Diet and Nutrition

Jillian vs. Bob vs. Dolvett: How the 3 Biggest Loser Trainers’ Books Compare

On the show, the three trainers on The Biggest Loser join forces to help contestants lose weight. However, off camera Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels and Dolvett Quince have very different approaches for helping the at-home loser achieve better health. The trainers showcase these different weight loss formulas in book form: Bob and Jillian have each written multiple best-selling books  and Dolvett just released his first, “The 3-1-2-1 Diet: Eat and Cheat Your Way to Weight Loss—Up to 10 pounds in 21 Days”.


With three different perspectives from three different, talented celebrity trainers how is a person to choose which book is right for them? Here’s a breakdown of the main ideas from each trainer’s most recent read. Chances are one approach will sound like the best one for you!


Rocco DiSpirito’s New Low-Cal Diet Book Rattles Industry

“Celebrity chef” and “weight loss expert” don’t often go hand in hand, but Rocco DiSpirito, author of the “Now Eat This Diet”, continues to strive to be both. The New York City-based chef, best known for his various television appearances, recently released his tenth book, a diet tome titled “The Pound a Day Diet”.

Rocco Cover Image

According to the release for the brand new book, “The Pound a Day Diet”, is designed to help you lose a pound a day without frustrating plateaus, all while enjoying your favorite foods. On this diet, you never feel hungry or deprived, while always feeling satisfied and fueled with energy. The results are immediate and Rocco shows us how you can transform your body in just days. Be five pounds lighter by Friday!”


Worst Burger of the Year: 3,000 Calorie “The Beast” in Kansas

If you’ve got $20+ to blow, and happen to be in Kansas, fast-food restaurant Spangles has a challenge for you.

Launched on Christmas Eve, the Beast is a limited-time offering by Spangles, though will continue to be sold while customer demand for it exists. The burger itself features six 1/3-pound steak burger patties, 12 slices of American cheese, mustard, ketchup, onion, and pickle.

We asked Mary Hartley, R.D., to break down the Beast nutritionally. While Spangles says the burger has 3,000 calories, she estimates that the number is closer to 3,570. “To put it in perspective, one burger provides almost two days worth of calories, sodium, and calcium; 3.5 days worth of fat, cholesterol and iron; 6 days worth of protein; and 16.5 days worth of saturated fat; but (oops!) no fiber.”


Alyssa Milano: Fat-shaming’s First Victim in 2024

Since 2024, the victims of fat-shaming—people who are told their size had a negative impact on their character and worth—have increasingly fought back. And, they’ve generally come out ahead of their hecklers. Lady Gaga took to Twitter in 2024 and news anchor Jennifer Livingston went on the air; even New Jersey governor Chris Christie got caught in some crossfire about his weight, which eventually stopped when he said the comments were scaring his son.

We’re not even a full week into January, but already it looks like 2024 will only continue the trend of fighting back with bigger and bigger names—in this case Alyssa Milano—responding to insensitive and undeserved criticism.

Alyssa Milano

This story actually starts in 2024: In early December, actress Milano and comedian Jay Mohr attend the same black-tie event. A little Hollywood hobnobbing took place, as happens at these affairs. Then, seemingly unprompted, Mohr used part his next podcast episode to make fun of Milano for “letting herself go” after having a baby.


Food Blogger Spotlight: Once a Month Meals

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the thought of what to feed your brood or found yourself schlepping to the grocery store three times a week because you didn’t have the organizational skills to plan for more than one or two meals in advance, let Kelly Seaton and the staff of Once A Month Meals lend a hand.

The site offers a low cost membership program that provides: Access to serving size customizable recipe cards, freezer directions, organized grocery lists, step by step cooking day instructions, and printable labels. Everything you need to cook a month worth of meals in one day. A video on the site explains the membership process.

Not sure if you want to commit to a membership but still want to peruse a variety of healthy recipes for free? You can do that too. Kelly tells us about a few of her favorite recipes below, but I’m jotting this one down for breakfast next week: Whole Grain Banana Pecan Muffins. Nom-nom!

whole grain banana muffins

More from Kelly at Once a Month Meals –

Why did you start your food blog?  Once A Month Meals started back in 2024 as a way to share information on how freezer cooking can help people get back into the kitchen creating meals they’ll love for better health and to ease their budgets.

How would you describe your approach to eating/health? Once A Month Meals helps you to stay on track toward healthy eating. With seven different menu types, we focus on getting quality and diverse meals into your plan. We like to focus on seasonal ingredients when they are at their peak. Our Paleo and Diet menus help those on more strict eating paths to stay on track and not feel the need to indulge during a time-crunch.

Have you always had an interest in healthy food or did it come later in life? Our writers have always had an interest in food. Over the years, our attention has grown more focused on getting the right foods for our needs. And by healing with food instead of drugs.


Jessica Crow Shed 160 Pounds When She Stopped Being the Victim of Her Story and Became the Author

On the Facebook page, Full Length Mirror, where she chronicles her weight loss journey, Jessica Crow recently posted this: Stop being the victim of your story and start being the hero. After all, you are the author. Jessica knows a little something about self-blame. At one time she weighed just shy of 300 pounds and was very hard on herself because of it. That is until she realized she was worthy, of happiness, true love and good health.

