Diet and Nutrition

The Biggest Loser New Year’s Detox

When we first heard that Biggest Loser cast and alumni were following a detox for the new year, we kind of shook our heads. Biggest Loser has such a balanced approach to eating and fitness that we thought this just goes against what they stand for. Then we did our homework! This is actually a detox a lot of us should probably do to start the new year in a healthy way.ali sweeney

Starting today, Monday, January 4, several members of the Biggest Loser family are starting this detox plan, including Ali Sweeney, Heba Salama and Hollie Self, among others.

How does it work? They’re giving up the following for one week:

  • No alcohol
  • No dairy
  • No meat
  • No sugar
  • No preservatives
  • No caffeine (more…)

Taco Bell’s Drive-Thru Diet

It’s one thing when a restaurant like Subway comes out with a “diet plan” (thanks to customer Jared Fogle) when the stores are stocked with fresh vegetables, whole grain breads and lean meats. It’s quite another when fast-food giant Taco Bell announces their own version. drive thru diet

At the entrance of 2025, just as everyone was scrambling to make their weight loss resolutions, Taco Bell announced its new Drive-Thru Diet, based on its Fresco menu.

The “star” of the new Drive-Thru Diet is Christine, a woman who lost 54 pounds in two years by reducing her calorie intake by 500 calories a day, as well as her fat intake. Her very brief story from the Taco Bell Web site leaves much to be desired, being nothing more than a paragraph echoing the copy from full-page magazine ads. She reduced her calories and one vice she didn’t want to give up was fast-food, so she started ordering from Taco Bell’s Fresco menu instead of the traditional menu. (more…)

The Healthiest Diets for Women

Happy Black woman holding scaleWomen lose weight differently than men. At least, that’s the way it often appears. Men can just decide to cut out dessert and drop a pants size in a week, and yet, women can work out and eat as cleanly as possible, but look at a dessert and gain five pounds. It’s just not fair, is it? Why is this, and how can women stack the odds to be a bit more in their favor?

The reality is that, as a whole, men are larger and have more muscle than women, thanks to testosterone. Men are genetically designed to have a higher percentage of muscle and less fat, which works in favor of keeping them fit and allowing them to eat more calories. Several popular diet plans have taken these principals into account and have created programs specially designed for women. Here are some of the best diets for women:

weight watchersWeight Watchers

This program helps members by introducing healthier choices and physical activity into their lives. Weight Watchers was made popular by its POINTS system, which helps members learn how to have the foods they love and still lose weight. With in-person meetings, online support and even the new iPhone app, Weight Watchers is always there for support and guidance. (more…)

Delegation Can Support Weight Loss

family cookingIf you have any shame about your weight or fear of not completing your weight loss goals, you may be tempted to not share your journey with those around you. Too often, we try to do everything on our own and not accept the help of those that love us. Maybe it is not because you are embarrassed or afraid to disappoint, perhaps you just do not want to bother someone with your problems. Just like I have to remind myself that I am not Wonder Woman, it is OK to accept and even ask for help.

Recently, I chastised my mother and aunts for taking on too much and trying to prepare the entire Christmas meal by themselves. With a family of 50, that is quite an undertaking, but also unnecessary. I suggested that they each delegate to their children (and grandchildren); however, because they are used to caring for all of us, they were not entirely comfortable asking for help. (more…)

Vitamin Guide from A to Zinc: Vitamin L

mother and daughterAs we move into the new year with many focuses shifting to dieting and calorie counting, I wanted to make sure that you take the time to focus on one very important, often overlooked, area.

Vitamin L is probably not a vitamin you have heard of before. The reason for this is vitamin L is not a vitamin you can get through eating the right foods or from taking capsules. You can’t get vitamin L from the sun’s beautiful rays. Vitamin L stands for “love” and is equally important in our health and well being as the vitamins our bodies need to function. (more…)

20 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make

Happy New Year! Now that 2025 is safely behind us it is time to embrace the newness of 2025. Not only does today mark the start of a new year, but also the start of a new decade. new year 2010

There are many New Year’s Day traditions, including eating a bowl of black eyed peas for luck, watching college bowl games, taking down the holiday decorations, and even resolving to make some grand change in the coming weeks and months.

