Diet and Nutrition

Biggest Loser 6: Tom Desrochers Sr.

Tom Desrochers Sr. is the father-half of the grey team, with son Tom Desrochers Jr., in Biggest Loser: Families.

Watch Tom’s Finale Interview

Eliminated Week 2: Hear the Interview

tom desrochers sr.

Age 42

Hometown Everett, MA

Occupation Cab Driver

Biggest Loser: Families teammate Tom Desrochers Jr., Son

Team Color Grey

Trainer Jillian Michaels

Starting Weight 314

Final Weight 236

Total Loss -78

Percent Lost 24.84


  • “I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never been to a gym before.” – Week 1


  • Grey team starts as the heaviest team in the house
  • After leaving Biggest Loser, he is no longer taking any of the 9 pills he started with. He has gotten rid of his high blood pressure and diabetes.

Other spellings: tom, thomas, thom, tommy, tim, tomm, derochers, desrocher, deroche, des rochers

Don’t miss any of the news, interviews or recaps from Biggest Loser: Families. Sign-up for the Biggest Loser Updates Newsletter today!

Fitness Friends

A couple of weeks back I wrote a blog entitled “You are who you hangout with“. It spoke about the importance of having people in your life that can both motivate and support you in your quest to get healthy. While on The Biggest Loser I had an amazing partner, Brittany, who I continue to look to for support in maintaining my new found health. Relaying your health goals to the people in your life is important, so identify your “Fitness Friends” to help keep you active and leading the healthy life you desire.

Bernie Salazar and Brittany Aberle – Fitness Friends from Diets in Review on Vimeo.

Alabama’s Fat Tax on the Way

fat bellyThere’s more news to fuel the debate over the government’s role in health issues. Alabama is going to start charging obese state employees $25 a month in 2025. It will be based on people with BMIs (Body Mass Index) over 35.

This may almost sound outlandish to some, until you realize that state employees are getting free health care, and that Alabamans are paying $1.32 billion a year in estimated medical charges. Alabama is the second heaviest state, behind its neighbor Mississippi.

Here’s more on the details of the debate, and feel free to chime in with your own opinions.

Refined, Enriched, Whole-Grain: Understanding What These Words Mean

While you’re in the store doing your grocery shopping, you go down the aisle and notice the words refined, enriched, and whole-grain written on grain products. These words describe the milling and making process of grain products and each term has different nutrition implications.

Let’s break it down.

Grains have three different key parts:

  • Bran- outer protective coating, which is rich in fiber and nutrients
  • Germ- seed that grows into a wheat plant, so it’s especially rich in vitamins and minerals to support new life
  • Endosperm- contains starch and proteins


Quick definitions:

  • Refined- foods lose many nutrients during processing
  • Enriched- products have had some nutrients added back
  • Whole grain- products that are rich in fiber and all nutrients found in the original grain

What makes whole-grain products so nutritious is that they contain much of the bran, germ, and the endosperm.  The difference between white and wheat flour is significant – white bread is wheat bread stripped of all its naturally occurring nutrients.  Whole grains haven’t had the bran and germ removed by milling, making them better sources of fiber.  Whereas refined grains (white rice or flour) contain only the endosperm because they are stripped of the bran and germ.  These items are then enriched by adding vitamins and minerals back after the milling process, but they still don’t have the nutritional value or the fiber that whole grains contain.

It is recommended that at least ½ of the grain products you eat be whole-grain (common range is 3-5 servings).  When purchasing these items, the word whole-grain needs to be listed first or second on the ingredients list.  On the ingredient list, if whole-wheat flour is followed by enriched flour, niacin, and iron then it’s not the healthiest choice.  This is confusing because it is whole wheat, but it is not whole-grain – it came from the wheat plant and it’s all wheat, but not all grain.

*Meaning, whole-wheat options are a good choice, especially over white/enriched grains, but whole-grain products are the best and healthiest option.

whole grain bread

What counts as a serving?

