Diet and Nutrition

National Spinach Lover’s Month Perfect Time to Give Spinach a Chance

October is National Spinach Lover’s Month!

Spinach is a much maligned vegetable, due in part to its strong flavor. It’s unfortunate that many people avoid spinach, for it truly is a superfood and is one of the best vegetables you can add to your diet.  It has a high nutrition content, is rich in antioxidants and is an excellent source of iron, Vitamin C, niacin, Vitamin B and calcium. (more…)

Your Yogurt Might Not Be as Healthy as You Think

Yogurt can be one of the healthiest food choices you can make in your diet. Packed with high quality protein, tons of calcium and full of  healthy digestive bacterias, a cup of yogurt can be part of a wonderful breakfast or be the perfect grab-and-go snack.

Be aware, though, not all yogurts are created equally, and many yogurts are so bad for you that they should be classified as a junk food. When faced with a sea of choices in the refrigerated aisle, how can you be certain that you are making the best choice? (more…)

Food Addictions on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Thursday, October 21 to the Rachael Ray Show to learn all about food addictions with Freaky Eater’s Dr. Mike Dow.

Imagine eating nothing but burgers for nearly 30 years. Freaky Eater’s Dr. Mike Dow takes you inside the scary world of food addictions and tells you how to stop them before it’s too late. (more…)

The Truth About Fake Foods on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Wednesday, October 20 to The Dr. Oz Show when America’s favorite doctor gives you the truth about the danger and safety on fake foods.

From artificial sweeteners like Splenda and aspartame and from fake butter to non-stick cooking spray, Dr. Oz will tell you which artificial additives and foods raise your risk for weight gain, diabetes and even cancer. (more…)

Chipotle to Raise $1 Million for Food Revolution With Healthy Halloween Contest

UPDATE [11/2/10]: Scroll to the bottom of the post to see some of the scary processed foods that turned up at Chipotle on Halloween!

Maybe I am out of the loop, but I did not realize that Chipotle Mexican Grill serves only freshly prepared and unprocessed food. Not only that, but they are turning their annual “Boo-rito” Halloween event into a fundraiser for Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution with a goal to raise $1,000,000!

In years past, those who came to a Chipotle Mexican Grill dressed as a burrito, taco, or taco salad would be treated with a free burrito. In honor of the Food Revolution, they are changing the deal just a little. The challenge this year is to dress as a “horrifying processed food product” and boo-ritos, bowls, salads, and tacos are just $2 to raise funds for the Food Revolution. There is also a costume contest with prizes up to $2,500! (more…)

Healthy Toppers Keep Oatmeal Boredom at Bay

Sometimes oatmeal gets a bad rap for being dull, boring and — let’s face it — tasteless. What you top your oatmeal with can make all the difference in the world and turn it from cardboard into a gourmet breakfast worth bragging about to your gym buddies.

Here are 7 ideas to turn your ordinary oatmeal to extraordinary!


Nutrisystem Prepares You to Eat Right on Your Own

For 16 weeks, Lori Jackson, a mom of three and grandmother to two, will be checking in with to share her personal experience with Nutrisystem. The good, the bad, and everything in between, see first-hand how the Nutrisystem program works.

Nutrisystem Week 13

I am on my last few weeks with my trial Nutrisystem and so far it has been easy and enjoyable. I really can’t believe how simple this change has been. And I do hope that when this last month’s food box is empty I can maintain the simplicity of eating.

It has been a challenge starting to come into the fall season though. Work has already started bringing lots of food into the warehouse. It seems the end of the brutal heat is the signal to start with the parties break room full of food. So far I have controlled myself from eating more than I should. So that is my newest challenge., but what I have learned from Nutrisystem is to not put too much emphasis on mealtime and to remember portion sizes; we really don’t need as much to eat as we all thought we did. (more…)

Walmart to Sell More Local Produce

Wal-Mart recently announced that it will be taking steps towards sourcing more of its produce locally. Eating locally is one of the best things you can do to protect the environment, by cutting down on the amount of fossil fuels that are consumed in the process of shipping, and the pollution created by emissions.

While the superstore’s measures are certainly modest, they do bring the issue of local eating to mainstream attention in a big way. Wal-Mart is the world’s largest grocer, so the decision to source nine percent of the produce it sells in the U.S. can have a major impact. Not only will it give more shoppers the opportunity to buy local, it will give small farmers a chance at more revenue and reduce food-waste and spoilage. In Canada, Wal-Mart intends to make as much as 30 percent of the produce sold local. “Our food business in Canada is brand new, so there’s a lot they can do,” said Wal-Mart’s vice president of sustainability Andrea Thomas, reports The New York Times.


20 Ways to Celebrate International Fitness Day

October 16 is International Fitness Day! Join people from around the world celebrating the day dedicated to health, fitness and charitable giving to help end the obesity epidemic. International Fitness Day is designed to encourage everyone to get up, out, and exercise at least 30-minutes that day, doing whatever kind of exercise you enjoy doing, and eat healthy all day long.

Need some ideas of activities you can do to join in the festivities? Try one of these on for size:

Potatoes are a Smart Food Choice for Weight Loss

Potatoes get a bit of a bad rap. Lately, I’ve come to realize how much I love a baked potato now and again as a satisfying side dish to a lean protein and tossed salad. But, in a post-Atkins world, that would seem like a diet taboo. Not so, says a new study.

“When it comes to weight loss, it is not about eliminating a certain food or food groups. Rather, it is reducing calories that count,” said study leader Britt Burton-Freeman of the University of California, Davis.

The study’s leader went on to say that not only is there no evidence that a healthfully prepared potato is bad for your diet, it can actually be a part of your weight loss plan. (more…)

Pick Pumpkin for Delicious and Healthy Fall Treats

If you’re like me, this time of year you have nothing but pumpkins on the brain. I’ve already been to the pumpkin patch to pick out my pumpkins, I simply can’t get enough of that Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks (I order it “Skinny”, though, and have it as the occasional treat, as it clocks in at 200 calories and 37 grams of sugar for a tall), and I’ve already made enough pumpkin smoothies to keep Libby in booming business. Good thing, because it turns out that pumpkin isn’t just tasty, it packs quite the nutritional punch.

Pumpkins come two ways: fresh or canned. While removing the flesh from your own pumpkin (perfect to do when carving Jack-o-lanterns) is obviously fresher, it can also be quite the chore. So, when it comes to baking and eating pumpkin regularly, canned is your more convenient option, and thankfully, canned pumpkin is just as nutritious as fresh. (more…)