing day or weekend “staycation” right in your own hometown! A lot of people see self-care as selfish, when truly it is the opposite: selfless. If you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of others? Being at your best helps you bring out the best in those around you.

So take some time to show yourself the love you deserve!

massage outdoors

Weekend retreats and relaxation packages are popping up all over the place now to promote self-care. But if you’re looking to skip the airport security lines and save on a hotel, why not create your own pampering weekend locally? Here are our top seven suggestions for making the most of your “me” time.

1. Truly Take Some PTO.

Personal time off is rarely used as just that: Personal Time Off. No hustle and bustle of traveling, no doctor’s appointments, or commitments to anyone else but yourself. If it is reasonable for you to take a few hours to lengthen your at-home retreat weekend, your soul will truly thank you for it. And your boss may not mind how rejuvenated and energized you will be returning to work on Monday! (more…)

Lou Ferrigno is a Real-Life Superhero Amongst Us: How Childhood Disabilities Shaped His Mr. Universe Persona

Above all else that Lou Ferrigno is known for, he is a real life superhero. Not simply because he played one on the big screen in The Incredible Hulk or The Avengers. Nor because he has held the Guinness World Record for Youngest Mr. Universe for 40 years! But rather because within his own life, Ferrigno has overcome every obstacle thrown his way.

lou ferrigno

Ferrigno suffered a series of ear infections when he was an infant, causing him to lose 75 percent of his hearing. That disadvantage made the star an introverted youngster who, he claims, “wanted to build [his] self-esteem” in order to become a strong, confident man. Fortunately, disabilities do not mean impossibilities for this larger than life personality.

Ferrigno started to weight train at 13 years old, throwing himself head first into athletics, pushing himself to be the superheroes he idolized in comic books and on television. Ferrigno describes how he turned to The Incredible Hulk and Superman for inspiration because he wanted to be just like one of them. When asked who he thinks children can look up to today, he cites himself, noting that he “gave [himself] respect because I wanted to be a hero.” (more…)

6 Juicy Recipe Reasons to Pick Tomatoes This Summer


By Team Best Life

Tomatoes are in season and we can’t think of a more versatile fruit (that’s right—this produce poser is not a vegetable). You can toss them into green or pasta salads, add them to sandwiches or wraps, or simply snack on them raw. And there are so many tasty tomato varieties—whether you choose cherry, go for grape, or prefer plum. They complement just about any other healthy food, including basil, cucumber, summer squash, beans, grains and more!

Need more reason to pick tomatoes? They’re a nutritional powerhouse—they’re a super source of vitamin C and they also contain antioxidants like lycopene, which can help protect against a variety of diseases.

Just keep in mind that tossing tomatoes in the fridge can cause them to lose flavor and texture; instead, store them at room temperature.

Here are a few of our favorite ways to enjoy this tasty summer fruit. (more…)

3 Questions You Must Ask Your Fishmonger, according to Whole Foods

whole foods fishmonger

I went to a killer wine, cheese, and seafood tasting event at my local Whole Foods Market yesterday. It’s not often you get access to an intimate Q&A session with their top specialty pros.

Surprisingly, I am new to the world of seafood as I was clinging to my childhood repulsion of fish for a few too many years. Thankfully though, I have learned better and am paving the road to changing my ways. As a newbie, I feel a bit intimidated approaching the fish counter at any grocery store, especially higher end ones. But the fishmonger at the tasting debunked all of my worries as he walked our group through the best questions to ask.

Now, you can help them help you! Here are the top three questions to ask at the fish counter this summer. (more…)

Our 13 Favorite Chocolate Covered Recipes to Indulge in on National Chocolate Day

Fellow choco-holics, today is our day. Though other days may masquerade as a Chocolate Day of some sort, today, July 7, is in fact Chocolate Day. Whether your preference is dark, milk or something in between, I think we can all appreciate a day dedicated to this delicious, and healthy (when eaten in moderation) treat.

chocolate heart

We don’t need to remind you about the benefits of enjoying a few bites of chocolate, especially dark chocolate which is full of antioxidants. It’s not just the finished product that’s good for you either. Raw cacao, the beans from which chocolate is made, is one of the best kept nutrition secrets.

If you’re looking to satisfy a chocolate craving on this holiday, or really any day, we’ve got the perfect line-up of recipes that will allow you to enjoy the chocolaty goodness without feeling like you’ve completely overindulged.

smores cupcake

S’more Cupcakes with Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting

S’mores are good, cupcakes are good, and both are made even better when combined into one finger-licking delicious treat! Topped with a simple chocolate cream cheese frosting, these cupcakes will definitely satisfy your sweet tooth.

chocolate peppermint donuts

Double Chocolate Peppermint Donuts (more…)