  • a half cup of cooked brown rice, whole-grain pasta, or other cooked whole-grains
  • a cup of 100% whole-grain cold cereal
  • a slice of 100% whole-grain bread
  • a product containing at least 16 grams of whole-grain ingredients

Along with fruits and vegetables, whole-grain products provide disease-fighting fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals as well as B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, and iron.  Whole-grains have been proven to reduce the risks of obesity, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart disease.  Also, fiber is great with weight loss and maintenance because a high-fiber diet tends to make a meal more filling so you stay full for a longer amount of time; therefore you eat less and take in fewer calories.

Knee Pain Avoided with Proper Exercise

Knee Pain is a common occurrence and can be controlled if properly taken care of. I am a runner and sometimes have knee pain after a long run.knee pain But that can be taken care of by a good icing for about twenty minutes. For those of you who have real knee pain I have a list of exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles around the knee to help with the pain. I also recommend taking a glucosamine supplement as well. I recommend doing three sets of twenty repetitions at a low weight for rehab purposes.  Due to the fact that every body is different, if any of these exercises bother the knee, please refrain from the exercise.

 Top Exercises To Help Eliminate Knee Pain

Spinach and Iceberg Lettuce Will be Treated with Radiation

Recent approval by the government (FDA) will allow food producers/processors to use radiation for the first time to kill bacteria in spinach and iceberg lettuce.  The radiation process will zap the lettuce to kill off E. coli, salmonella, and other harmful germs to help decrease or eliminate the likelihood of ingesting potentially, life-threatening contaminated food.spinach

Meats, particularly ground beef, have been treated with radiation for years, but food companies and consumers are somewhat weary of how this will affect the quality of the lettuce.  Some feel the texture will be limp and not as crisp, while others think it could zap out its beneficial nutrients.  The government stays firm and believes the quality of the lettuce will not be compromised and all the vitamins and minerals will stay intact.  The FDA’s decision statement agreed stating that “irradiation will not have an adverse effect” on the nutritional makeup of lettuce.

Some consumers are skeptical about using radiation to control outbreaks and feel that something should be done locally, at the farming level, rather than at the processing step.  Some people feel as though there should be tighter regulations for the farmers to follow in order to eliminate contamination issues, stating that “irradiation is not a remedy for unsatisfactory production practices.”  Caroline Smith DeWaal, food safety director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, expressed that there isn’t much concern about the safety of irradiated foods,” but feels as though “there are simpler steps that can be taken.”  Another specialist was quoted saying “irradiation is a costly end-of-the-line technology, which should be accompanied by safer produce handling measures at the farm level.”

You be the judge, how do you feel about this?

Go Behind the Scenes at Biggest Loser with Bernie

How much time do the Biggest Loser contestants actually spend with Jillian and Bob?

Do the contestants receive pay for being on the show?

Do you get to go shopping before you leave campus for new clothes?biggest loser

These are just a few of our burning Biggest Loser questions. What are yours? We want you to tell us your questions, and Bernie is going to take us behind the cameras at Biggest Loser with the answers. Then sign-up for the Biggest Loser Updates newsletter to see the exclusive first look at the answers in the first issue.

Go Behind the Scenes at Biggest Loser from Diets in Review on Vimeo.

Submit your questions by leaving a comment in this blog post.

Keeping a Food Journal for Weight Loss is Beneficial

The idea behind keeping a food journal is making yourself keep track of exactly how many calories you are taking in.  The more detailed you keep this food journal the better.  Being very detailed is noting everything, i.e. instead of writing down sandwich you should write two slices of bread, two slices of turkey, one slice of cheese, ½ tbsp mustard, two slices of tomato, four cucumber slices, and ¼ cup lettuce.

food journalIn this food journal you should write down the food you are eating, what time you’re eating, the exact portion/amount you’re consuming, and the amount of calories and fat you’re taking in.  It also would be a good idea if you noted if you were eating alone or with someone else, the mood you were in or how you are feeling, the total amount of time it takes for you to eat, and if you’re doing something else while eating (watching tv, reading, on computer, etc.).

