Diet and Nutrition

Rice No More: Nation’s First Celebrity Diet Fad Dies After 70 Sodium-Free Years

After more than 70 years of operation, The Rice Diet Program has officially closed its doors and mothballed its website. Based in Durham, North Carolina, the diet program was the first celebrity endorsed weight loss “miracle,” when stars like Buddy Hackett, Shelley Winters, and Lorne Greene were all singing its praises in the 1940s. But that was a three-quarters of a century ago, and as the diet craze turned hot and became watered down, the Rice Diet simply got overcooked.

Rice Diet

Founded in 1939 by Dr. Walter Kempner—a man known to wield a whip used to spank his patients—the program was affiliated with Duke University and was originally designed to treat people with kidney and heart problems. When overweight patients began to shed the pounds, Kempner saw dollar signs and experienced great success for decades. However, the tenets of the diet were not sustainable.

The Rice Diet was basically a strict starvation diet—about 1,000 calories allowed per day—and guess what you get to eat? Unsalted rice, fruit, vegetables, and cheese and nuts if you make it past the first few weeks. On such a low caloric plan, weight loss is basically guaranteed. But the Rice Diet was no match for more liberal diets that allowed red meat, salt, and dairy, and for the longest time, the only way to partake in the diet was to travel to Durham for a retreat, which insurance rarely covered. (more…)

Special K Rethinks Jeans Shopping With a Smart and Inspirational Marketing Campaign

Recently, a new (to me) commercial for Special K caught my eye. The commercial shows a number of different women entering a department store called “Rethink Your Jeans.” As they browse the racks looking for jeans to try on, they notice that there aren’t any sizes marked on the labels. A woman who works at the store emerges asking if she can measure a female shopper. As she wraps the measuring tape around the shopper’s waist she remarks “you are radiant.” There’s a shot of women’s feet under the doors in the dressing room exclaiming things like “I’m size strong” and “I like that size!”. Another woman adds, “Not seeing the number is so freeing!”

Simple text is shown on a white background reading “Let’s rethink what defines us” while a woman’s voice says, “To feel amazing, I think that’s what makes a woman beautiful.”

special k more than a number

I’ll be honest here. I’m not really a fan of Special K’s products and haven’t purchased any in recent memory. However, I really dig this commercial and its message. It might come off as a little cliche and cheesy but it resonates with me. Apparently the sizes written on clothing labels in certain stores are proportionately smaller than they really are in order to “flatter” the buyers. As someone who will avoid buying jeans one size larger because I don’t want to have to buy that next size up (even if they would be much more comfortable!) I know just how much power that number can hold over our minds. I know that clothes shopping would definitely be a more positive experience if the sizes on the labels were replaced with words like “inspiring” and “strong.” (more…)

Atkins Diet to Resurface with a New Approach to the Same Low Carb Plan

When you hear Atkins, you probably immediately think “low-carb diet.” Most of us recall that name being synonymous with the fad of high-protein diets in the early 2000s. Now, the Atkins brand is resurfacing with a refreshed image and an attempt to break free of its previously held stereotypes.

A recent article in Advertising Age discussed the shifts in power at the diet food company and spoke with the current Chief Marketing Officer, Scott Parker. In addition to offering free online tools and selling Atkins brand foods in the grocery stores, Atkins is working to rework their image. Parker told Advertising Age that the company went off track several years ago and many lost sight of what the plan was really about.


“The diet fundamentally teaches you to eat a balanced menu, it never did tell you to eat nothing but bacon and eggs,” he said. “But that is what word-of-mouth became and people literally were doing their own makeshift diet and they didn’t have a very good experience because they didn’t do it correctly.”

They’ll be working hard to get their name out there, as the report stated Atkins Nutritionals, which did not return comment in time for publication, will be increasing their spending by 50 percent this year. This rebranding will take place as many similar diets have really hit the mainstream and one can assume Atkins wants to get a piece of that consumer pie. (more…)

Michelle Obama Encourages us All to Drink Up!

