Diet and Nutrition

Parmesan Orange Sweet Potato Hash Browns: A 68-Calorie Breakfast Side Dish with Big Flavor

While preparing breakfast for my family one Sunday morning I realized we had only sweet potatoes and not any red skin potatoes — my go-to for a hearty weekend meal. I thought our hopes for hash browns were dashed. However, I decided to give the sweet potatoes a whirl and venture beyond our typical baked sweet potato comfort zone.

sweet potato hasbrown
They shredded easily, and I dressed them up with just a little freshly grated Parmesan and orange zest before browning on the stove top. What I got was a gift from the breakfast Gods and a perfectly crisp, wonderfully flavored complement to an otherwise ordinary meal. (more…)

Go Green! 6 Great Green Foods to Enjoy This St. Patrick’s Day

It is easy being green! At least it is today. St. Patrick’s Day is here again, and with it comes the desire to wear, eat, and drink all things green.

green foods

Though traditional Irish fare can be a little heavy, we think you can still celebrate the spirit of the holiday with green foods worked into some of our favorite healthy, and delicious, recipes.


Work it Off: 3 Ways to Burn Off the 400 Calories in a Donut

You know how sometimes you just want a donut? This is a feeling I actually have a lot–basically every time I walk past the bakery section of the grocery store. I usually don’t give in, but sometimes I do because, you know, everything in moderation—even donuts.

burn donut

On a recent trip to the grocery store I gave in. And it was totally worth it. I picked a cake donut that had chocolate frosting and sprinkles because if you’re going to go, go big. I savored the treat, making sure I wasn’t distracted while eating. I really wanted to enjoy every bite. And I did. Indulging at the start of my shopping trip probably helped me keep from filling my cart with unnecessary items. I purchased a bunch of produce and some kitchen staple but nothing baked or packaged. (more…)

Erin Ball Lost 70 Pounds While Battling Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Every week I’m inspired by men and women who take charge of their health and improve their lives. Losing a significant amount of weight isn’t easy. Even when you think you have all the tools in place and the determination of a warrior, the body can put road blocks in your path to success.

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Today’s story focuses on Erin Ball, a wife and mother of two whose weight gain and loss were both affected by a serious health condition – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The condition is characterized by a hormonal imbalance, and often leads to the production of excess insulin resulting in obesity.

How Erin fought back

Erin lost 70 pounds when she figured out how PCOS affected her body, and then took steps to counter the attack.


10 Recipes from Registered Dietitians that Prove Eating Right Can Taste Great

Enjoying the taste of eating right is something we do every day at DietsInReview, so we were thrilled to discover “Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right” was this year’s theme for National Nutrition Month!


Every year, March is set aside to celebrate health, especially nutrition. With a theme like this year’s, we knew we had to do something more than share nutrition tips. Instead we reached out to some of our favorite Registered Dietitians and asked them to share their recipes that are the perfect combination of eating right and eating well.


Teatoxes: Probably Not the Next Big Thing

If you name any food or drink, there’s probably a detox out there that centers on it. One of the more recent, and more reputable sounding, detoxes is one that centers around tea; the teatox.


Teatox plans usually add a variety of ingredients to the beverage which allegedly help with weight loss, detoxification, and increased energy.

It sounds like a pretty good deal for those of us who already love tea. Tea is good. Cleanses can be good. So the two of them together should be good.

Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be the case. According to Shape, teatoxes really won’t help you slim down. “There’s no published research to show teatoxes are safe or effective for weight loss or anything else.”


What NOT to Do When Dining Out, from a Guy Who’s Lost Over 100 Pounds

Eli Caro RT smiling hands on waist

You would think that after losing over 100 pounds, getting in the best shape of my life, maintaining it for 5 years. becoming a weight loss coach, motivational speaker and published author on the book “Fat Boy to Fit Man: A One Step at a Time Story of Success“, that it would be easy for me not to revert to old habits, right? WRONG!

Although it has become some what easier for me than when I first started on this journey, there are still times that I fall prey to the desires of wanting to eat mindlessly. (Eat mindlessly. HA! Who am i kidding? Pigging out is really what I want to do sometimes.)

Just last weekend, my fiancee and I went out to meet some friends for brunch.  That morning I had gone to the gym and done an intense work out. Shortly after I arrived home and showered we left for our Sunday brunch.  I was STARVING, yet I didn’t eat anything post work out because I reasoned that I was going to have a nice meal at brunch. BIG MISTAKE!  Before we even got to the restaurant, my stomach was growling and I was about to chew my fiancee’s arm off! (Ok, I’m exaggerating. I was just going to nibble on her ear!)

Slimmer, Stronger, Happier. The Right Diet and Fitness Plan Delivers All 3.

Search “diet” on an image site like Shutterstock and you’ll be presented with dozens of photos of miserable looking people surviving on rabbit food or exercising until they’re exhausted. But is this really what eating healthy and regularly exercising does to the body and brain? A new Shape magazine article says no, and we wholeheartedly agree. Turning the corner with your health is not only a cause for celebration, it will literally make your mind and body want to celebrate.


Here’s why:


Veggie Variety a Must for Good Health (AKA: Why We’re Glad Dr. Oz’s Kale-Only Diet is a Prank)

Dr. Oz recently asked his fans to play a prank. The hoax: Tell a loved one they’d be joining you on a one-year kale-only diet. Kale, kale, and more kale. 

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Funny, but some people sort of do become singularly focused on certain veggies, eating a lot of kale, or broccoli, or spinach, and not much of anything else. We were curious: What type of variety should we be aiming for when it comes to produce?


Prevention Magazine Announces 100 Cleanest Packed Foods. All Yum. No Guilt.

At Diets In Review we’re big fans of eating clean and lean because we know fresh food is the absolute best for you and your family. We also know “life happens,” and sometimes you just want to rip open a box from the freezer, microwave it and call it dinner.

Recently, Prevention Magazine announced their top 100 Cleanest Packaged Food Awards. That’s 100 reasons to stop shunning your pantry and serve up a guilt-free meal.

Kathie Lee and Hoda briefly put down their wine to chat with Prevention Magazine’s Siobhan O’Connor, who stopped by with a few award-winning items.

Want more? Here are 6 additional packaged foods that got a thumbs-up from Prevention:

Morning Star Farms Sausage Patties
 – Made with organic soy. Contains way less fat than pork. So tasty you might forget you’re eating a meat-ish patty (more…)

5 Virus Fighting Foods That Make Colds Disappear

We’re incredibly close to spring, but that does not mean that cold and flu season is gone just yet. Here’s a list of delicious foods that also help strengthen the immune system and stave off germs and illness. Because you should not have to sacrifice your taste buds to stay healthy and eat well. 


This superfood, which is made of ground sesame seeds, is most often used as a paste. Tahini can be used as a dip and it’s also added to other foods—including hummus and baba ghanoush—to enhance flavor. Yes, it is high in calories but sticking to two tablespoons a day is just fine, especially considering the high amount of magnesium and zinc which are both important for building a stronger immune system.
