Diet and Nutrition

Jenny Craig is Reportedly for Sale by Nestle

Nestle is selling its diet business Jenny Craig, and is said to be in talks with a small group of potential buyers. Last week, top executives from the Swiss food company announced they were looking to trim some of its underperforming businesses. According to sources familiar with the matter, Jenny Craig is on that list.

jenny craig


Keep the Tits in Dietitian! The 12 Most Commonly Misspelled Words in Health and Fitness

Early in my career, someone told me that I could spot a missed comma from a mile away. And she’s right! I love long form text and a red pen and fixing all of those little mistakes. Most of my editing these days doesn’t involve ink of any kind, but my job is still necessary. The ironic part is that as I’m writing this post, I’m scared to death I’m going to miss something and be called out for it. Murphy’s Law, I guess.

As the editor of a health and fitness site for almost seven years, I make a lot of the same corrections repeatedly. These repeat offenders make me crazy. I respect spelling and can’t usually find any good excuse for misspelling a word, especially one that is published. Within your own industry though, I can’t think of many excuses for misspelled words that are going to fly.

With that, I share the dirty dozen, 12 of the most commonly misspelled words in health and fitness. Each of these letter combinations gets abused on a frequent basis, and I think it’s time we all agreed to put it to a stop.

common-misspellings-healthClick here to embed this graphic

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The Dos and Don’ts of Gym Etiquette

24 Low-Calorie Snacks Under 200 Calories

Exclusive First Look at the All New 17 Day Diet Breakthrough Edition, Publishing in January 2024

The book that spent more than 75 weeks on the New York Times best sellers list, after debuting at number one, will return this January with an all new approach to help you lose and manage your weight. It’s the 17 Day Diet Breakthrough Edition, updated by author Dr. Mike Moreno, and if history repeats itself, it’s going to be the most talked about, and most followed, diet in 2024.

17 day diet breakthrough edition

Everything that worked for 17 Day dieters in the past can be found in the new release by Simon & Schuster, with updates that will provide even more success for new adopters and loyal success stories. Within the new 17 Day Diet Breakthrough Edition, readers will enjoy 50 new recipes that meet the weight loss plan’s guidelines. As well, they’ll adopt a fasting day, which Dr. Mike suggests can help power-boost your weight loss. (more…)

Food Blogger Spotlight: Jason from Cook Train Eat Race

Lacy Hansen is a fellow contributor at Diets In Review. She’s also a fantastic mama and running fiend who spends her spare time training for marathons and encouraging other runners, especially those newbies who want to quit after the first mile. Recently, she suggested that I contact Jason Bahamundi from, Cook Train Eat Race. The blog is more than a collection of recipes, it’s a site that focuses on helping athletes improve their performance.

Jason from Cook Train Eat Race

We asked Jason to tell us more about his multi-purpose blog and his waffle addiction –

Why did you start your food blog? My blog started out as a training log and I thought at one point: What will I blog about once this race is done? I needed to re-brand it. At that point I spoke with a web developer and out of that conversation came my passion for eating a whole foods diet while training and racing endurance events. One conversation sparked the Cook Train Eat Race brand and that is my blog today.


Mari Farthing Lost 61 Pounds While Battling Metabolic Syndrome

Mari Farthing before afterImagine being told by your doctor that you have a medical disorder that is affecting your health and makes it difficult to lose weight, yet that is the very suggestion he/she gives you to improve your condition. Most of us would feel frustrated, angry and overwhelmed. When Mari Farthing was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance), she felt the same way. Then, she cranked up her iPod, laced up her kicks and hit the track.

She knew losing weight would be tough but not impossible, and now she’s 61 pounds lighter because of her determination.

Mari describes her weight as being a, “lifelong kind of thing” that didn’t really become a problem until adulthood. She started to notice a few more pounds each year, even though she was taking steps to eat healthy and exercise. Before her diagnosis, frustration led to a cycle of yo-yo dieting. After the diagnosis, she felt relief; at least now she could quit feeling like a failure.

“When I learned there was a part of me that was essentially broken, it was powerful, she said. “It answered so many questions for me. It gave me strength. It empowered me. Let me know that I’m enough. Because I didn’t feel like I was.”


Be a Portion Control Pro! 5 Ways to Divide While Conquering Your Meals

By Janis Jibrin, M.S. RD, Lead Nutritionist for

Having trouble getting your portions under control? Here are five tactics to help you rein them in.


Get enough sleep. When you’re sleep-deprived, you’re likely to feel hungrier because your body produces more appetite-spiking hormones and fewer “I’m full” signals. For instance, a German study found that after just four nights of sleeping seven, six, six and finally just four hours, women took in 20 percent more calories than they did after getting eight hours of sleep. For most people, seven to eight hours is ideal.

