Tag Archives: amanda arlauskas

Mark Pinhasovich’s Whirlwind Arnold Classic Experience

By Mark Pinhasovich, owner of AMPD Fit Camp and at-home winner for Biggest Loser 10.

What did you guys do this past weekend? Did you take it easy? Did you work out hard? Maybe somewhere in between? You know I always push it to the max, so what did I do and where did I go?! Two words: Arnold Classic!!! That’s right, I was able to make it out for the world famous fitness and bodybuilding show started by the Governator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger!!!

Let me preface this by saying that it is NOT a bunch of “I lift things up and put them down!” type people at this show. There were 48 different sports represented here including such pastimes as fencing and ballroom dancing! There were so many great people there from all walks of life. Estimates put the attendance numbers at over a quarter million people!

As I walked into the hall for the first time, the sheer amount of protein (or more likely the result of that amount of protein) hung in the air like a mist in the jungle. I was there to help out at the Ultimate Flurry Bar booth, which is a ridiculously good tasting high protein/low carb bar. They also had Xtreme Shock, a great Beta-Alanine energy drink, and Protein Ice, a Gatorade-like protein drink. Joining me at the show were Amanda Arlauskas, finalist from season 8 of Biggest Loser, and Coleen Skeabeck from season 6.

The first day went by in a blur. I was not expecting this amount of people! All day we were talking to great people with great stories and took tons of pictures! We were pretty wiped out by the end of day one. What did we get ourselves into? (more…)

Biggest Loser Season 11 Premiere Recap

Season 11 of The Biggest Loser is sure to bring a great bunch of contestants, new inspiring stories, and crazy twists and changes in the game. Brand new to the ranch are 22 contestants, which consists of 11 teams of family members. We meet a former Olympian, Rulon Gardner, a 21-year-old girl who has lost over 100 pounds already and still has a lot more to go, Courtney Crozier, and the biggest contestant ever, Arthur Wornum, weighing in at over 500 pounds and standing only 5’8″. (more…)

Amanda Arlauskas One Year after Biggest Loser

Although she feels exhausted and sore, Amanda Arlauskas says “I feel accomplished” after a week at the Biggest Loser Resort. Just one year after her Biggest Loser season eight finale, in which she was a finalist, Amanda is still making health and wellness a priority.

We had a chance to speak with Amanda during her time at Fitness Ridge, a place she calls tough, fun and challenging. Hear from her what a week is like at this incredible fitness destination in Ivins, Utah, as well as what life is like after “Loser.”


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Finale with Amanda Arlauskas

Tonight was a night of epic weight loss. The contestants of Biggest Loser Season 9 weighed in for the final time on the finale stage. Daris George and Koli Palu waited in suspense for Alison to reveal America’s vote for the third finalist. America chose Daris to join Ashley Johnston and Michael Ventrella in the final three.

The eliminated contestants came out in small groups to reveal themselves and to weigh-in. Sherry Johnston held the lead for the at-home winner for awhile, until Darrell Hough took it from her. It wasn’t until Koli Palu weighed in and lost more than 50 percent of his weight that he then snagged the title of the Biggest Loser Season 9 “At-Home Winner” earning him $100,000.


Biggest Losers Run Marathon – Week 18 Recap

The contestants are back on the ranch for one last week before the finale. The contestants view videos about themselves from their first days on the ranch, and are able to reflect back to see how far they have come. When the tears dried up, it was time to get back to reality and head home. Each contestant goes back to their own home state to a welcome party where they will reveal themselves and weigh-in in front of their family and friends. As they each do this, a surprise video from Alison comes on the screen, and she shares that each of the final four will be running the Biggest Loser Marathon in just one month.


Biggest Loser Recap – Final Four

With only five contestants left, tension on the Biggest Loser Ranch is already at an all-time high. Each contestant is fighting for a spot in the final four. As if the stress from the last week on campus isn’t enough, Alison tells the contestants that instead of the usual yellow line and deliberation, there will be a twist this week.

With no yellow line in existence, this week’s weigh-in will consist of only a singular red line. The player that loses the lowest percentage of weight will be eliminated immediately, leaving the rest of the players a definite spot in the final four.


Lose Weight, Win Money with HealthyWage

What would it be like to not only lose weight, but also win money while doing it? HealthyWage, a weight loss website, is running a contest that will reward you for improving your health. Groups of five can enter the contest as long as you are registered by May 15, 2025.

Each member of the group is required to submit a $20 fee, and then it is time to start shaping up! Whatever team can lose the highest percentage of weight from May 15th through August 15th will win a grand prize of $10,000.


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Episode 16 with Amanda Arlauskas

It’s finally Makeover Week on the Biggest Loser ranch! This is the week that every Biggest Loser contestant wants to make it to. Alison surprises the six remaining contestants with a $1,000 gift card to go shopping wherever they choose to pick out new clothes that can compliment their new bodies. Each contestant goes into a store and tries on clothes they never thought they could fit into, but are now for the first time realizing that all of the hard work was worth it.


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Episode 15 with Amanda Arlauskas

The contestants are about to hit the road yet again! Alison tells them this time they will head to Texas to meet with some of the unhealthiest and unfit Americans. Upon their arrival, they learn that they will participate in a 5k with local residents.

The contestants each head to several different radio stations in order to promote the 5k event, to convince people to come out to the Cotton Bowl and to join in on the start of a healthier lifestyle. Daris George finished the event in a record time of 21 minutes. Inspiration just filled the atmosphere as many locals came out to run and/or walk the event. I know tears filled my eyes as I watched everyone cross the finish line.


Quick Tip: Snack on Dark Chocolate

Chocolate lovers have rejoiced in the repeated studies that show their favorite sweet treat is good for your health. It also happens to be a favorite of the Biggest Loser’s Amanda Arlauskas, and the subject of her latest video tip:

Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Episode 14 with Amanda Arlauskas

Victoria Andrews of The Biggest Loser

With seven contestants left, the game is on more than ever. Alison starts the episode with an all day temptation. She presents a room upstairs that the contestants will have to choose breakfast, lunch, and dinner from. There are healthy and not-so-healthy options. Whoever consumes the most calories all day will win the only vote at elimination this week. For Koli Palu, this is a no-brainer; he will do whatever it takes to keep his cousin safe from elimination. He eats… a lot, and wins.

Dr. Huizenga comes to the ranch to visit with the contestants. He updates them on their current health status, and how far they have come from week one. For a player like Michael Ventrella to really see the changes is eye-opening, and makes it that much more worth it to continue working as hard as possible each week.