Studies show that people who stay dedicated and keep track of a detailed food journal lose more weight and actually maintain the pounds lost.  Food journals make you responsible for really observing what you are putting into your body.  Food journals provide you with evidence that cutting calories and choosing healthier foods really do translate into weight loss.

Also, you may find it beneficial if you write yourself a goal to obtain each week after looking back at previous journal entries.  An example could be, you notice that you are only eating two servings of veggies at dinner, so you decide to incorporate at least one more serving of vegetables everyday at lunch.

Keeping a food journal can feel tedious and time consuming, but if you stay dedicated and really put forth the effort to maintain one, you will truly benefit by losing those unwanted pounds and keeping it off!

Keeping your food journal can be as simple as a notebook and pencil, or you can consider using one of the many food journal products available. Check out these reviews to learn more:

Diet Power
Weight by Date
Diet Bug!

Jamaican Sprinters Owe Their Olympic Success to Nature and Nurture

When we think of the country Jamaica, two primary things come to mind: Bob Marley and a certain kind of herb. After this 2025 Olympics, the image of the Jamaican sprinters running at mind-boggling speeds will likely be sandwiched in between these two more traditional images.

Jamaica is proudly home to the two fastest men in the world, 100m champion Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell. And women, Shelly-Ann Fraser, Sherone Simpson and Kerron Stewart are the gold, silver and bronze medallists in the women’s 100m.

Usain Bolt

What is it about this tiny country of only 2.8 million people that makes it able to corner the market on running and produce the world’s fastest sprinters? It’s not steroids. For the past two decades, Jamaica has been scott-free in testing positive for steroids.

Maybe it’s island life.

Take the food, for instance: Jamaican cuisine is known for its “jerking” method of cooking that relies on slow-cooking food with spices like ginger, nutmeg, and allspice. Perhaps it’s the “punch” of the spices that helps these star athletes break world records.

The bottom line is that Jamaican cuisine is healthy: The fish from the Caribbean Sea provides athletes with abundant amounts of lean protein and the tropical fruit, which is loaded with vitamins, fiber and tons of flavor, can satisfy any athletes’ sweet tooth.

Or maybe it’s the system in which these young runners are plucked sometimes well before age five, when their natural speeding abilities catch the eye of scouts. From then on, they are groomed and primed to cultivate their talent and carry on the legacy of former Jamaican sprinters. Whatever it is, these runners have been spectacular to watch in their emblazoned yellow jerseys. Their legs which cycle at a dizzyingly fast pace make it seem as if you’re watching the race while hitting the fast-forward button your television. They are that fast! And they have been that much fun to watch! Here’s another thumbs-up for the adage “size doesn’t matter:” This tiny island, smaller than the state of Connecticut, has blown us all away this past Olympics with its speed and spirit.

Guest Blog: Does Being Healthy Start from the Inside?

Benjamin Delahaye is a writer who has documented his thirty day trial journey of weight loss using the Paul McKenna method. He writes about his daily trials and triumphs on becoming healthier from the inside out.

Dieting and I go way back. I was a child of two overweight parents who have constantly been posting lists of meal plans on the fridge, buying scales to measure their food intake, and weighing themselves every morning. I also remember standing on the school doctor’s scale and hearing my friends laugh out loud at my “figures”. So when I heard Paul McKenna say that with his method, you don’t control your quantities, the type of food you eat and you don’t weigh yourself more than twice a month, I was intrigued… I decided to try the method for 30 days and blog about the experience.paul mckenna

I was 102 kilos (224 lbs). Initially, the freedom given by the Paul McKenna method had a negative effect, and I actually started putting on weight. Even though I wasn’t supposed to go back on the scale for 2 weeks, I panicked one morning as I had difficulties getting into a pair of jeans. I had put on 3 kilos (3.5 lbs. )… in 10 days!

However, I still decided to carry on with the experiment and follow the cues given by my body. I made a conscious decision to refuse eating as a compensation mechanism (but rather only when I’m hungry), I sunk into a state of despair and even felt that I wasn’t able to cope with the most simple challenges. Suddenly, all of my anxieties did not find the comfort of  being numbed with food and it was scary. I faced adversity and questioned everything: “what is the point of loosing weight? What is the point of being healthy? What is the point of life?”

