Diet and Nutrition

Healthiest Fast Food Restaurants Revealed by New Zagat Survey

zagat surveyFast food always gets a bad wrap for its poor nutrition value and low-quality ingredients. However, there was reprieve for some today as the results of a new Zagat’s survey were revealed. The popular restaurant review service surveyed 6,100 fast food diners to find out their favorites in a number of categories.

The survey revealed best burgers, best milkshakes, best fries, best fried chicken, best value and best service amongst many others. We were really only interested in where the favorite healthy choices could be found.

For the Healthiest Options category, these four restaurants ranked supreme: (more…)

Nutrition that Nurtures: Healthy Eating from the Inside Out

bernie-salazar-and-rebecca-scritchfieldThis guest blog comes from Rebecca Scritchfield, MA, RD, ACSM HFS, a Washington, D.C. based dietitian and weight management expert. Together with Bernie Salazar, at-home winner of The Biggest Loser, she co-created “The Nurture Principles” – Five mantras to help people change their lives and find wellness within.

What sounds better, restrictive dieting or nourishing yourself for lasting health? Think about it. There are so many diets out there based on restriction. People diet to get healthier. It’s no wonder “healthy” has a negative connotation. But dieting and health are not synonymous. Healthy eating is all about taste, pleasure, and satisfaction! If this approach is more your speed, learn how you can nurture yourself and manage your weight at the same time.  (more…)

How The DASH Diet Can Help You

Guest bloggers Garrett Berdan, RD, LD, and Bailey Peterka, dietetic intern, help you make the DASH for good health. The DASH Diet Eating Plan website was created by registered dietitians and nutrition educators at Nutrition Education Services/Oregon Dairy Council.

A new study highlights an additional benefit of the DASH diet to lower risk of heart failure in women.


The study appearing in the May 2025 Archives of Internal Medicine examined the incidence of heart failure in healthy women aged 48 to 83, and found that women whose diet was the most similar to the DASH eating plan experienced a 37%-51% lower rate of heart failure. (more…)

Healthy Summer Kids Series

This week was Healthy Summer Kids week at It’s the first of many new series focused on a specific health topic we’re featuring in the blog. We were thrilled to bring together a group of moms who are committed to keeping their own kids fit and healthy and share their tips and tricks to help you do the same. boy swimming with goggles

While our kids have plenty of opportunity to literally enjoy the lazy days of summer, it’s important to encourage them to stay active and eat as nutritiously as possible. Whether you’re a mom (or dad) whose busy work schedule doesn’t slow just because school’s out, or one who is fresh out of ideas, you’ll appreciate the simplicity, convenience and enthusiasm these healthy moms offer. (more…)

Create Lasting Healthy Habits for Kids This Summer

Valerie is a guest blogger for the special series on Healthy Summer Kids. Valerie is an outdoor loving, flip flop wearing, fit mama with three young children. She is an ACE certified personal trainer and owns her own Stroller Strides franchise in Houston, TX. She feels every day is a chance to have fun and be inspired. You can find great fitness tips, ideas for healthy living, and plenty of mindless mommy banter at her blog Moms Living Fit.

Summertime can be summed up into one word, “fun.” Kids look forward to this time of year every year and welcome the outdoor activities, picnics, and gatherings. Why not take advantage of this summertime enthusiasm and integrate a few good habits to promote health and fitness in your children’s lives?

Get Moving

There is a lot competing for your child’s attention these days, especially on TV. Reduce the “screen time” for your kids and increase their physical activity with daily outdoor playtime. Invite some friends over, get out the soccer balls, and let them run a few laps in the backyard. (more…)

10 Healthy Summer Recipes for Kids

fruit-popsiclesThere are two things that stand between your kids’ health this summer: junk food and vegging out. It’s all too easy to stock the kitchen with potato chip multi-packs, cookies, soda and popsicles to keep their muchies appeased during summer vacation, all while they kick-back in the family room to watch SpongeBob reruns and play video games. This is not ideal for their health or overall fitness.

Instead, follow these moms’ healthy summer tips to keep your kids playing throughout the summer. And when it comes time to feed all those hungry mouths, get them involved! Kids love helping and being a part of what ever is going on, no matter their age. These recipes are kid-friendly, both in that they can lend a hand in the preparation and they’re nutritious eats for their growing bodies. (more…)

Too Much Salt on Restaurant Menus

saltEven the most dedicated health nut likes to go out on the town and grab a bite at a good restaurant. But that’s often fraught with dietary land mines. Every patron is fighting a losing battle with all the salt that restaurants add to their cuisine.

According to the consumer watchdog group the Center for Science in the Public Interest, restaurants are increasing their customers’ chances of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke with all the salt they add to their food.

Among 10 popular chain restaurants examined, about 85 percent of the adult meals have more than the recommended daily sodium intake (which is >2,300 mg). Here are some examples given: (more…)

Fitness Instructor Gains Weight, Addicted to Junk Food

Paul “PJ” James, 32, of Melbourne Australia is a former model and a fitness instructor. Needless to say he’s in peak physical condition. Well, he was in peak physical condition. That’s because James went on a binge-eating experiment to better understand his overweight clients.

Photo: Sky News

Paul James of Australia via Sky News

James went from 175 pounds to 280 pounds. At least that’s what the article on Yahoo says. I had to convert stones to pounds, but the before/after pictures don’t seem to match that drastic of a change.

To gain that weight James ate kebabs, french fries, bacon, and chocolate milk, presumably not all at the same time. He also gave up exercise. (more…)

Consume More Potassium for a Healthy Heart

orange-juiceWhat is Potassium?
It’s an element and an electrolyte.  Your body needs potassium for proper growth and maintenance; it helps keep water balance between cells and body fluids, plays an essential role in response of nerves to stimulation and contraction of muscles.  Potassium is crucial in proper heart function, put simply it triggers your heart to beat and pump blood through your body.  Lower levels of potassium have been linked to increased or high blood pressure. Research has shown that individuals that consume adequate amounts of potassium have a lower risk of having a stroke. Also, there has been no clear link between potassium and lower cholesterol, but cholesterol–lowering diets that contain high amounts of potassium have been shown to be beneficial.  (more…)

Carnival Fun the Healthy Way

fair foodThis weekend was our church spring fest. It was billed as a food extravaganza, showcasing foods from across the world. There was Filipino, Greek, Italian, Hispanic and of course, all the typical festival food you could want. Cotton candy, snow cones, hambugers, hot dogs, pizza, popcorn, pretzels, ice cream cups – the list of food choices went on and on. Did you notice what was missing from that list?  That’s right – anything remotely healthy. When will the carnival vendors even learn, and offer fruit kabobs and a salad cup? (more…)

Study Says Obese Women Should Not Gain Weight During Pregnancy

pregnancy-weightA study conducted in several hospitals examined whether obese women need additional weight gain during pregnancy.  It’s been recommended for years by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that pregnant women of normal weight gain 25-35 pounds, underweight women gain 28-40 pounds, overweight women gain 15-25 pounds, and obese women gain at least 15 pounds. These numbers are based on an individual basis, but those are the basic pregnancy weight gain guidelines to protect and ensure proper fetal development, nutrition, and increase chances of having a healthy pregnancy and delivery.  However, this new study sheds an interesting light on this.

The researchers followed 232 obese pregnant women, in which they were placed into one of two groups.  The control group received conventional prenatal nutritional guidelines to “eat to appetite” while the other half in the second group received a well-balanced, nutritionally monitored program including keeping a daily food diary(more…)