Diet and Nutrition

“People with Lactose Intolerance Should Still Eat Dairy,” Says the Dairy Council

Lactose intolerant consumers can still enjoy milk and limited dairy consumption, regardless of what they may have thought in the past. This is the takeaway from the live webinar this afternoon sponsored by the National Dairy Council, hosted by Jennifer Goodrich, senior analyst at the Hartman Group and Robin Plotkin, registered dietician and nutrition communications consultant. The one-hour session discussed lactose intolerance perceptions from the public and ways to bridge the communications gap between patients and health professionals.

The National Dairy Council contends that even with a diagnosis of lactose intolerance, up to 12 grams of lactose may still be comfortably consumed in a day without triggering gastrointestinal distress. Twelve grams doesn’t sound like much, but it’s actually the combined equivalent of one-half cup ice cream, half cup Greek yogurt, half cup cottage cheese, and an ounce of hard cheese.

The confusion surrounding lactose intolerance was the focal point of the discussion. According to a study conducted by the Hartman Group in 2024, consumers were not only self-diagnosing their condition, they were also stymied by milk substitution choices. “Dairy sensitive consumers don’t want to be full time detectives,” explained analyst Jennifer Goodrich. “They want it to work for their stomach, taste good, be relatively low in calories, low cost and have some nutritional benefit.” (more…)

Retrofit Finds That Tech Gadgets Make Weight Loss More Manageable

Weight loss is rarely a walk in the park, and some plans are so complex they can be downright intimidating. The strict dietary limitations and harsh fitness regimens of a new weight loss plan can conjure feelings of anxiety and can cramp the process entirely. A study involving the weight loss company Retrofit has revealed that their state of the art data tracking technology limits stress and confusion while producing positive weight loss results.


Retrofit uses a 3D motion sensor called a Fitbit to track steps, calories burned, and sleep patterns to be analyzed by their team of weight loss experts. Retrofit employs a wi-fi Withings scale that calculates BMI and body-fat percentage. The data can be viewed online via software on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. In a 12-month study, lead by Retrofit, those using the technology lost an average of 19 pounds, while zealous clients who weighed themselves everyday lost an average of 26 pounds.

Retrofit CEO Jeff Hyman claims the program is effective for individuals as well as corporations looking to lower health care costs. “This statistical data proves that in personal wellness, you can manage what you can measure,” said Hyman. “In order for employers to reduce health care costs due to obesity and its related diseases, companies simply must have a weight loss program that seamlessly collects and monitors employee data.” (more…)

Your Dusk-to-Dawn Guide to Weight Loss

By Team Best Life

The simple choices we make day in and day out—such as when to exercise or what time to hit the sack—can have a huge effect on how many calories we burn, and thus, how much weight we lose. Read on to learn how to get the most out of your day.


Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Eating breakfast within an hour of waking will help jump-start your metabolism and sets the stage for a day of healthy eating. Get bonus points by pumping up the protein at your morning meal: Research from the University of Missouri showed that the more protein you consume at breakfast, the fewer cravings for processed foods you’ll have throughout the day. Even better? People who have a protein-packed breakfast (which increases levels of leptin, the hormone that triggers feelings of fullness) eat an average of 200 calories less during the day. (more…)

Gluten-Free Labels Now Standardized for the First Time by the FDA

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just issued the first set of standards regarding the “gluten-free” labels on food products. Up until this point there were no regulations and anyone could essentially slap that label on their product.

gf bread

The new standard states that foods that are less than 20 parts per million of gluten can be considered gluten free. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It is a very common ingredient in many foods on the grocery store shelf. To date, about three million Americans suffer from celiac disease, a disease that causes the digestive system all sorts of issues as it does not process or digest gluten. Gluten-free shopping used to be very difficult and almost done exclusively at specialty stores. That is no longer the case. (more…)

Food Blogger Spotlight: Maria Guadagno from The Bombshell Blueprint

The Bombshell DietLive Life in the Body You Love.” That’s the motto of Maria Guadagno, creator of The Bombshell Blueprint. This is not a, “what foods should I eat to lose weight” blog but rather, “what foods should I eat to give my body the fuel for overall physical and mental health, glowing skin and okay, a trimmer waistline too,” blog.

Packed with vibrant recipes and health tips, Maria, a Certified Health Coach and Natural Food Chef, will give you directions on how to make a delicious dish, then explain why it’s so good for you. Recently, we spoke to the glamorous wellness coach/foodie about the idea behind The Bombshell Blueprint.

Why did you start your food blog? To show people that healthy food should taste better than good, you just have to know how to prepare it! I also wanted to teach people that food does more than just fulfill our hunger, it can actually change the way we look and feel. I often include a benefits section with each recipe outlining what each food does for our skin, health, and energy.


Kwin Peterson Lost 52 Pounds and Started a Bike To Work Campaign

Kwin Peterson is an avid cyclist from Salt Lake City who has ridden over 23,000 miles in the last seven years, most of those logged from his home to the office. Kwin started pedaling to work as a way to lose weight, unfortunately, the calories he was burning on his ride were being offset by poor eating habits. Finally, Kwin pinpointed a key downfall in his weight loss plan that was right in front of him every day. “The fact that I was only losing about a pound a month was a personal scandal,” he said. “It didn’t take much to realize that the free cookies constantly available at my office were a prime culprit.”

Kwin Peterson BeforeAfter

Realizing he needed to balance an exercise strategy with a new diet, Kwin made a plan and set a weight loss goal, “On January 1, 2024, I resolved to drop at least 31 pounds by July 24,” he explained. “Once the decision to give up cookies and stop eating after 7 p.m. was made, the results came rather painlessly. I kept a rough count of my calorie intake each day and tried to hit between 2400 and 2800 calories a day.”

