Diet and Nutrition

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Bad for You?

We’ve seen the commercials that attempt to disperse negative reputation of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) conveniently produced by the Corn Refiners Association and we’ve read the studies that vehemently protest consumption of it. So what’s the truth? What does the research say? What do you believe? The following is a brief summary as well as my opinion on the HFCS issue.

Let’s start with a definition. High fructose corn syrup is a sweetening agent added to processed foods where some glucose is changed to fructose (two types of sugar). At the end of the processing, both fructose and glucose are present. HFCS is chemically similar to table sugar, which we’ve been using as an “added sugar” sweetener for years. Is HFCS worse for you than table sugar? Is it correlated with obesity? Does it cause it?

Research Summary

Much of the research done on the topic shows indecisiveness of the effects of HFCS on weight. Older studies found that when subjects consumed higher amounts of sweetened drinks, like sodas, they gained more weight. More recent studies however, say that HFCS isn’t particularly to blame for the high rates of obesity. Princeton University found that rats that were given HFCS gained much higher amounts of weight than those rats that were given table sugar, even though they consumed identical calorie amounts. The HFCS rats also had higher rates of triglycerides, or ‘blood fats’. Long-term studies bring up the prevalence of another dangerous condition, metabolic syndrome. Gaining, almost 50 percent more weight than rats eating a normal diet, metabolic syndrome and obesity were at an all time high. (more…)

Tips to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

Okay, okay… please don’t throw rotten tomatoes and raw eggs at me, but it’s true… there are some people out there who would like to gain weight, but want to do it in a healthy way. If that’s you, read on for some useful tips to help you reach your goals.

There are several factors for why people may want to gain weight:

  • People who are underweight based on genetics and eating behaviors
  • Athletes who are trying to bulk up for sports performance
  • People with a recent medical procedure, like having your jaw wired shut, or having your tonsils removed (ouch!)

Whatever the reason, gaining weight should be done in a healthy way with nutrient-dense foods instead of junk foods that are consumed just for the sake of adding calories. (See dieters, it’s not all about stuffing your face in order to gain weight).


CONSUMER SAFETY ALERT: Food Safety Problems at Stadiums

Stadium Food Safety AlertStadium foods are expensive and full of excess calories, but they also have other lurking concerns. ESPN reviewed the health department inspection reports for concession stands at all 107 North American arenas that house Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Hockey League and National Basketball Association teams. They found that 28 percent of food sellers are cited for “major” or “critical” violations.

Examples of the violations include mold in the ice machines at stands in Milwaukee’s Miller Park, employees who didn’t wash their hands at Detroit’s Ford Field, and cockroaches on a soda dispenser at Pittsburgh’s Mellon Arena. Violations like these can lead to food-borne illnesses, such as salmonella and e. coli.

How to Make Healthy Choices with Weak Willpower

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” visit her website:

If you really want to make healthy choices in your life, you can do it, even if all you really want is a nice, sugary donut.

I feel you. I love donuts, especially those from Krispy Kreme – they’re the best! But there is a time and a place for everything. And on your quest to make healthier choices, you can still carve out a spot for a donut.

No kidding. I’ll layout the plan below, so keep reading.


Nine Ideas to Get Your Nine Servings of Fruits and Veggies

9 Ideas to Get 9 Servings of Fruits and Veggies. Sometimes it seems like a stretch to eat those eight to nine servings of fruit and vegetables in a single day. But the benefits are plentiful, not only are fruits and veggies the best way to get the vitamins and fiber your body needs, they also help you feel fuller when on a diet. Check out these tips from Reader’s Digest.

1. Make the most of a salad.

A salad is a great opportunity to get three or four servings of veggies in one dish. To seven ounces of mixed lettuce, add a half cup of chopped carrots, cucumber or celery, chunks of a small apple and a chopped of tomatoes. That’s four servings of fruits and vegetables right there. To get some protein in your meal, add strips of grilled chicken, a sliced hardboiled egg or tofu cubes.

