Diet and Nutrition

Jets’ Kris Jenkins Loses 34 Pounds on Cookie Diet

What seems like the kind of diet a big ol’ defensive lineman would gravitate towards? Besides something like Atkins or any other diet that would allow them to nosh on steaks every day, maybe one that is centered around cookies.

And that’s what New York Jets defensive lineman Kris Jenkins resorted to in order to drop some excess weight on the eve of his team’s training camp. With the help of Dr. Sanford Siegal’s Cookie Diet, Jenkins lost 34 pounds in the off-season. That brings the 6′ 4″ Jenkins down to 359 pounds, which even by today’s NFL standards is huge.


Interview with Eating Free Founder, Manuel Villacorta

Eating Free creator, Manuel Villacorta

Manuel Villacorta MS, RD, CSSD, is the founder and creator of the Eating Free program for weight management. With more than 16 years of experience working in the nutrition field, Villacorta was named a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, identifying him as a leading weight loss and nutrition expert in the country.

Over the course of his career, Villacorta has built the #1 rated weight loss clinic in San Francisco as well as an online version of his program to serve clients nationwide. had a chance to speak with Villacorta about his successful weight loss program. Here is an excerpt of that conversation. (more…)

Seven Sins of Unhealthy Eating

Unhealthy EatingAt the most basic level, weight loss comes from cutting calories and exercising more. But there are certain unhealthy eating habits that also factor into our ability to do these two things. Here’s a list of six unhealthy eating habits that can ruin a diet or make weight loss even more difficult.

1. Bad breakfast. It’s old news that skipping breakfast is bad for your metabolism. But eating an unhealthy breakfast is nearly just as bad. A sugary doughnut or a fatty muffin sets the nutritional tone for your day. Instead, get a healthier and more filling breakfast with plenty of protein and healthy carbs.

2. Eating too little during the day–and overeating at night. If you deprive yourself of too many calories during the day, not only will you be cranky at night, you’ll also be more likely to overeat. Instead, eat several small meals throughout the day.

Cut the Cookies: 10 Healthy Snacks for Kids

healthy kids snacksYou wouldn’t serve your kids sugary drinks, cookies or heavily salted crackers for dinner. So why is this stuff over at snack time? Because that’s the way these products are marketed, in neat single serving packages. Kids’ snacks should be thought of as mini-meals, with opportunity to get in a serving of whole grains, fruits or vegetables.

Here to help are 10 ideas for healthy and kid-friendly snacks:

1. A small cup of low-fat yogurt with whole grain crackers
2. Mini bagels spread with hummus
3. Whole grain pretzels with skim milk
4. Ants on a log: Spread peanut butter in a stick of celery, top with raisins
5. Peanut butter spread over slices of apple
6. Healthy smoothie: Mix 1/4 cup fresh or frozen fruit, 1/4 cup of mill and 1/4 cup yogurt in a blender. (Kids will also have fun helping make this one!)
7. Pudding made from low fat milk topped with berries and nuts
8. Healthy trail mix: mix and match raisins, chopped nuts, sunflower seeds, roasted soy nuts, dried fruits, and a moderate amount of yogurt chips.
9. Sprinkle parmesan on low-fat microwave popcorn (Skip the fake cheese used in many kids snack foods.)
10. Low-fat cheese with whole grain crackers and a cup of orange juice

Via WebMB.

Also Read:

Elmo’s Healthy Snacks

Favorite Healthy Snacks of Celebrities

Seven Kids’ Meals with Over 1000 Calories

Sneaky Salt: How Sodium Hides in Your Diet

Salt Hidden in the American DietConsuming too much salt is a major factor in high blood pressure, which in turn can lead to heart disease. Nearly 90 percent of adults in the U.S. consume more sodium than is recommended, in part due to the fact that salt can hide in foods that don’t taste salty.

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines have recently cut the daily recommended intake of sodium from 2,300 milligrams to 1,500 milligrams per day. The best way to cut down on salt is to eat fewer processed and restaurant foods. It’s also important to get used to the idea that salt is in foods like cake, soda, bread, and cereal. A 30 grams slice of angel food cake can have 243 milligrams of salt, a 12 ounce can of diet soda has 70 milligrams of sodium and a tuna fish sandwich made with whole grain bread can have as much as 462 milligrams of sodium.


Best Low-Carb Snacks

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

Snacking can be a great for weight loss and eating healthy. Snacking between meals helps stabilize your blood sugar levels and keep your energy and motivation high – extremely important when it comes to losing weight. For most of us, it’s hard to stay focused on activities when we have no energy!