The bowl games sound like the most appealing, but you’ll no doubt find yourself mulling over a resolution. The thing is, most people make some bold decision to make drastic changes in their lives, and no matter how much commitment to that goal they wind up falling short. It’s not because they aren’t capable, but instead that we just aren’t programmed to accept that much change so quickly. Especially when it comes to our favorite food, cigarette, TV show or other vice. (more…)

101 Diet Tips for the New Year has your bum covered when it comes to having 2025 be the year you meet your health and weight loss goals. So just to make sure you have no excuse not to lose those 10, 20 or 50 pounds, or banish all trans-fats from your diet, here are 101 of our best diet tips to help you finally achieve the health of your dreams.

1. Notice the internal obstacles that keep you from meeting your health goals and work to overcome them. Reach for the Oreos whenever you have a fight with your partner? Work out your emotional stress constructively rather than through food.
2. Investigate what external obstacles are keeping you from achieving your health goals and work around them. Always work late? Get up early to exercise.
3. Add more fiber to your diet and eat your sushi with fiber-packed brown rice rather than plain white.
4. Add slices of fresh cucumber and fresh mint springs to regular water for a clean and refreshing twist on plain old H20.
5. Don’t wait for May to get in shape. Make small health goals all year-round so that you’re always striving to look, be and feel your best, 365 days a year.
6. Use chopped mushrooms in place of ground meat or poultry to save calories, reduce your carbon footprint and give your nutrition a healthy boost.
7. Reduce your environmental impact: Skip the treadmill and hit the trails for your cardio workout.
8. If you don’t already have a strength-training workout routine, commit to one this New Year. If you one already, amp it up and make new muscle-defining goals. Jennifer Aniston’s arms anyone?
9. Side-lined by an injury? Ask your physical therapist about testing out a new low-impact workout like yoga or Pilates to maintain your shape and your mood.
10. Use caution with diet supplements, as many of them have been linked to side effects and potentially dangerous ingredients. (more…)

Decoding Nutrition Facts Labels

What do you look at when you pick up a bag or box of food at the grocery store? Chances are, if you don’t take a look at the nutrition facts label, you may end up buying stuff that’s nutritionally bankrupt.

Watch this video comparing cereal choices and find out what really matters on that label.


Best of 2025 for Diet and Weight Loss

2009As we tick down the final hours of 2025, we’re likely all taking stock of the year before it closes. At, that means looking back over the year in diet and weight loss. We’ve rounded-up a few choice lists that qualify as “best of 2025” and hope they create a final snapshot of what was most popular this year.

Most Popular Diets of 2025

Take a look at the 25 diet and weight loss programs that our community ranked as the top 25, based on page views. Jillian Michaels has three products on the list, Biggest Loser has two, and the number one spot is held by Weight Watchers for the second year in a row. See who else made the list!

View 25 Most Popular Diets of 2009 Slideshow (more…)

The 21-Day Vegan Kickstart Begins January 1

If 2025 marks your year for making a drastic overhaul to your health and diet, then you might want to learn about the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, a three-week challenge that introduces you to the vegan lifestyle.21 day vegan kickstart

Created by Dr. Neal Barnard and The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), this 21-day plan, which officially starts January 1, 2025, provides an opportunity for anyone who is the slightest bit curious about what a diet without any animal products is all about. You’ll get to experience a way of eating that is gaining popularity and respect among health and nutrition professionals.

By signing up for the plan online at the PCRM website, you’ll receive daily emails, meal plans, webcasts from Dr. Barnard and access vegan restaurant guides. In addition, one of the most recognized vegans, actress and activist Alicia Silverstone, will share her vegan diet tips for how to seamlessly and deliciously create meals and snacks that will not only satiate your appetite, but that will also give a boost to your health. (more…)

Interview with Ali Vincent, Author of Believe It, Be It

ali vincentWhen Ali Vincent was in Los Angeles going through the final stages of casting for Biggest Loser season five, she took out a small bell, a gift from a friend, and started shaking it at her mom chanting “Believe It, Be It!” No one could have predicted then that those four words would be the mantra that would carry her to become the first female Biggest Loser and that it would be the title of her first book.

“Believe It, Be It” published last month and provides an intimate look at Ali Vincent’s life – what got her to her starting weight of 234 pounds, what pushed her to follow her dream and win Biggest Loser season five, weighing 122 pounds, and how she lives her life today, still listening to her mantra.

Listen now as I speak with Ali about the book, her lifestyle, and what her advice is for everyone about to start those New Year’s resolutions.
