3 Day Diet Review

 What is it? The 3 Day Diet is a short lasting weight loss diet that claims one can lose 10 pounds in a week. It’s essentially a low-calorie diet that consists of three breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. It’s also suggested … Continue reading

Detox Diet Review

What is it?  A Detox Diet is a way to help flush out toxins from the body to improve overall health. There are many versions of this diet, and it often requires people to eat a limited amount of certain foods … Continue reading

Nutrisystem Shake360 Review

 What is it? Shake 360 by Nutrisystem is a meal replacement shake made with probiotics, antioxidants, and 15 vitamins and minerals. It also contains plant based protein and the manufacturers suggest drinking one shake a day for results. Two different flavors are … Continue reading

Instant Knockout Review

What is it? Instant Knockout is a weight loss diet pill made for athletes to help burn fat while still keeping energy high. It’s claimed to have cutting edge fat burning additives that come from pure ingredients. It’s also said to … Continue reading

Almased Shake Review

What is it? Almased is a weight loss meal replacement protein powder made with non-GMO soy to help provide essential amino acids and enzymes. It’s said to be an easy to digest, stimulant free, and clinically studied formula. The claimed … Continue reading

It Works! Review

What is it? It Works! is a line of products for weight loss offered via supplements, wraps, cleansers and a greens drink. The combination of all these is intended to provide well-rounded weight loss benefits. This system provides a cleanser to … Continue reading

Mancore Review

What is it? Mancore is a comprehensive diet pill brand made to boost testosterone, burn fat, retain muscle, and promote testosterone. It’s made exclusively for men who are struggling with low testosterone and obesity. Claimed benefits include more energy, enhanced metabolism, … Continue reading

TLC Diet Review

What is it? TLC Dietis a lifestyle change diet made to improve heart health and has indirect weight loss benefits. It’s not made specifically for people looking to lose weight, but it is intended to maintain an ideal body weight. … Continue reading

Protein World Review

 What is Protein World? Protein World is a weight loss brand offering a fat metabolizer, meal replacement, appetite suppressant, fatty acids, and a cleanser. The diet pill supplements feature stimulant ingredients, fiber, and other common weight loss additives. The company claims that these … Continue reading

Slender Blend Review

 What is it? Slender Blend is a meal replacement shake made with thermogenics intended for keeping a lean physique while toning muscle. It’s said to be a great way to curb appetite, while promoting a healthier overall body. Their shakes … Continue reading

WonderSlim Review

What is it? WonderSlim is a meal replacement shake sold as a high protein, low calorie beverage available in both powdered and ready to drink form. It’s said to be specially formulated to help with weight loss. They currently offer … Continue reading