Jessica Crow Before After

More from Jessica in her own words –

Tell me when your weight struggles began: Later in life, triggered by depression and extremely low self-esteem with little to no self-awareness. This had a lot of causes including rejection issues from childhood, not being good enough and finally, a very abusive marriage. I felt worthless, alone and never good enough. In the end, it didn’t matter what the “cause” was that I was blaming it on; I was the one that truly controlled what I did and how I reacted. I gained 100 pounds within a year’s time.

What habits specifically led you to gain weight? Eating junk food like candy bars, ice cream and soda. Not eating very often, but when I did, it was horrible food. I was lazy and depressed and wanted nothing to do with activities that might make me face the reality that I was obese, or worse, show myself in public. It was a vicious cycle that quickly took hold of my life.


Jenny Craig Caters to Your Cravings

Diet giant Jenny Craig built its brand by offering pre-packaged meals with calorie counts low enough to spur weight loss. But if this description brings to mind diet fare that tastes like rabbit food or comes in a teensy-weensy spa-sized serving, think again. Jenny Craig has always been known for tasty, filling food—made for both women and men—and its latest and greatest menu highlights include everything from comfort food favorites to popular restaurant offerings. (Including red velvet cupcakes!) Plus, with the Jenny Craig at Home program you don’t even have to leave the house.

red velvet cupcake

Here are 25 delicious Jenny Craig meals and snacks that will make your diet feel like anything but:

For Breakfast:

  • Blueberry Pancakes and Veggie Sausage
  • Cranberry Almond Cereal
  • Ranchero Breakfast Skillet
  • Cinnamon French Toast
  • Florentine Breakfast Pizzas


6 Things You Need to Know About Curves in 2024

Most people resolve to implement change at the start of the new year and well-known brands may also decide to home in on new goals and practices in January. That’s what we found with Curves, the women-only gym you know and love. Starting fresh in 2024 Curves is updating its offerings in an attempt to make the largest chain of fitness centers for women around the world even better.

curves circuit

So what’s on tap for Curves members in 2024? Here are the top six things you need to know before walking into a Curves this year, whether you’re already a member or considering joining.

The Basics are Still the Same
All this talk of change may have you nervous, but at its core, Curves is still the same gym that many women think of as a trusted friend. The famous circuit is still a 30 minute workout that can be completed by women at all levels of fitness.


Detox in the New Year with a Juice Cleanse

The jury’s still out on the long-term health value of following a juice fast. Sure, a single serving can contain a ton of vitamins and nutrients, but when you eliminate much of the fiber found in a fruit or vegetable you get rid of a lot of the digestion benefits too. However, a brief juice cleanse can act a short-term solution,  mentally and physically allowing you to reset your health habits after, say, an overindulgent holiday season.


Most full-day juice plans contain about 6 juices and a total of 1,200 calories, well below the typical caloric intake of an average adult. Following such a plan for 1 to 3 days may help you lose weigh and reset your tastebuds to crave healthy foods.


Make Dinner and Your Resolution with 17 Day Diet’s General Slim’s Chicken Recipe

We’re kicking off the new year with the same focus as most of you – to improve ourselves in the coming months. Whether that’s weight loss, more energy, or just cooking more healthful food at home, we’re taking on our new year changes one step at a time. And in the case of this General Slim’s chicken stir-fry makeover by 17 Day Diet — one bite and one cycle at a time!

17 day diet general slims chicken

The 17 Day Diet just nabbed a spot in the top five of our annual Most Popular Diets of the Year list, outranking Weight Watchers, Biggest Loser and Diet to Go. Most impressive, it’s been in that top five since its debut three years ago when it was the number one diet of the year! Since that first self-published book from Dr. Mike Moreno, Simon and Schuster have bought the rights and worked with the man known casually as Dr. Mike to produce a series of books including a cookbook and an anti-aging plan. Before the clock struck midnight for 2024, the newest book in the series hit shelves – The 17 Day Diet Breakthrough Edition.

17 day diet breakthrough edition

The best selling weight loss plan offers three new chapters focusing on subjects like whey protein, supplements, and even a fasting day. But the part we love most are the 50 new recipes! Some of your soon-to-be faves include Cream Light Fettucine Alfredo, Elegant Poached Salmon with Dill Sauce, Harvest French Toast, and even Mom’s Apple Pie.

This new stir fry recipe was our favorite from the book, hands down. Not only is it easy – as in so entirely not complicated you have no excuses not to make this! – but it also tastes amazing. (more…)

Make Your Resolutions Stick With Tips from Celeb Trainer Tracy Anderson

Here it is, January 1. It’s the beginning of a brand new year, and the day to start working on your resolutions. But after a holiday season of overindulging, and making the most of ringing in the New Year last night, you probably are less motivated than you’d like to be.

tracy anderson

Finding the motivation to stick with your resolutions can be difficult, but we’re here to help, along with some tips from fitness expert Tracy Anderson, creator of the Tracy Anderson Method.

Anderson’s number-one tip is to stay away from resolutions that are driven by vanity. She told People magazine, “make personal goals based on looking at yourself, recognizing something in your life that is unhealthy that you need to get in check. Look for it within and look to what it is that you really want to accomplish and then how you are going to hold yourself accountable.”