Three years ago, Michelle Obama announced that her platform as first lady would be ending childhood obesity. She launched the Let’s Move! campaign in 2024 in order to bring together community leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses and parents in an effort to solve the problem of childhood obesity. It is her ambitious goal to solve the epidemic within a generation. We think it’s great that Mrs. Obama has put such an important issue in focus, and that Let’s Move! keeps adapting.


Since Let’s Move! started, Mrs. Obama has asked us to plant gardens, get up a dance and cut calories. She has even called on the U.S. military to set a good, healthy example for the rest of Americans. Her next step in evolving and adding to her quest against childhood obesity is asking people to drink more water. This new initiative, called Drink Up, urges Americans to drink water in the place of other beverages they consume. The first lady even “stole” the TODAY show anchors’ coffee and replaced it with water during an appearance last week.


15 Delicious Reasons You Must Celebrate National Guacamole Day

Monday has never looked better, nor more delicious, than it does when it hosts National Guacamole Day. It’s pretty much one of our favorite foods on everyone’s least favorite day, so things equalize and Monday is pretty manageable from here.

It should be a quintessential part of everyone’s diet because it’s actually a healthy food, as in, seriously good for you.


1. It’s chock full of healthy monounsaturated fats. There’s a whopping 15 grams in just one half of the avocado.

2. It tastes amazing by itself and on everything it touches.

3. Guac is the uber condiment. You can use it to replace fatty options like mayo, sour cream, ranch dressing, and more.

4. There’s no right or wrong way to make it, which we demonstrate in Eva Longoria’s Chunky Guacamole made with lemons, Jillian Michaels’ Guacamole made with cumin, and this version made with Greek yogurt.

5. Say cilantro! Any guacamole worth its coarse salt is loaded with this herb. Not only does it taste so fresh, but it can relieve menstrual cramps, lower blood sugar, and even relieve gas and nausea. (more…)

Food Blogger Spotlight: Chanie from Busy in Brooklyn

Chanie from Busy in BrooklynHave you ever clicked on a food blog for one quick recipe, then an hour later you realize you just went down the rabbit hole of deliciousness? That’s what happened to me with this week’s Food Blogger Spotlight, Chanie from Busy In Brooklyn.

I’ve decided Chanie is the friend we all love to visit because her house is warm and welcoming, she always has a new craft to show us or a delicious recipe she wants us to taste.  While we’re chatting about the latest kerfuffle at the school PTO meeting, she’ll suddenly offer a new time-saving kitchen idea she’s discovered.

I’ve never met her in person but I have a whole scenario going in my head. It borders on stalking. On that note, it’s probably time for Chanie to tell us about Busy In Brooklyn in her own words. . .

Why did you start your food blog?

I had just given birth to my third child and going back to work wasn’t an option for me. I had all this creative energy that I needed to put into something. As a stay at home mom who was trained in web design and loved to write, cook and craft, a blog just made sense. I never imagined it would grow as much as it has.

How would you describe your approach to eating/health?

I believe everything in moderation. I love to cook healthy meals with a focus on seasonal, from scratch ingredients, but as a busy mom that’s not always easy. I have learned to strike a balance somewhere in between. It’s OK to have a cookie every now and then, and it’s also OK to use jarred marinara sauce in a pinch!


Allison Willson Lost 62 Pounds: “Big is Not What I’m Destined To Be.”

Writing the True Weight Loss segment every week gives me the opportunity to share inspiring stories with our DIR readers. Whether it’s the journey of a personal trainer who had to take his own advice, a spunky senior who didn’t let age deter his weight loss goals or a work-at-home medical transcription supervisor who battled a bone tumor, I want people who are struggling with their weight to find someone they can identify with. This week, Allison shares her 62-pound true weight loss story.