We asked Kwin to share more details about his weight loss journey.


The 5 Best Non-Diet Books for Your Fitness

I’ve read a lot of diet books in my time. I worked at a bookstore in college so I had access to every one of them. I started my own fitness journey with two great books – Body for Life by Bill Phillips and Weight Training for Dummies. Body for Life taught me how to manage portions and eat a more balanced diet. (I was the vegetarian who didn’t eat vegetables and certainly lacked in protein as well.) Weight Training for Dummies taught me how to get off the treadmill and use those mysterious dumbbells.


You don’t have to work at a bookstore to know that there are thousands of diet and fitness books published annually. While each one claims to have THE ANSWER and their way is THE WAY to fitness, they actually all say pretty much the same thing:

  • Eat less (doing this by either cutting out entire food groups or with a specific meal plan/food combinations/nutrient timing).
  • Eat better (give up sugar, wheat, animal products, dairy, processed foods or some combination of these).
  • Exercise (although not always).

I do believe you can learn just about anything from a book, but I have a better use for your book budget and precious reading time when it comes to fitness. The top five books I recommend to my clients are not about nutrition or exercise but they will help you live a fitter life. (more…)

Melissa Joan Hart Reveals 30-Pound Weight Loss in New Nutrisystem Commercial

In the ’90s, Melissa Joan Hart explained how to balance the ups and downs of being a teenager. Now, as Nutrisystem’s newest brand ambassador, she’s ready to share how the meal delivery weight loss system helped her lose 30 pounds. The actor and mother of three is the star of Nutrisystem’s most recent commercials, and discusses how the weight loss system worked for her.


When she assumed her role as brand ambassador, Hart talked about how Nutrisystem had been working for her already.

“The program is really delivering results for me and I look forward to long term success, staying motivated and helping others at the same time.”

She certainly has experienced great success on the program, which she started after the birth of her third son. In a press release, Hart said, “I had heard rave reviews about Nutrisystem. My sister-in-law had great success with it and I decided that I had to try the program out for myself. It’s easy and fits in perfectly with my busy life. I get to eat all the foods I love like pasta, burgers, chocolate and ice cream. Who knew that losing the weight and getting back into shape could taste so good!”


Chipotle is Going GMO-Free Because “People Have the Right to Know What’s in Their Food”

Food costs at a restaurant are the most critical to the business’ bottom line. That’s why many restaurants cut corners and you’ll often find their kitchens piled high with nameless, low-quality ingredients to ensure they can mass produce meals at a value while still turning a profit. That’s not how it works at Chipotle though, where they say it’s “worth it to spend a little bit more.”

We spoke with Chris Arnold, PR director for Chipotle Mexican Grill, who told us Chipotle has some of the highest food costs in the restaurant industry. Even still, they are able to “invest more in quality food and still be very profitable.”

chipotle GMO

Chipotle just became the first American restaurant to work toward clearing its menu of all GMO foods, something that will equally drive food costs while improving quality. The company knows there will be cost implications, exactly how much at this time they can’t say, but it’s not uncharted territory for them. “Making decisions that result in higher food costs is nothing new to us,” said Arnold.

The brand was a supporter of Prop 37 last year, the California bill that aimed to require labeling of GMO ingredients on all foods sold in the U.S. It was then that the brand started to hold itself to the same standard it was asking of others. Arnold explained that their first move was purely disclosure, to let their customers know which foods had GMOs.

“We think people have the right to know what’s in their food,” said Arnold. (more…)

Margie Stubbs Lost 65 Pounds When She Dumped Her Bad Diet

Margie Stubbs just purchased a sports car, started rocking a new sexy short haircut and now she’s sporting the confidence of a woman who has just lost 65 pounds. Although her weight, 230 pounds at its highest, didn’t get in the way of being cast in television shows including Temptation, ABC’s WipeOut and MTV’s The Girls Of Hedsor Hall, she knew it was taxing her health.

TWLS Margie Stubbs BeforeAfter

Like many people who find themselves struggling with extra pounds, Margie knew her diet played a big role, “I was eating out and cooking all the wrong ways. I ate red meat and everything was fried with a lot of hot sauce and sour cream. I was putting it on everything I cooked. I loved ice cream and food was in full control.”

Food was in full control. It even started affecting her health. She started suffering from high blood pressure, and daily migraine headaches left her feeling miserable. Then, even her closet began to suffer. Margie’s clothing choices started getting smaller and smaller. “I couldn’t find any clothes that fit me the way I used to look,” she said. “Also, nothing fit in the closet, I mean nothing fit. It was very depressing.”


In the UK, Mum’s the Word for Males Who Diet

The “cult of celebrity,” social media, and antiquated machismo ideals have men across the pond embarrassed to admit they are dieting. In a study conducted by the UK’s Canadean Custom Solutions (CCS), researchers found that one third of British males were on a diet—nearly 10 million. Out of that large swath, CCS found only 21 percent of the dieting men felt confident buying weight loss products at grocery and health stores. The feeling of shame was bloody-well present in the 18-24 demographic, where 67 percent of young men felt emasculated while dieting.

UK male

Young Brits have good reason to diet—17 percent of them are obese. But the manner in which weight loss products are being branded doesn’t speak to young men. Michael Hughes, Research Manager at CCS, said, “The dieting market is predominantly associated with females because of the way in which products are positioned and the celebrities used to endorse products, brands and dieting regimes.” He claims that if pro athletes were used to market diet products, males would be more likely to purchase them, as that strategy has worked to encourage guys in the UK to get regular health screenings.
