20 Reasons Bacteria Does a Body Good

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for Care2.com It may come as a surprise to learn that there are many reasons to love bacteria, but after pouring through medical journals, I found that there are at least 20 reasons to love health-supporting … Continue reading

Empty Calories Comic: Killing the Labor Day Buzz

See more Empty Calories right here in the blog each week, or receive one each month when you subscribe to our free newsletter. Learn more about enjoying a healthier Labor Day weekend. Post-Labor Day Detox Plan Labor Day Recipes  

Yoga for Detoxification

Toxins come in many forms from harsh and deadly organisms such as snake venom, to man-made environmental agents like asbestos. While some toxins are fatal, others simply serve to cause mild annoyances like headaches, nausea or irritability. To detox with … Continue reading

Yoga for Traveling

If going on a vacation or traveling for work has one major drawback, it’s getting out of the healthy fitness habits we have worked so hard to maintain while at home. Nothing beats taking a trip to the beach or … Continue reading

Yoga for a Great Night’s Sleep

It’s 2am and all you’ve been doing is rolling from side to side like a rotisserie chicken, making a complete mess of the bed sheets and keeping the cat awake (who doesn’t care because she sleeps all day anyway). You … Continue reading