Diet and Nutrition

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Diet May Be Causing Bone Disease

Often the topic of gossip, Gwyneth Paltrow and her extreme diet and exercise habits are once again in the spotlight.

Since 1999, Paltrow has been following a macrobiotic diet of mostly vegetables, grains, fish and soup. During her two pregnancies, she took a break from her diet, but returned to it after childbirth. Though she follows a less intense version of the diet now, she still does not consume much dairy. She has used even more severe diet plans, including fasts, detoxes and the famous Master Cleanse. She exercises 90 minutes a day, six days a week with trainer Tracy Anderson.


Joey Chestnut Wins Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest by Eating 16,052 Calories

I’m sure most Americans had a hot dog yesterday. Some might have had two. Joey Chestnut? He ate 54. In just ten minutes at the annual Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest, he stepped up to the table and won once again by consuming 54 hot dogs (with buns) in the time it takes to cook a few on the grill.

There’s one word to sum up this gastronomic spectacle: gross.

There’s also one number to sum it up: 16,052.

That’s the number of calories consumed in 54 Nathan’s hot dogs and 54 buns. That’s more than eight days worth of calories. (more…)

Relaxation Drinks Take Shot at Chilling You Out

Energy drinks have long been popular with people needing a mid-day pick-me-up. And while Red Bull and Rockstar may not be knocked off the top of the heap, there’s a possible new trend arising that takes consumers in the opposite mental direction.

People can now “chill out” to relaxation shots. Some of the products hitting the market include such catchy names as Snoozeberry and iChill. But there are 350 total relaxation drinks on the market, according to Agata Kaczanowska, an analyst with the research company IBISWorld. While I guess I’m not really looking for them, I’m surprised that I am unaware of this stuff, when there are so many on the shelves already.


Jessica Simpson on The Oprah Show

Tune in this Monday, July 5 to the Oprah Show when Jessica Simpson discusses everything from the media’s obsession with her weight to her show, The Price of Beauty.

From Isabel Caro, a former fashion model suffering from an eating disorder to a Balinese woman who shares a traditional recipe for a natural face mask that hydrates and replenishes the skin, Simpson talks to Oprah about some of the amazing and heart-wrenching stories she learned while traveling the world to understand the varying concepts of beauty.


Breakfast Habits Good Indicator for Child Health

In a large study of children and their breakfast habits, those who ate cereal in the morning were the ones with the healthiest diets. However, the kids who skipped breakfast had the largest waistlines. They also got more of their energy from added sugars, and the least from protein, not to mention less fiber and nutrients.


Kate Gosselin’s Diet Helps Her Lose 10 Pounds

The notorious reality mom of Jon & Kate Plus Eight (now on TLC as Kate Plus Eight) recently appeared to have lost ten pounds in ten days. That’s no small feat, considering the recommended healthy rate of weight loss is about one to two pounds per week. At age 35 with eight kids in tow and living (and working) as a single mom, it’s not a stretch to say that Kate Gosselin looks amazing.

A strict follower of an all-organic diet, for her and the kids, it’s always been clear that Kate’s health is a priority. But after a stint on 2025’s Dancing with the Stars, during which she developed a lot of muscle tone due to the lengthy hours of dance training, she wanted to ensure she’d remain physically fit. Upon her return to rural Wernersville, Pennsylvania, she started running a four-mile route in the hilly area near her home three days a week; a jaunt that takes her 30-45 minutes. And while her diet has always been admirable, she re-focused her efforts on what she eats.

She told OK! Magazine “I look forward to running, it’s my stress relief.” Rain or shine, Kate hits the running trail by noon each day. (more…)

The Secret to Weight Loss is Mental

Ryan blogs at No More Bacon, a site dedicated to cutting the fat and bringing health to the forefront. Follow him on his journey to drop some weight and have a great time doing it. Together, we can accomplish all!

July 1st, 2025 I weighed 400 pounds. Today, I weigh 260 pounds. I’ve lost 140 pounds in a year.

The secret isn’t in my workout regime, or my nutrition, or even a supplement. It’s in my head. For years I tweaked diet plans and scoured the internet for the latest and greatest in weight loss. I’d lose weight, then I’d undoubtedly gain it all back. My weight fluctuation seemed to be more predictable than the tides.

What changed last July?

My head changed. I was in weight loss desperation mode once again. I had some serious warnings from a doctor about taking care of my health and I was not going to become another statistic. High blood pressure at 28-years old? Ridiculous. (more…)

Dr. Pepper Removes High Fructose Corn Syrup Temporarily

Celebrating 125 years of being one of the most unique and popular sodas around, Dr. Pepper is getting rid of its high fructose corn syrup. For now. It’s a temporary move to swap out the ingredient for real sugar, the ingredient formerly used by most soda manufacturers. The nostalgic-tasting soda will be available beginning July 4th weekend through September.

This move comes on the heels of other soda manufacturers doing retro versions of their beverages, like Pepsi Throwback.

What are the health implications? The real sugar is more ideal, as the sugar cane is broken down into what is basically pure sugar. Whereas the high fructose corn syrup that is traditionally used is becoming a health concern for its link as a culprit in the obesity epidemic. The beloved ingredient of the processed food industry is used because the processed sweetener is cheap to produce and extends the shelf life of the foods it is in. (more…)

PETA Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities

Earlier this week, we told you about PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door. Now we have the Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities of 2025. The top honors for man and woman go to Bob Harper of The Biggest Loser and Olivia Wilde from TV’s House.

Wilde is motivated by both health and political reasons: “Beyond my desire to boycott the torture factories, I am also way happier when I eat a plant based diet, and I feel about a thousand times more energetic,” said Wilde.


Paleo Diet Taken to Extremes

Last week, I spotlighted the trend of New Yorkers following a Paleo Diet, also known by other names like the Caveman Diet. While I talked about the basics of the eating philosophy, there are some interesting extremes some followers take.

New York is definitely a strange place for one to take on a caveman lifestyle. The most obvious reason is that your surroundings are as opposite as one could get from the vast spaces that real cavemen lived in. Then you also have the fact that New York has literally outlawed hunting and gathering, as residents can’t uproot plants or trap animals in the city’s parks.


Audrina Patridge’s Diet and Fitness Regimen

Audrina Patridge, one of the stars of The Hills, has one of the most enviable young bodies in Hollywood. Her ultra-thin physique raises some eyebrows among those concerned over how celebrity bodies affect young women’s body image perception, Audrina personally attests to following a very healthy lifestyle. Hers includes working out with friend and colleague, fellow Hills actress, Lauren Conrad, eating fresh meals prepared by the Sunfare Diet program, and occasionally indulging in Girl Scout Samoas cookies.

Here is a look at Audrina’s diet and fitness regimen.


Audrina is rumored to be a devotee of the Sunfare Diet, a meal-delivery program that creates low-carb meals that are delivered fresh to Patridge’s L.A. home by 7 a.m. every day. Following a Zone-inspired balance of nutrients, the Sunfare Signature Diet plan contains a precise mix of  lean proteins, low-glycemic carbohydrates and healthy fats in a 30/40/30 ratio respectively. (more…)