If you’re looking for low-carb foods, there are so many great snack choices: non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, cucumbers, celery, cauliflower, green beans), low-fat cheese or cottage cheese, nuts (almonds, pecans, cashews), or peanut butter are some options.


Money Hungry Premiere Recap with Contestant Josh Graston

Welcome to the premiere episode of Vh1’s Money Hungry. My name is Josh Graston, and I’m one of the show’s contestants from the Team No Excuses and I will be your guide in this exclusive journey into the world of Bet Dieting. So, with no further adieu, I welcome you to VH1’s Money Hungry.

At the very start of the episode we see the bus loaded with all of the cast trying to make it up the driveway, and our driver Jimmy informing us that we were going to have to walk up the driveway. The cameras did not do the driveway justice, I am here to tell you it was quite steep.

Next we meet our host Dan Cortese. I was genuinely excited that we had a host that I actually recognized, although I kind of wanted a female host. Dan explains the way that our $10,000 entry fee for the show works. The final two teams each receive their entry fee back, with the winning team taking home EVERYONE else’s money, for a grand total of $100,000. Right before we head into the house Dan tells us if we break anything we own it, foreshadowing at its best.

Quickly Kaitlyn and Phillip get the party started with bodyshots, giving us our first glimpse at the amazing sound effects featured on the show. Dan Cortese shows up shortly after and we meet each of the teams and find out their team names.

Money Hungry Teams and Contestants: (more…)

Zac Efron’s Diet and Fitness Routine

With his charming good looks, Zac Efron is one of Hollywood’s hottest young stars. And he has the body to prove it. According to People magazine, being physically active is just a natural part of this High School Musical star’s daily routine.

“I definitely love to stay active. If it gets me outside and gets me moving, then I love doing it,” says Efron.


The 23-year-old actor works out regularly with his personal trainer. His dedication to ab workouts is very visibly reflected in his chiseled six-pack abs, which he often shows while hanging out on the beaches of Los Angeles with his girlfriend, Vanessa Hudgens.

When he goes to the gym, Zac hits the strength and resistance training workouts hard. He engages in heavy weight-lifting while also getting enough of the proper rest in between workouts for lean muscle growth and recovery.


McDonald’s Fruit Smoothies Actually One of Their Healthier Creations

Fresh fruit smoothies are one of the most refreshing tastes of summer. Healthy, filling, portable and a generous portion of any number of fruits and vegetables in one serving – it’s arguably a perfect food. So what happens to the smoothie when McDonald’s gets a hold of it? You might be surprised, but they didn’t do it much harm.

For as much grief as we give the fast-food leader, this is one menu addition they got fairly right. If you’re taking a spin through their drive-thru, it might be one of the healthier choices you can make. We were impressed to see real strawberry and banana purees listed as the first two ingredients in its Strawberry Banana Smoothie, followed by water, sugar and concentrated apple juice. For the Wild Berry Smoothie, strawberry puree leads water, sugar, blackberry puree, blueberry puree, concentrated pineapple juice and concentrated apple juice. Both smoothies contain less than 1% of other ingredients.

Are the extra sweeteners, like sugar and fruit juices, necessary? Not at all. The fruits and berries are naturally very sweet, and the addition of these ingredients only ups the calorie and sugar counts. But the fact that there is so much of the fruit included over these sweeteners bodes well for the smoothies. (more…)

Jersey Shore’s Sammi Sweetheart Stops Eating Pasta

Jersey Shore's Sammi diet and workoutLest she be left off the Jersey Shore‘s diet party bus, Sammi “Sweetheart” has revealed her diet and weight loss strategy. Unlike her female co-stars, Sammi chose to lose weight by relatively conventional means. Snooki reached her weight loss on Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet and J-WOWW is taking the controversial pregnancy hormone, hCG.

How did Sammi Sweetheart drop 15 pounds? She stopped eating pasta, which just might be as sacrilegious for the guidette as cookie meal-replacements or hawking hormones. She confessed that giving up noodles had been hard. “I miss it like crazy, but I don’t eat pasta anymore. I eat my vegetables and try to stay healthy,” she said.

Rising Shark Fin Soup Demand Endangers Ocean Predators

It’s Shark Week again on the Discovery Channel. Sharks have always captured the public’s imagination, which helps explain the popularity and the existence of a week dedicated to the fearsome predator.

While sharks represent the main predatory fear we humans have, the irony is that sharks are endangered because they are hunted by humans. One of the reasons? Soup.

Shark soup was once just a luxury for the wealthy. But with a growing income base in Asia, the demand for shark soup is also growing. That’s bad news for the already dwindling shark population.
