Diet and Nutrition

9 Signs of an Eating Disorder

At Diets In Review, we take healthy weight loss seriously. The goal is a healthier life, not to be the skinniest person on the block. We want to be an inspiration of health, not thinspiration. When undertaken improperly weight loss can be as damaging to your body, or more so, than being overweight. Sadly, disordered eating patterns, obsessive exercising, and distorted body image affect many – more than 11 million people in the United States. Eating disorders are dangerous and life threatening. In fact, anorexia has a higher mortality rate than any other mental illness.


4 Keys for Faster Fat Loss

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

Losing weight isn’t easy for anyone, but with a positive and healthy approach, you will be right on your way to reaching your weight-loss goals. To have the best weight-loss outcome possible, you must provide your body an optimal environment.

What does an optimal environment mean? Well, making sure your body has what it needs and what it can do to make it better. There are four steps to keep in mind:


Weight Loss is Primary Health Concern for Americans

According to the annual food study produced by the International Food Council, 70 percent of Americans say they are concerned about their weight status, and an overwhelming majority (77 percent) are trying to lose or maintain their weight.

These findings are part of the International Food Information Council Foundation’s fifth annual Food & Health Survey, which takes an extensive look at Americans’ eating, health and physical activity habits, as well as food safety practices.

“Americans are hearing about the importance of weight to their health from a variety of sources, and it appears to be driving healthful changes in their lives,” says Marianne Smith Edge, MS, RD, LD, FADA, Senior Vice President, Nutrition and Food Safety at the International Food Information Council Foundation.

The survey produced additional eye-opening insights into Americans’ basic understanding of nutrition and their day-to-day lifestyle behaviors.

Here a few highlights of the survey:


Reality of Teen Weight Loss Camps is Slightly Different than Huge Portrays

David Ettenberg is the founder and president of Camp Shane, the leading and longest running children’s weight loss camp in the United States and abroad. Camp Shane is celebrating its 42nd year at its original location in New York’s Catskill Mountains. David is a Certified Camp Director, National Camp Association Member and New York State Camp Director’s Association Member.

At Camp Shane, the real longest running teen weight loss camp in the country, we are glad that ABC Family’s new hit show “Huge” is shedding new light on the problem of teenage obesity. It is getting more people involved in the conversation about being overweight and what it can do to a teen’s health and self-esteem, and we are glad of that.

After the first episode, though, we were a little concerned that — in order to add drama to the show– teenage viewers who would benefit from time spent at a weight loss camp might get scared off by some of the situations portrayed.

For example, at Camp Shane, unlike the fictional Camp Victory: (more…)

Whey Protein Helps Shed Pounds, Gain Muscle

Whey is a popular supplement for people looking to build lean muscle mass. The protein is a by-product of the process of turning cow’s milk into cheese. When you use it in its purest form, as whey protein isolate, it contains little-to-no fat, lactose or cholesterol. And, if you use whey protein along with a healthy diet and fitness program, you will have a better chance of developing lean muscles and lose weight.

Types of Whey Protein

There are two types of milk proteins: casein and whey protein. Within the whey category, there are three major forms that are used weight loss and fitness purposes: whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate (as mentioned above), and whey protein hydrolysate.


Pick Fruits and Vegetables Right from the Farm

There’s a lot of great stuff about this time of year. One of the best, and maybe the least known, is the availability of the Pick Your Own Farm. Also called U-Pick or PYO, these farms are wonderful places to take your family. In some cities, these businesses are referred to as agri-business, basically business that occurs on a farm.

In the United States, picking your own berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries), apples, and vegetables is most common. Pumpkin patches, often with associated corn mazes, hay rides and wagon rides are common in the fall. Urban legend has it that You Pick Farms started after WWI, when labor was hard to come by and farmers were short on workers.


Salma Hayek’s Bug Diet

In yet another edition of “almost too disgusting to be believed,” Salma Hayek has confirmed that she enjoys eating bugs. While appearing on an episode of the David Letterman Show, Hayek confesses that she often dines on ants, worms and grasshoppers. The Mexican native said, “…the eggs of these little ants, fried, are amazing, with a little guacamole. And the worms… there are many, many different recipes for these.”

Adding that worms, ant eggs and grasshoppers are excellent sources of protein, she continued, “The little grasshoppers, they have a smoky flavor to them. I think it’s the way they cook them, and it’s really good.” (more…)

Parents Sue McDonald’s Over Happy Meal Toys

They may be called Happy Meals, but many parents aren’t very happy with how they have to battle their children when they see their favorite cartoon character happens to be a toy in the popular fast food kids lunches.

Maybe they are at their wits end, but some parents have decided to take legal action. With childhood obesity rates going through the roof, some parents think that desperate measures need to be taken. Which may explain why last month, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) served McDonald’s with a notice of intent to sue if the fast food restaurant continues to promote Happy Meals with toys.


Miley Cyrus’s 10-Year-Old Sister Calls Herself Fatty

Child health is an interesting tight rope walk. That is, you want kids to eat healthy and get regular exercise. But, in their impressionable and developing emotional state, you really don’t want them to “diet” or think about their weight in such a regimental or hardcore way.

So, when you hear about Miley Cyrus with celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak and the regimental diet and fitness that he gives his clients, I can’t help but have mixed feelings. Sure, it’s great that she takes care of herself, but it’s also a business decision. Not to mention, she’s been with Pasternak since she was 14.


Calorie Counting, Social Support Key to Weight Loss

A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine examined how different percentages of fat, protein and carbohydrate affect weight loss in individuals consuming the same numbers of calories. In the study, 811 overweight adults were randomly assigned to one of four diets: high fat and high protein, high fat and average protein, low fat and high protein, or low fat and average protein. Each diet totaled at least 1,200 calories and fell within the guidelines for cardiovascular health. The dieters were encouraged to exercise at least 90 minutes a day, in addition to being offered individual counseling every eight weeks and group counseling several times a month. (more…)

5 Ways to Keep the Weight Off

John McGran, chief editor at Diet-to-Go, has been covering the fields of diet, fitness and health since 2000. He writes from the perspective of a dieter rather than a dietitian.

Over the past 30 years, I’ve lost hundreds of pounds by following a variety of diets. The problem: At the age of 50, I am still 40 pounds overweight because I never seem to fail at regaining the weight I work so hard to lose!

It’s called yo-yo dieting and it’s not only frustrating, but unhealthy as well. And I am not alone.
