Diet and Nutrition

L.A. Closer to Banning New Fast Food Restaurants

More news on the effort to put a moratorium on new fast food restaurants in a section of Los Angeles that already has 400 in a 32-square-mile radius. (See my original post explaining this story.)

A Los Angeles city council planning committee unanimously approved a one-year ban, which could be extended for a another year, on new fast food outlets. The measure will go to the full council for a vote next month. It will be interesting to see if there is any long-term good that will come of this. One key is to replace prospective fast food establishments with healthier options. The plan is to encourage that. How, I’m not thru

I’ve always been amazed that healthy fast food businesses haven’t spread like wildfire in recent years. It seems that given a fast healthy option, people would go for it. Here in Roseville, California there’s a UFood Grill, which has locations in several states across the country.

If you have healthy fast food businesses in your hometown, share them with us- because it just seems like a huge niche waiting to be filled. I don’t know if it just hasn’t been handled by the right business minds, or if the costs of fresh and healthy foods don’t match the dynamics of fast drive-thru service. It seems there has to be a good reason why they haven’t started to flourish.

Guest Blog: Recipe for Tomato, Avocado and Hearts of Palm Salad

We welcome Hillary from ChewOnThat Blog to our guest blog series today. Hillary Marshak is one of the primary writers for Chew on That blog, a blog about recipes, restaurant reviews, disasters in the kitchen and more! She is also the editor for Recipe4Living and loves to share new recipes and learn about different cuisines around the world!

Boy have I got a recipe for you! It’s so easy, simple, beautiful and delicious and it comes all the way from a little town I visited recently called Buenos Aires (ok maybe it’s not so little!). I ordered it for an appetizer and was pleasantly surprised when a heaping plate of freshly cut tomatoes, avocados and hearts of palm was just waiting for me to dig in. I thought to myself ‘how simple’ and decided I’d track down a recipe for the dressing so I can make this work of art at home.

Well, I did just that and realized I couldn’t keep the recipe to myself! I had to share it with my own readers on Chew on That blog, and now I’m here to share it with you! Feel free to use low fat mayonnaise in the dressing or tweak it any way you like. Just make sure to use fresh tomatoes and avocados and you’re on the road to deliciousness.


I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Here is the recipe:

Tomato, Avocado and Hearts of Palm Salad
I had this fresh and delicious salad for the first time in Buenos Aires. I thought it would be too simple but these ingredients turned out to be a wonderful combination!

2 fresh tomatoes, sliced
2 fresh avocados, sliced
8 pieces fresh hearts of palm, chopped diagonally (or 1-2 cans since fresh might be hard to find)
1 C. mayonnaise
1/4 C. ketchup
1 Tbs. white sugar
1 lemon, juiced
1/4 tsp. paprika
1 pinch ground black pepper
olive oil
sun-dried tomatoes for garnish (optional)

In a small bowl, whisk the mayonnaise, ketchup, white sugar, lemon juice, paprika and pepper together.

Slice tomatoes and avocados to desired thickness and arrange around your serving plate. Sprinkle avocado with lemon juice to keep fresh. Chop hearts of palm diagonally and arrange on plate with tomatoes and avocados. Pour dressing into a small serving bowl (for dipping sauce) and drizzle with olive oil. Garnish with sun dried tomaroes if desired, and serve!

Hint: You may make the dressing ahead of time, but I wouldn’t slice the vegetables until just before serving, to keep them fresh.

How to Avoid Empty Calories

A major component to weight lose is cutting the amount of calories you take in and increasing the amount of calories you burn.  empty caloriesWatching portion sizes, eating a well-balanced diet, working out regularly, etc. are all essential to weight loss and weight maintenance.  A tricky thing to watch out for is foods that provide you with empty calories.  Simply put, empty calories are foods that have a high amount of calories and fat, but hold very little nutritional value.  These empty calorie foods lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which as we all know are essential components in our diet.  Empty calories are most commonly found in processed foods, a short list includes:
– Baked goods
– Fried foods
– Refined foods
– Candy
– Soda
– Chips
– Alcoholic beverages
– Juices (those that are not 100% juice)
– Butter and Margarine
– Sauces and Gravies

How do you avoid these empty calories?