Don’t wait too long between meals. You know what happens when you do—you become ravenous and devour everything in sight! Make sure to carry a nut and seed bar or another 150- to 200-calorie snack for when you’re stuck in a meeting, on a plane, or in another situation where having a meal isn’t an option. (more…)

“I’m Beautiful The Way I Am” – New NYC Campaign Targets Girls and Body Image

Mayor and proud papa of New York, Micheal Bloomberg, is on another mission to make his beloved city a better place. This time, he’s tackling the tough subject of self-esteem and body image issues, particularly with young girls ages 7-12. NYC may be one of the fashion capitals of the world, but Bloomberg, along with other members of the New York City Girl’s Project, want to spread the message, “I’m Beautiful The Way I Am.”

I'm a Girl

The campaign, conceived in the mayor’s office by deputy press secretary, Samantha Levine, chose to target the 7-12 age bracket citing statistics from several studies on eating disorders. They concluded negative body image was a concern for girls at a very young age. The NYC Girls’ Project website reports “Over 80 percent of 10-year-old girls are afraid of being fat,” and ” by middle school, 40-70 percent of girls are dissatisfied with two or more parts of their body.”

Campaign directors are creating buzz for the movement by using bus and subway ads. Thankfully, the strategy is much different than the hard-edged, in-your-face posters  used to push the oversized soda ban a few years ago. Instead of placards declaring,  Are You Pouring On The Pounds – Don’t Drink Yourself Fat, ads for the NYC Girls’ Project show pictures of smiling happy girls of all races and sizes declaring, ” I’m a girl. I’m funny, playful, daring, strong, curious, smart, brave, healthy, friendly and caring.”


Peyton and LeBron Earn Big Bucks Endorsing Junk Food for Kids

Athletes are paid enormous salaries, and make even more, millions more in fact, in endorsement deals. It’s logical that many of the endorsements are with athlete-friendly brands, like David Beckham for Adidas or the bevy of pro and Olympic athletes who appear in Subway commercials. It makes sense, athletes supporting exercise gear and healthy food choices.

peyton manning


Bloggers Expose Themselves Revealing the Naked Truth of a Healthy Body Image

Throughout the week of October 7-12 there have been quite a few bloggers exposing themselves online. Before your mind wanders to any dark places, let me clarify exactly what exposing means in this case. I’m talking about the Exposed Movement, which was started by a blogger named Mish back in 2024. Mish got the idea for the Exposed Movement after deciding that she was tired of hating the way she looked and wanted to instead celebrate her body and all that it has done for her. She forced herself to see her own body in a different light and focused on its strengths rather than scrutinizing every little imperfection.


What happened next was a revolution of sorts. Men and women started coming out of the woodwork to take part in the Exposed Movement. One by one bloggers began posting photos of themselves at their most vulnerable (which was often in a bikini or underwear) in order to put it all out there. Rather than focusing on their flaws, each blogger wrote about what they love and appreciate about their own body. Here’s a few of the bloggers that took part in the movement in 2024, 2024 and again in 2024.

mizfit exposed

Carla, Miz Fit Online

Prior to taking part in the Exposed Movement in 2024, Carla had a little hesitation about how others would view her body. She feared that many would view her as “already fit” and it may lessen the impact of her appreciation for what her body can do. By exposing herself Carla focused on what she is most thankful for in regards to her body, which includes her eyes, brain, legs and overall health. She learned that if she gives her body the nourishment it wants, it will be good to her in return.

Four years later, Carla is very much the same person but admits that she is older and wiser. By revisiting the movement four years later she was reminded that yes, she wants to be an active mom who stays fit and healthy – but her most important and exposing traits are in her words. (more…)

Fat is Just a Word and it Feels Good to be Sweaty! Insights from Jenny Hutt’s Sirius XM Radio Show

“I’m comfortable with the word fat. I like the word fat. It’s honest,” said Jenny Hutt this morning during her Sirius XM Radio show. I joined her on the air for about 18 minutes wherein we discussed the new F word and why we’ve given it too much power.

“It’s a word. It has as much value or meaning as a person places on it,” I told her, explaining why the word ‘fat’ doesn’t bother me.

LISTEN HERE to our chat and then weigh in on the fat conversation, hear why we love being sweaty, and why we picked the diets we called the best!

Jenny’s been on the air for eight years, one year longer than we’ve been greasing the wheels over here at It was a joy to be invited on the show to talk about what we do here, why we do it, and what’s going on in the industry. (more…)

Trick or Treat with DietsInReview

Sabotage awaits at every corner this time of year. From parties and trick-or-treating, to pumpkin-spiced-this and apple-cobbler-that, it’s enough to send us all in to a frightful state.

This year, say BOO to the junk and enjoy a better-for-you fall season.

Join us for some online trick-or-treating fun! It’s ONE night, ONE hour, SIX giveaways and you’re invited!


WHEN: Thursday, October 10 at 8:00 pm CST

FOLLOW: @DietsInReview , #TOTwithDIR

WHO: Follow our sponsors – @EatWholly, @AngiesKettle, @FunCostumes (more…)