Diet and Nutrition

People Who Maintain Healthy Weights Don’t Eat Low Carbs

A new study from the University of South Carolina suggests that most people who maintain optimum body weight do not consume a diet low in carbohydrates.sliced bread

A research team led by Dr. A. T. Merchant, an associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of South Carolina, used a 2004-2005 cross-sectional survey of 4,451 Canadians aged 18 years and older. The results indicate higher carbs are associated with normal weights. (more…)

Jessica Simpson’s “Revenge Diet”

It’s been a rough year for Jessica Simpson. If being beautiful, rich and famous is rough. Besides that, she got beat up by the celebrity gossip blogs and even the mainstream press for having experienced phantom weight issues. Then, she gets dumped by her boyfriend, the GQ QB from the Dallas Cowboys, Tony Romo.jessica_simpson1

What’s a rich and beautiful starlet to do? When you get kicked to the curb, you kick back!

There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned break-up to whip you into shape. And in Jessica Simpson’s case, the road isn’t particularly long. According to OK Magazine, Jessica is on a “Revenge Diet.” Not exactly the most psychologically sound concept, but break-ups make us do irrational things. Or, so I’ve heard. (more…)

Jets’ Coach Rex Ryan Follows Extreme Diet to Lose Weight

rex ryan jets

Rex Ryan on left with Jets' Kerry Rhodes. Photo via Flickr user bkrieger02.

It used to be that celebrity women were known for the diets they followed. However, with the recent likes of Rush Limbaugh and his success with Quick Weight Loss Centers, NFL’s Mike Golic on NutriSystem, and now New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan on a quest to lose some of the 340 pounds he has been carrying around, diets for men are becoming more interesting.

Since the NFL is known for its large players – the average NFL player weighs 245 pounds, 25 pounds heavier than their average weight in 1970 – it is no wonder that their coaches’ size is no different. (more…)

Lowly Oatmeal is a Healthy Breakfast Choice

bowl of oatmealOnce upon a time, pounds and pounds ago, before I lost a lot of weight – I ate oatmeal for breakfast. But the oatmeal I ate, I think it’s safe to say, wasn’t exactly of the “healthy” variety. Sure, I ate oatmeal because I thought it was good for me, and the oatmeal itself WAS healthy. It was just so covered in toppings that were not healthy that the bowl of oatmeal was more like a gigantic oatmeal cookie. I added cream, brown sugar, butter – the list went on and on.

Oatmeal itself – the plain variety – is indeed very good for you. A half-cup of oatmeal has five grams of protein, 27 grams of carbs, three grams of fat and only 150 calories. Yes, we all know it’s high in fiber and very low in fat, but it can be a bit on the dull side. With just a few small additions – of the healthy choice rather than the high fat and calorie choices – oatmeal can be a delicious and nutritious breakfast option. (more…)

Antioxidant Quercetin Key to Better Fitness Endurance

Are you having trouble with endurance during your workout? Maybe you aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables. The key is an antioxidant called apple

A new study examined 12 healthy college students who were not regular exercisers. They were given quercetin supplements for seven days. What the researchers found was that the antioxidant appeared to boost exercise endurance, where a separate 7-day period without supplements did not. (more…)

Undereating Equals Undercutting Weight Loss Results

frustrated dieterFor all those who have tried to lose weight, you know that it is a constant battle. Calories in calories out, low-carb, no-carb, Atkins, South Beach Diet, the Biggest Loser Diet, and this list goes on. There are so many choices, and all we want are results. Some go to extreme measures to lose weight, and in affect, are counter productive. One of the biggest mistakes made on any diet program, believe it or not, is undereating. You may be asking yourself how is that possible? If I take in fewer calories than I eat I’ll lose more weight. Wrong idea.

That may work for maybe a week, but eventually your body will go into starvation mode. Your body will hold onto every single morsel you put into your body, you will stop losing weight, and possibly gain weight.
I have made that mistake many times. The best plan is simply to live in balance. Eat a good variety of foods, and count your calories. Now, how many calories should you be eating? (more…)

Dieting Words of Wisdom from Elizabeth Ward, RD

I recently had the incredible opportunity to interview Elizabeth Ward, a registered dietitian and author of Expect the Best: Your Guide to Healthy Eating Before, During and After Pregnancy. She was gracious and knowledgeable and consented to a brief interview during BlogHer ’09, where she shared her tips and hints for living a healthy lifestyle.


Shake Things up to Make Drastic, Healthy Changes

david sedaris when engulfed in flamesDuring session the other day, a client stated that one of the reasons he/she first started counseling was because if you do not do anything differently then nothing will ever change. I am always proud when a client owns such a statement and even more so in this case because I believe this client has never heard that from me, even if it is a foundational belief that I share. I am certainly not the only change professional that holds to this idea and you have probably heard variations of the same theme from several sources. I recently read about an extreme use of this idea in the book When You Are Engulfed by Flames by David Sedaris. David writes that when he wanted to quit smoking, he needed to shake up his schedule and break his routine, so he moved to Japan for a while. (more…)

Designer Coffee Brimming with Calories

coffee cup with coffee beansThe cost of a cup of coffee ain’t what it used to be. But diet-wise, a cup of joe will only cost you about 5 calories. That is, until you start adding flavors to it. Then the calories start racking up.

In fact, some fancy coffee drinks amount to the same caloric intake as an entire meal.

The largest size of Starbucks’ Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino, a limited for summer-time offer, contains a whopping 561 calories. Speaking of whoppers, a flame-broiled Whopper from Burger King isn’t much more at 670 calories. (more…)

Container Gardening Ideal for City Living

tomato plant gardeningI’ve always dreamt of owning a house one day and having a backyard full of vegetables that I could pick from to make dinner each night. I’ve since ended up settling down in Brooklyn with no yard to speak of and felt the dream fade away, or so I thought.

Container gardening has become a growing trend and a great way to grow fresh produce at home that hasn’t traveled over 1,500 miles or been sprayed with all types of pesticides and herbicides. I started small with some herbs, tomato plants and jalapenos. Not feeling quite confident, as I don’t have the greenest thumb, I thought it was a great start I could build off of each year once my first crops were produced.   (more…)

Vitamin D Deficiency Makes Asthma Worse

pouring milkExperts are warning that current recommendations for daily vitamin D intake are “grossly inadequate.”

“National recommendations from the Food and Nutrition Board are 400 to 600 International Units (IU) a day,” says Neil Binkley, MD, an Associate Professor in Geriatrics and Endocrinology at the University of Wisconsin.

The Food and Drug Administration currently recommends between 400 and 600 International Units (IU) a day. Experts are recommending between 1500 to 2600 IU daily. And there’s no concern for overdoing it since it’s safe to take 40,000 IU a day or even a little more. (more…)