Plan ahead.  Know what you will be eating during the course of the day.  Pack your lunch if you will not be home during the day.  This will help you avoid joining the rest of your co-workers going to the local fast food joint.  Pack fruit or cut up veggies for your day time snack, this can help you fight the after-lunch/before dinner hunger and will prevent you from wandering to the vending machines in search of empty calories… I mean a snack.

Avoid fried foods.  Switch your fried chicken for a grilled or baked skinless chicken breast.  Not only will this help to cut calories, but you may even notice you feel better (eating fried foods has a way of sitting heavy in the stomach and making you feel sluggish).

Drink water.  Making this switch from soda to water will help slim down your waist!

Limit your sweets.  Try to avoid eating sugary sweets and baked goods, replace them with fruit.  Most fruits are sweet and all will provide you with vitamins and minerals!

Cut down on sauces and gravies.  These can add some serious calories to your meal.  If you can’t do it cold turkey, put the normal amount of sauce/gravy you would use on the side.  Dip your food into it every other bite.  You’ll be amazed at how much will be left over (which equals fewer calories you consumed).

Speed Bumps in my Weight Loss Journey

Because of my recent success on the “Biggest Loser” I have had many wonderful opportunities to share my story with others. bernie biggest loserIt is my hope that sharing my journey will not only inspire others to lead healthier lives, but realize that anything is possible given a clear goal and hard work.  I have shared my journey with audiences across this great country from Los Angeles to New York.  I am honored that I am able to share my story with so many people, however I am quickly finding that the more I’m on the road the harder it is to maintain a workout and diet routine.

One of the things that I speak about when sharing my story is the importance of taking “ME” time, no matter how busy you find yourself. However, given my hectic schedule and the amount of traveling I have been doing lately, I am quickly finding out that setting aside “ME” time is easier said than done. Yesterday, for example, I found myself at a Children’s Health and Nutrition Expo in Philadelphia and although I managed to eat healthy by packing snacks and ordering smart, I wasn’t able to make it to a gym or go for a run.

At first, I was really disappointed then I realized that feeling guilty about missing a workout was something the “Old Bernie” would have done.  Instead of viewing my missed workout as a failure I am choosing to use it as an opportunity to share with everyone the fact that just like many of you I am still figuring this out as I go, and am in fact experiencing some speed bumps along the way. I’ve come to the conclusion that I alone define “ME” time and that the most important thing is that during these rough patches I take time to reflect on my successes and use them to fuel my journey and not allow the occasional bumps to slow me down.

The Magic Nutrient That Banishes Bloat

I love summer, but one of the things about this sweltering time of year that I really have a hard time with is feeling bloated and heavier when the humidity starts to peak around 80% and upward. My rings don’t fit on my fingers, my ankles feel wider, my belly feels a bit jollier, and the list goes on.

honeydew melonWhether you experience these same feelings of puffiness because of the weather, hormones or from a night of debauchery, there is a natural solution to help you to get rid of that excess water-weight and it’s found right in the foods we eat. The electrolyte potassium is a powerful ally to have around your kitchen when those bloated symptoms start to puff up. Potassium works its magic by counterbalancing sodium, which we all know is a primary culprit in feeling bloated.  Eating foods that are high in potassium has a diuretic effect so you’re able to eliminate that extra water and start feeling more like that svelte you.

Foods that are potassium-rich are in full bloom this time of year and all of these foods offer a host of other nutritious benefits too, in addition to packing a powerful potassium punch. Aim for getting about 3500 to 4000 mg of potassium a day.  But if your feeling bloated last for more than a day or so and it is accompanied by digestive distress, put a call into your doctor just to make sure nothing else is going on.

Slice into some honeydew: Potassium-rich honeydew melon is a surefire way to take the pudge off your bloat.  It is also super high in Vitamin C and contains only 65 calories per one cup. 

Bake a batch of sweet potato fries: Sweet potatoes are another potassium-winner. They are also loaded with Vitamin A: One cup contains 769% of your recommended Vitamin A! Slice up a sweet potato, toss in a tablespoon of olive oil and bake in the oven for about 35 minutes.

avocadoAdd an avocado to your salad: In addition to avocadoes containing those fabulous heart-healthy fats, they are also packed with potassium. Make a salad with fresh spinach, which is another potassium powerhouse, and throw in a few slices of avocado.  Just go easy on the salad dressing since one cup of diced avocado contains 22 grams of fat and about 250 calories.

