Diet and Nutrition

Elisa Zied’s Nutrition at Your Fingertips Offers Credible Nutrition Information

It’s National Nutrition Month and the second interview in our series will be a big help to anyone who has struggled with trying to find what’s “fact” and what’s “false” when it comes to nutrition information. I love the “information age,” don’t get me wrong, but for people who just want quick facts you can trust, it can be a total nightmare. You read one thing on one website and then something totally different on another.

In comes Elisa Zied, a New York-based dietitian and author of the resource book “Nutrition At Your Fingertips.” I call it a nutrition “survival guide.” You don’t need to read this book cover to cover (but you could if you wanted). It is designed to be used like a dictionary. Want to know about artificial sweeteners? Look it up and get the latest facts. Confused over food labels? Look that up. Same with topics such as glycemic index, food allergies, and healthy weight loss.

Listen to our interview then read on to win the book.

Win a copy of Nutrition At Your Fingertips. Leave a comment below to be eligible, either a nutrition question you’re not sure about or share your favorite “myth” that you were able to bust with reliable information. Winner will be selected 3/31/10.

Lose Weight With a Kitchen Spring Cleaning

For many of us, it has been a long snowy slog this winter. But the end is near, and spring is just around the corner. While it may not match the annual New Year’s resolution everyone makes, spring is also a time of renewal. The scent of flowers begins to fill the air, and we start shedding our layers of clothing… which reminds us that by hibernating for the winter, we now have a few extra unwanted pounds.

Do you have some extra weight that you need to shed before bathing suit season arrives? Then, it’s time to do some spring cleaning in your kitchen. Here are five ways that will shape up your eating habits, and your waistline:

1. Grocery Shop Wisely

If it’s not in your kitchen, you won’t eat it. That may be a simple mantra, but its importance is profound. If you are even the least bit weak when buying snack foods, don’t shop for food when you are hungry. Better yet, go grocery shopping right after a meal. That may be a little difficult – who wants to grocery shop at 7 p.m. after a long day of work? But if you can do it, you may cut thousand of calories a month. (more…)

Eat Like Bernie: Southwest Turkey Burger with Avocado

Bernie Salazar, at-home winner of The Biggest Loser (season 5) delivers this guest blog and video. Together with our resident nutrition guru, Rebecca Scritchfield, Bernie motivates audiences to make positive changes through The Nurture Principles.

Hey, hey! Bernie Salazar here… I’m so excited to share this video blog with you on one of my favorite foods I’ve been eating since losing 130 pounds on The Biggest Loser, The Amazing Avocado!

Watch me turn one of my old meals – burger and fries – into a delicious and nutritious Southwest Turkey Burger.


Get the Nutrition Facts from Dietitians on DietsInReview

March is National Nutrition Month and today, March 10, is Registered Dietitian Day. Even though we at focus on nutrition news, tips, and trends every day of the year, we wanted to take some time to bring some excellent content your way created by top dietitians.

Before I get to “the goods,” I want to explain why seeking advice from a dietitian is one of the best things you can do for your health. Dietitians are the health professionals that can help you make sensible changes to your eating habits. They can help you understand any medical-related nutritional changes you may need to make (from allergies to diabetes or a thyroid condition). Dietitians can help you finish your first 5K or Ironman competition and help you fuel for optimal performance. Dietitians can even help you shop and prepare healthy meals.

RDs complete a minimum of four years of study in food and nutrition, and many have advanced degrees all the way to PhDs and some are MDs and professional chefs as well. After college, RDs must compete for coveted internships that last about a year. Then, it’s a board exam. Basically, it’s a lot of work. I should know! I’m a career changer from the IT field… leaving a cushy desk job to become a food and nutrition expert was the hardest (and best) thing I have ever done. I love my job. The best way to find an RD is to look one up in your area. You can visit

Now, here are some of the best features and content on that comes from the food and nutrition experts – the registered dietitians! (more…)

Dan and Jackie Evans Visit the Biggest Loser Resort

One of the biggest curiosities surrounding the Biggest Loser contestants is what happens when they go home. The recent story of season three winner Erik Chopin regaining his weight has raised concerns that this is common for most. However, the truth is, most contestants continue to manage their weight loss long after the confetti falls.

Dan Evans, season 5 contestant, tells us that the maintenance is the hardest part, and that two years after his season’s finale, he still has to “work hard to maintain.” That’s why he, joined by former teammate and mom Jackie Evans, have decided to spend a week at the Biggest Loser Resort. Set in the southwestern, picturesque town of Ivins, Utah, the resort offers a fitness getaway unlike any other and allows guests to focus on their health for a week at a time or more.

“It’s so awesome to me that there’s a place where people can go… and it’s as close to the experience as you can possibly get,” says Jackie about the Biggest Loser Resort. Saying that she and Dan were fortunate to be only two of 20 applicants selected for her season, out of 250,000, she’s glad that there’s an accessible place where others can reap all the benefits. Without the cameras!