I began to wonder: do I really need to find answers to these questions? And I thought that I was sure of one thing: I want to be happy, and good health would contribute to my happiness. That was a starting point. I began to build ways to cope with life challenges. For example, when I’m bored, how could I occupy my mind ? I started to read books about chess, and play logical games. When a problem is causing me stress, how can I best solve it? If I’m having a meal with somebody and I’m struggling to communicate, how can I find common interests to converse, rather than hide by eating?

After 30 days, the verdict is that I will continue to not diet and follow the Paul McKenna principles. As far as tangible results are concerned, I weigh 99 kilos (218 lbs.) today, so the “net” result of the experience is that I lost 3 kilos in a month. I’ve seen more rapid ways to loose weight, but to me the real result of this experience is the transformation of the mind. I am progressively adopting the mindset of a healthy person. Coincidentally, I am more and more compelled towards eating more fresh, healthy food – and it happens by choice, not by rule.

Guest Blog Series: Look for the following badge on your favorite health sites to see if they have been a featured guest blogger on

Diets in Review - Weight Loss and Health Blog

See other posts in the Guest Blog series. If you would like to apply to be featured as a guest blogger, please contact us.

Guest Blog: Become a Vegetarian in 90 Days or Less

Shelah Davis is a new convert into the vegetarian world, but openly admits to being
deathly afraid of tofu. She loves to share the fun side of her journey into the “Veg” world  on her blog Royally Healthy. She also co-authors at Our Wicked Weighs ,a health blog/support group for all things weight loss and healthy.

You may think that moving toward a vegetarian lifestyle is difficult and often impossible, especially if a nice medium rare steak is a staple in your current diet. As an ex-meat lover, I am here to stand up and tell you that it can be done. Quite often, much easier than you might think.

saladI decided to cut meat from my diet when I began to learn about the chemicals and hormones that reside in meat even after it is processed. You see, I was on a quest for health because there were various cancers and diseases running rampant through my family tree. I knew that if I didn’t make necessary changes to my life, that I would soon become a statistic as well. A vegetarian lifestyle was the answer, at least for me.

To begin my process, I focused on planning. I decided in which order I would shed the flesh from my diet. First on my agenda was red meat. Then pork. Finally, poultry. Since I am a goal oriented person I felt that I needed the targets listed on my calendar…staring at me like a bulls eye. I decided to tackle giving up one thing per month. I thought that even at my worst, I could handle that goal. A goal that would get me to complete veg status in 3 short months. Who woulda thunk it?

I spent some time looking at all of my favorite dishes trying to find ways to make them without meat. What I quickly realized, was that it wasn’t as difficult of a process as I thought it would be. During the first month, I focused only on the red meat in my diet. I replaced all ground beef with ground veggie protein and tried other “meat” items that I found at my local health food store. I simply rebuilt the recipes that I already loved with foods that were healthy for me. I didn’t “give up” anything.

At first, the process was quite a challenge for me. Quite a bit of trial and error. I knew in the end that it would all be worth it. As I progressed, I began losing weight. A lot of weight. That alone helped in the motivation department in the beginning. It wasn’t long before I began to take note of how great I felt. Then those days of feeling great were enough motivation for me to continue on my journey.veggie burger

I would be lying to you if I didn’t tell you that I do still crave meat. I find that my mouth still waters when I drive through a neighborhood and smell steaks on the grill. I don’t know if that will ever stop. I do know that no matter how great those steaks smell, they sure don’t make me feel as good as enjoying a grilled portabella burger makes me feel. I love not feeling lethargic after I eat anymore. I love being able to work with a clear head and not fighting off the dreaded cold viruses each time the seasons change.

The entire process of going from a meat loving woman to a vivacious veg gal took me less than 90 days. It wasn’t difficult. It wasn’t a sacrifice. I have enjoyed the process of getting here, almost as much as I enjoy the great way I feel now that I have arrived. Every day is an adventure for me. It is an adventure in great tasting, healthy food.