Peel away a banana: No discussion on potassium would be complete without mentioning the world’s most popular fruit, the banana. One banana contains between 500 to 750 mg of potassium. Slice a banana in your cereal or yogurt or freeze one and then blend it with a few dashes of soymilk for a quick frozen treat.

Using natural foods to cure some of our most uncomfortable maladies is just more proof that eating a diet that is comprised of whole foods will keep us feeling and looking great.

Happy Noshing!

Los Angeles to Ban New Fast Food Restaurants

Last spring I did a piece on the efforts by New York City officials to make restaurant nutrition information more transparent. More specifically, they wanted all nutritional information printed for consumers to see and evaluate their food restaurants

There are many levels to the battle between government and private enterprise on the subject of public health, with most of the headlines coming from the Big Apple. But it’s now spread to the West Coast.

Los Angeles city-council member Jan Perry is spearheading legislation that would ban new fast food restaurants from opening in a 32-square-mile area of the city. According to Perry, the area already has 400 fast food establishments.

Here’s a quick video that explains more on the fight:


You’re finally in that nutrition state-of-mind. You’ve decided you want to eat organic food. healthy chef creationsYou’ve made the decision to eat only organic or free range meat, or wild-caught fish. You’re also tired of feeling like your at-home menu is in a rut. A solution could be to have nutritious, organic meals delivered to you, with a broad variety of tantalizing dishes. That’s what you’ll get from Chef John Procacci’s Healthy Chef Creations.

This meal delivery service is ideal for an individual or family aiming to introduce a healthier variety to their dinner table, or even the individual whose goal is to lose weight.


  • Delivers nationwide
  • Customized meals available
  • Chef is experienced in nutritional cooking
  • Meals are delivered fresh and chilled
  • Vegetarian and Diabetic friendly


  • Surcharge assessed if you do not pay the lump sum price for Enlightened Cuisine Diet

healthy chef creationsFOOD and RECIPE
Chef John Proccaci and his team at Healthy Chef Creations are committed to feeding their clientele wholesome meals they can feel good about eating. You can look forward to three meals a day (plus snacks!) that are free of the preservatives and other junk you probably typically eat. With meals from Healthy Chef Creations, you can expect:

  • All-natural ingredients
  • No preservatives or processed ingredients
  • Only organic fruits and vegetables
  • Meats are all free-range and organic
  • Seafood is caught in the wild
  • No animal by-products
  • Free of antibiotics and other chemicals

Learn more with our detailed review of Healthy Chef Creations.

You can also enjoy a 5% discount when you order using coupon code DIR5.

Guest Blog: Using an Eating Journal

Today is our final guest post with Dr. Wayne Andersen, author of the soon-to-release Habits of Health and medical director for Medifast. He continues to write about obtaining optimal health at his blog. Look for the interview with Dr. Andersen in August, where he’ll share more about his new book.dr. wayne andersen

I would prefer to call the journal a journal of your daily choices, rather than just an eating journal.  It is more of an overall journal.  Habits of Health is about all of your daily choices that affect your health. The day you decide to make a change in your health is the day you can track the differences, and we are going to help you understand your current health.  Your current health is a reflection of all of the daily choices you have made in the past.  The point in keeping a journal is to understand your current reality.

For example, if you have a cheeseburger or a salad for lunch today, it isn’t going to help or hurt you immediately (as in the same day).  But in the long run it will likely hinder your progression toward optimal health.

I believe that there are three key choices we make in our daily lives.  They are:

1)  Your daily choices in what you are eating, or your energy intake
2)  Your daily choices in movement or activity
3)  Your daily choices about sleep

These three things are very key components to reaching optimal health.

When we start recognizing our daily choices and how they affect our health, then we will see what is supporting us and that will allow you to determine which choices you need to make to be healthy. Once you make the choice to do better, the daily choices come easier and you are on your way to reaching optimal health.

What do you think of using a journal of daily choices?  How could it help you?