Listen now as Jackie and Dan tell us about their week at the Biggest Loser Resort, including what a day is like, what surprises them and what they like.


6 Tips to Kick-Start a Healthy Lifestyle from the Biggest Loser Resort

In light of National Registered Dietitian Day, we welcome Emily Fonnesbeck to share some insights on ways to start living a healthier life. Emily is the Registered Dietitian for the Biggest Loser Resort.

January does not have to be the only time to create resolutions. I don’t think you ever need to wait until a calendar date to make changes. If you are really committed, you will start today. Here are some tips to kick-start a healthy lifestyle:

1.  Start small.  You may want to run a marathon eventually, but a 5K might be a better place to start. Make realistic goals that will be achievable in the short term. This will allow you to see results quickly and will keep you committed to long term goals.

2. Fit your goals to fit your lifestyle.  If you travel a lot, it might not be realistic to say you won’t eat out anymore. If you like ice cream, you probably won’t give it up. Be sure to take your lifestyle into account when making your goals. (more…)

3 Healthy Fats You Should be Eating

Well, not being fat. But, eating certain fats is not only good, but necessary for optimal health. You should also realize that you don’t have to totally eliminate so-called “bad” fat, such as saturated and trans fats, from your diet; the key is to minimize. Once you do that, it’s time to recognize the fats that are beneficial to your health.

The good news of certain fats being healthy has been pretty well propagated in recent years. But, many people still don’t know it. Or, if you do know, you may not know which name they go by and where you can find them. Here’s the 4-1-1 on healthy fats:

Monounsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated fats have an amazing trait: they have the selective power of lowering LDL “bad” cholesterol, while increasing HDL “good” cholesterol. So, where do you get these wonder fats? Nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds and pistachios are all good sources of monounsaturated fats. Other sources include avocado, canola oil, and olive oil. Monounsaturated fats have also been found to help with losing weight. (more…)

5 Healthy Habits to Start on Spring Break

“Nothing changes until you do.” This is probably one of my favorite sayings. If you have ever complained about not eating healthy enough, working too much, not having enough time for exercise, or not taking care of yourself the way you should then you have probably spent some time wishing things could change. Here are five ideas to help get you started and make more productive use of your spring break.

1. Take time to plan. Without a plan, you’re stuck with good intentions that you can’t execute. If you have extra time over spring break, do some personal reflection and goal setting. Think about one behavior at a time. What would you like to change about nutrition? Write it down. Continue this until you have a list of changes that have been on your mind. Which few do you believe are the most important behaviors to change and easiest to change? Start there. Be consistent. Don’t think about how far you have to go, think about what you will do today to work on that change. Here are a couple examples: I will eat two whole fruits a day. I will not snack in front of the TV or computer. (more…)

Create Healthy Habits for Kids with Ziporah Janowski of Camp Shane

Camp Shane is the world’s longest running weight-loss camp for children. In business for more than 40 years, Camp Shane provides a friendly and supportive environment that helps campers learn to eat healthfully and have fun doing it. “As someone who has seen thousands of parents struggle with how to continue their child’s weight loss at home, I’ve learned that cooking and eating with your kids at home is one of the simplest and most effective weight loss tools that parents can adopt,” said Ziporah Janowski, co-owner of Camp Shane.

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to ask Ziporah a few questions about healthy habits to instill in our children. Read below for her answers, and check out the amazing smoothie recipes she’s shared with us – Banilla Shake, Blueberry-Orange Whirl, and my favorite, Very Berry Smoothie.  All are less than 175 calories and will help your kids achieve the recommended servings of fruit every day.

What do parents need to know about the basic nutrition needs of children? (i.e. RDA fruits/vegetables) (more…)

Thinking of Acai for Weight Loss? Think Again.

So when acai was making the rounds as a super fruit, I needed to find out more. As it turns out, yep, it’s a berry! It is different from some of the other wonderful berries like raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and strawberries because it does not have natural sugars and it is higher in omega-9 fat (which unlike omega-3, it is not essential). As a result, pure acai berry (if you are in Brazil) or the pulp (if you’re at a store that sells it) tastes like dirt. In order to use it, you need to add sugar. So, sure, try the berry if you want, but mix it with other fruits that naturally contain sugar. If your acai is sweet, read the label… I bet there is added sugar. (more…)

Tune In: Circus of Weight on The Tyra Show

UPDATE [5/2/11]: This episode of Tyra will air again on Monday, May 2.

Tune in this Wednesday, March 10 to The Tyra Show when she features her own Circus of Weight.

No. It’s not some new diet, but rather the Circus of Weight is a social experiment that uncovers the stories behind weight stereotypes.

From being called too fat, too skinny or too muscular, Tyra’s stage is filled with a panel of men and women that come in all shapes and sizes.

In an open discussion, they share their stories of body discrimination and also share their desires and fears for why they look as they do. (more…)