An Intimate Look at Hot Yoga

Last Saturday, I attended my first hot yoga class. With yoga mat, bath towel and open mind in tow, I entered the 100 degree room without knowing what to expect. But after an hour of sun salutations and warrior poses … Continue reading

Join Biggest Loser on The PALA Fitness Plan

This week starts the eagerly anticipated “Biggest Loser” makeover episode. During this two-part event, the contestants go to the White House. There they reunite with their loved ones, visit with first lady Michelle Obama and take part in the show’s … Continue reading

Is Biking Affecting Your Sexual Health?

One of my favorite workouts is cycling. When I discovered spin class, it became my drug. I loved how challenging it was and that it always left me dripping sweat by the end. Hundreds of calories torched, cardiovascular endurance, toned … Continue reading