Flex Your Habit Muscle in 5 Simple Steps

By Abra Pappa for NutritiousAmerica.com For great abs you do sit-ups and for stronger legs you do lunges, but when you are looking to adapt a habit like consistent healthy eating you snap your fingers and hope everything will change … Continue reading

Foods That Benefit Your Thyroid

By Delia Quigley for Care2.com Located above your windpipe is a small gland that affects virtually every organ system in your body. This includes your brain, heart, intestines, and the quality of your skin. Your thyroid gland and the hormone … Continue reading

5 Moves for a Crunchless Ab Workout

Fitness Magazine’s model Sarah, a trainer in New York City, maintains tight abdominals by running intervals, biking, and swimming regularly. Sarah shares some of her favorite ab workouts with us. The best part is that they don’t require doing those … Continue reading