2. Swap pasta for squash.

The next time you’re thinking about cooking spaghetti, why not try spaghetti squash? You can top the vegetable strands with your favorite healthy tomato sauce.

3. Make a sweet dessert.

Eat your vegetables…for dessert? Top steamed carrots or baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon and a drizzle of honey, apple cider, or maple syrup.

Six Things You Need to Know Before You Take a Sip

Six ways your drink might be unhealthyDrinking can be dangerous to your health, and we don’t mean alcoholic beverages either. Up to 21 percent of calories consumed by Americans are in liquid form, amounting to 400 calories every day. That’s about 40 pounds per year and twice as many fluid calories than were consumed 30 years ago. These drinks may be tasty and good for the food industry’s profit, but they aren’t good for weight loss or your health in general. Here are six secrets that the beverage industry doesn’t want consumers to know from David Zinczenko, the author of Eat This, Not That.


Food Companies Fight to Advertise to Children

A food-labeling campaign began last year called Smart Choices, backed by most of the largest food manufacturers in the U.S., was “designed to help shoppers easily identify smarter food and beverage choices.” This included the campaign’s “check mark of approval” on food packages.

The problem is, some of the food held up as “healthy choices” include sugary cereals like Fruit Loops and frozen fried dinners.

But there’s an effort afoot among government agencies to create tougher advertising standards for what foods can be marketed to kids. Last year, Congress ordered the Federal Trade Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the Agriculture Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  to recommend standards for children’s food advertising.


Will Coffee Make Me Fat?

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

Nowadays there seems to be a coffee shop on every street corner! That’s because coffee drinkers are everywhere and most of us need a little boost. For so many people, there’s nothing better than that morning wake-up call in the form of a piping hot cup of Joe.

That jolt of caffeine in a warm, tasty beverage often does the trick. But the problem is today’s cup of coffee is not actually a cup of coffee, it’s a 12-ounce White Chocolate Mocha or a 16-ounce blended frappuccino – both about 300 calories a pop!
These types of coffee drinks are where the excess calories sneak in. The full fat dairy, added sugar and syrups work against your weight-loss goals. They can even contribute to weight gain.


Vitaminwater Violates FDA Rules

Vitaminwater is known for the clever phrases they post on their bottles. But they may be a little too clever for their own good.

Some of the labels promise things like Vitaminwater will keep you “healthy as a horse” and in a “healthy state of physical or mental being.”

While Coca Cola, which has owned Vitaminwater since 2025, claims that phrases such as “vitamins + water = all you need” are “only puffery,” a federal judge has ruled that these sort of claims constitute a violation of FDA regulations. Here is what the judge John Gleeson had to say:


Einstein Bros. Reveal New Bagel Thins

Taking a cue from the 100-calorie flat sandwich breads from Arnold Bread, Pepperidge Farm and Earth Grain, Einstein Bros. Bagels has just unveiled their new Bagel Thin sandwiches.

This food find is cause for celebration for the bagel lover in you. Since some of Einstein Bros. Bagels can have as many as 330 calories, and that’s without cream cheese, these new bagel thins are a lower calorie sandwich option available at participating Einstein Bros Bagels and Noah’s New York Bagels locations.

The new product line is available in three options: Turkey-Bacon and Avocado Thin (380 calories),  Tuna Salad (250 calories), and the Turkey Thin (250 calories).

The problem with most restaurant sandwiches is that they weigh you down thanks to the huge amounts of dough, meat, cheese and fat-laden toppings.


Fat: Everything You Never Knew on The Doctors

Tune in this Friday, July 30 to The Doctors to learn everything you never knew and may not want to know about fat.

Being overweight has evolved from needing to lose a few pounds to a life-threatening obesity epidemic. When it comes to fat, what you don’t know can hurt you. Find out everything you need to know about fat.

Learn how just one high fat meal of burgers and fries skyrockets the fat content of your blood, almost immediately after eating it.