Allison Wilson Resize

Allison Willson can tell you exactly when her weight struggles began, right down to her age. ” My struggle began at the age of 6 when I had my tonsils taken out,” she explained. “I was a thin kid, then I had my tonsils out and didn’t eat for two weeks. My mom said I lost 30 pounds. Once I began to eat again, my mom wanted to feed me the foods I wanted so I ate a lot of cheese, pastas and processed foods. This is all I knew, this lifestyle of eating unhealthy.”

Growing up, Allison admits her weight gain continued due to poor eating habits including processed foods, soda, fast food and lack of exercise. In school, she endured name-calling like, “Moo-Cow.” Although family members, including her mother, told her she needed to lose weight, they didn’t necessarily encourage or provide her with the tools she needed to do so, successfully. In her mind, she thought she was simply destined to be overweight saying, “Being big, that’s who I thought I was, just a big girl.” (more…)

Teens with History of Obesity at Higher Risk for Eating Disorders

An alarming new trend has come to light following the release of an article in the October issue of Pediatrics. According to researchers from the Mayo Clinic, teens who have a history of obesity of being overweight are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders as they undergo treatment for their weight problems.

weight loss

The study looked at two cases where teens were brought to their doctors by concerned parents. Though the teens’ symptoms matched those of eating disorders, the doctors were hesitant to diagnose the teens with disordered eating. Instead, both were originally diagnosed with much rarer conditions. The study further states that this may have happened due to the fact that the teens were at healthy Body Mass Indices (BMI).


Swapping Out Sugar Could Help Weight Loss

Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes often get a bad rap, but are they really as bad as they are made out to be? The results of a recent study suggests that maybe they aren’t; good news for all of us with sweet tooths. In the study three sweeteners were used to determine the effects on food intake, satiety, and glucose and insulin levels.


Researchers used sucrose, stevia and aspartame in the study. Stevia, a plant used as a natural sugar substitute, has come into popularity fairly recently in the United States, but has been used for centuries in South and Central America. The US Food and Drug Administration placed stevia on their Generally Recognized as Safe list. Any concern about the safety of stevia consumption comes from the eating and drinking excessive amounts, not from casual use.


Join the #Yeson522 Campaign to See GMOs Labeled!

Last November we stood in solidarity with the state of California as they attempted to be the first U.S. state to mandate the labeling of Genetically Modified foods (GM or GMOs). Despite strong efforts, the opposition managed to win that battle round. We’re in this to win the war, and round two is right around the corner. Washington State has an initiative on their November ballots regarding labeling. Today and this entire week we are all out to make some noise and get the #Yeson522 campaign the attention it deserves.

yes on 522

A refresher for those who may have forgotten: the goal is to get GMOs labeled. To allow citizens of the United States the freedom to know what’s in the food they’re consuming. Companies are still free to use GMOs until their hearts are content, we just want the foods to state their ingredients honestly. After all, over 64 other countries either ban or label GMOs, why are we behind the times? You can infer all you want with that question. Bottom line: we want our foods labeled. If Washington wins this round, we have a great start to win the war.


Hey Katy and Kelly – Don’t Eat Mushrooms for Your Diet, Make Mushrooms Part of Your Diet

Mushrooms are absolutely a part of a healthy diet, but they shouldn’t be the focus of a diet. Any time a diet singles out one food to eat exclusively, or vice versa wants you to entirely eliminate one food or group, it’s a red flag for another fad. And like most diet fads, this one is making the rounds in Hollywood.

Apparently the always fit and fab Katy Perry and hotter than ever Kelly Osbourne are munching on mushrooms to keep those figures red carpet ready. Experts say their new adoption of The M Plan, or Magic Mushroom Diet, isn’t doing anyone any real favors.

katy perry and kelly osbourneimage via

More red flags pop up when you hear that this new mushroom diet will help you lose weight from your biggest problem areas in just 14 days! Now, if it took 14 days for your thighs and midsection to become problem areas, then bite this bait. We’re certain it took longer than that to gain it and we know for sure it will take longer than two weeks to make it right again.

This mushroom diet supposedly works by replacing lunch or dinner with a mushroom-rich entree.

Wait, that’s it? (more…)