You can see all of Dr. Andersen’s featured guest posts here at
3 Tips for Reaching a Healthy Weight
The Pros of Portion Controlled Meal Replacements
Optimal Health Defined

Thirsty? Why Water is so Important to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is so important, especially during the summer. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink before you’re thirsty; if you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.drinking water Water is the best source and hopefully should be your primary source to stay hydrated, but other liquids can contribute to your fluid needs. Water is also found in almost all foods. Most fruits and vegetables contain up to 90% water, and many meats and cheeses contain at least 50%. Water plays vital roles in the body, including: protecting and providing cushioning for organs, regulating your body’s temperature, and aiding the digestive system. Below is a list of some common signs and symptoms of dehydration.

Early or mild symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Dry mouth, dry tongue
  • Dry, warm skin
  • Cramping in arms and legs
  • Sleepiness
  • Irritable
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Constipation
  • Reduced amount of urine, urine color is dark yellow

Moderate to severe dehydration symptoms include:

  • Low blood pressure, heart failure
  • Convulsions
  • Fainting
  • Severe muscle contractions
  • Skins loses its firmness, elasticity
  • Bloated stomach
  • Fast, weak pulse

Because water/fluid needs vary depending on diet, activity, environmental temperature, and humidity, establishing a general water recommendation is difficult. General rule to go by is drink 8-12 glasses per day. A good way to help you achieve this goal is to carry a water bottle with you everywhere you go. Also, consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables daily and try to drink before your meals, while you’re still hungry instead of after you’re full. Good luck, stay hydrated, and drink (water) to your health!

Learn more about nutrition and healthy lifestyle from our dietitian, Kinsey. 

Fat, Carbs, or Total Calories: What’s the Key to Losing Weight?

Much research has been conducted to look at the type of diet an individual follows and their associated weight loss. Many people declare that following a low-carb Atkins type diet is the way to lose weight, while others swear it’s by following a low-fat diet. You can get lost sifting your way through these diets to determine which is better and which will result in more weight loss. However, the research suggests that it’s more about the total amount of calories you take in rather than following a low-fat or a low-carb diet that shows weight reductions. Research shows that groups that follow a low-fat diet versus dieters on a low-carb diet ultimately end up losing the same amount of weight. One study showed a group following a low-carb diet had greater weight loss initially, but as the researchers followed-up, the total pounds lost was not maintained (weight regain had occurred). The same results were seen in studies examining a low-fat diet and weight loss. However, dieters who take a more healthy lifestyle approach (overhauling their diet and making healthier food choices) tend to lose weight at a healthy pace and have a much higher success rate of keeping off the weight.

I want to provide you with a simple solution, try incorporating the positives of the low-fat and low-carb diet. I personally believe in nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle rather then following a diet to lose weight. Once you view your diet as a key component to being healthy your thinking shifts from total weight lost towards your health (reducing cholesterol, reducing your risk of cancer and disease, etc.) and consequently eating healthy results in shedding some unwanted pounds.

whole grainsInstead of following a low-carb diet, focus on consuming more complex, whole-grain, whole-wheat carbohydrates. These complex, whole-wheat sources provide you with fiber and bran, both of which help promote satiety (being and feeling comfortably full) versus simple carbohydrates (white bread, white pasta, etc.). Whole-grains, whole-wheat products have been shown to do great things for your health from lower your risk of colon cancer to helping better control your blood sugar.

Following a low-fat diet not only provides tremendous benefits for your heart and overall health, but also helps slim down your waist line. No matter the source of fat, fat provides you with 9 calories per gram versus only 4 calories per gram for protein and carbohydrates. Simply put, if you eat less fat you’ll consume fewer calories without having to eat less food. Fewer Calories = Weight Loss.

Another important thing to remember is calories in and calories out: reduce the total amount of calories you take in and increase the amount of calories you burn during your exercise routine.

Although my approach may not be as fancy as following an exact diet or a rigidly structured meal plan, following a low-fat, whole-wheat diet, while incorporating exercise is essential to having a healthy lifestyle and help you drop a few pounds along the way.

25% of Americans are Obese

According to the CDC in a report published yesterday, the obesity stats in the U.S. just continue to rise. The newest data shows that 25.6% of Americans can be categorized as obese. Obesity is when an individual’s BMI is greater than 30 (derived from your height and weight).
The CDC said that this percentage is probably a little conservative- considering people tend to say they are taller and weigh less than they actually do. The rate at which more people are being classified as obese is quite astonishing. Those numbers are 5.8% since 2000 and 10.3% since 1995.

See this story about which states have the highest and lowest obese populations.